Pumpkin Carving #3
Hubby and I were finally able to carve our pumpkins on Friday night. Now Thursday night I started carving on hubby’s, I gutted it so that it would have time to dry up a bit since we were also going to use it for Baby Girl’s photo shoot. Friday night he was able to cut some leg holes for her.
And then baby girl screamed. I wasn’t able to get a smile, but I at least lucked out and got one where she wasn’t screaming. Note to self: warm pumpkin up next time!
Then we went back in the house, put her onesie back on her and she sat in the Bumbo on the table with us while mommy and daddy carved pumpkins.
We chose to use patterns out of a book. Poor Tbug didn’t have that option because we had to buy a new book, we lost the other one :(.
This one cracked me up. It was either a level 3 or 4 and I must admit that the first time I remember carving pumpkins was when I was a senior in high school. I might have with my parents when I was a little kid, I’m not sure. I should ask sometime. But the first time I remember, I was a senior in high school.
Someone decided that they were tired and it was nap time…
Hubby’s is the one on the left, mine is the one on the right.
We’ve tried to keep it a tradition since we’ve been married to carve pumpkins. So how did we do?
Past Pumpkin Carvings: 2014 – Tbug, 2014 – Underwater, 2013 – Family, 2013 – Underwater, 2012 – Family, 2011 – Hubby & me, 2010 – Family,