As I Promised (dress reveal)

As I promised earlier this week I would reveal what my dress looked like on my wedding day. Please remember these were taken with my cell phone so there was no flash, low lighting, and all that wonderful jazz 🙂 But I wanted to share with you my dress anyway. If you remember they had to almost drag me kicking and screaming to go dress shopping, but in the end I found “The Dress”.

Here is the front
(remember I’d had a long day and this picture doesn’t do it justice!!)

Here’s the back (obviously)

A close up of the front.

And here’s one more of the back.

Hope you guys are having a wonderful day! Don’t miss me to much 🙂 When I come back I’ll be Mrs. P.C. 🙂

Peace, Love & beautiful dresses!!

Fabulous Friday

Ok so I’ve noticed lately that some people do a weekly (they choose the same day every week) post about what they are wearing.  I’ve never been a trend setter and I highly doubt I’m much of a trend follower but I thought I’d take a photo today of what I’m wearing.  I guess I’ll be a blog follower, but I wouldn’t expect this every week because I’ll forget, sorry 🙂  Plus you may only be bored with this one time 🙂

**remember no one paid me to advertise what I’m wearing, boy I’d love if someone wanted to my address is….**

Today is Friday so at work we get to wear jeans!  Yey!!!  The Jeans are Aura by Wrangler.  They are “made by women for women” or so they claim.  I’ve had these jeans forever but I think I paid like $35 for them maybe….
The t-shirt came from Billy Bob‘s in Ft. Worth, Texas, it’s the World’s Largest Honky Tonk 🙂  I couldn’t tell you what I paid for it, I don’t remember, I’m not even sure I bought it, I was there when it was bought but I think someone else paid for it.
The belt, I wish you could see the belt!  It has crosses on it with lots of bling.  I love my belt.  Around here they are going for $80+ depending on the bling.  I got this down at the Ft. Worth Stockyards for $30.
The Belt buckle, I wish you could see better too, I won it showing horses last year.  I was reserved champion in the association and I was in the top 5 or so in the State.  I might have even been higher, I don’t remember.
***Wow do you see a pattern, I don’t remember much apparently….***
The Shoes are Keen Shoes.  I love them!  This particular pair I didn’t buy, my aunt gave to me, but I have an orange pair that I bought.  I’ll tell you, they are expensive!  Well in my book they are, but they are super great.  They are a sandal and a walking shoe in one.  And when they start to smell, throw them in the washer and run with it.  They are also great for canoeing.  That’s why I bought the orange ones.
Man if I got paid for showing what I wore, I would be making money, I promoted a lot of things… LOL.

Oh and don’t mind the messy house… I’m in the process of packing things up… I think my mom would shoot me if she knew that mess showed up 🙂

Peace, Love & Fridays,
Nicole 🙂