Life and Kitchens and Pipes oh my
Have you ever been just totally sucked into a persons blog and just wished you lived in their house, or something like that? Don’t worry, I don’t see that around these parts. Oh well I like my little house. Some days it can be trying. And some day you get water pipes breaking the day before you have family over (twice, read that, twice) but that’s part of the fun of home ownership right?
One night when the washer started flooding the laundry room (blocked water pipe, not busted) I went walking through the house grumbling about home ownership and I told Tbug NEVER OWN YOUR OWN HOUSE, it sucks! She was like so do I get to live with you the rest of my life? I told her only if you want to live in a box because that’s where I’m moving next. Over dramatic much?!?!
Truthfully when I was around 15 my family went to Ft. Worth, Texas for the AQHYA Worldshow for me to compete and I saw a family living under a bridge. I started crying and saying I never wanted to live under a bridge. To this day I still wonder about that family and whatever happened to them.
That’s kind of one of my fears, not going to lie. And I’m really not sure any of this has to do with the pictures above other than it is of my kitchen. I went on a cleaning spree the other day, just the kitchen, but one room at a time. The next day I tackled our bedroom. Baby steps, right? And by the time I get all the rooms clean it will be time to start all over again, right?
And I may just have eaten that salad and then had a brownie… or two or three… I’ll never tell!
Happy Hump Day because I guess you need to know what day it is in case you live under a rock or in a box or maybe with a pet fox.