Repost – Our Story Part II

Repost from June 22, 2010.
Part 1 Here


So 1 year ago today I came to work a walking zombie. I went almost an entire night without sleep. Why you may ask (especially for someone who LOVES sleep…)…? Because damage had been done in a relationship. A relationship I had put 5 1/2 years of my life into. Now that’s a lot of time, I don’t care who you are. A mis-understanding, mis-communication and a lot of gossiping behind my back and what did I get, 5 1/2 years of my life down the drain…


Ok so think about it, I was only 25, one month away from my 26th birthday. That’s not real old but it’s not real young either depending on how you look at it. Now if you are a 50 year old, yeah 25 seems like a young whipper snapper, if you are 10, 25 seems old. It’s just point of view. So keep this in mind!When I graduated high school, I thought my parents were going to have to force me out of the house to go to college. I was so wishy washy on where I wanted to go and at that time I was dating a guy and he was younger so it was difficult. I wound up going an hour from home to college. Far enough away I had to live in the dorms, but close enough I could come home on weekends. That relationship dispersed and I made it through with time but had decided that “Boys Suck” so I wasn’t going to deal with them.

My parents ALWAYS supported my decision in anything I wanted to do and anywhere I wanted to go. At one time I thought I wanted to live in New York City. I grew up on a farm in rural Missouri and I thought it would be something different and fun and exciting. I eventually talked myself out of it but had I gone through with it, they’d have backed me 100%. Then further in college I thought well I’ll go be an Ag. Teacher in Texas. At that time there was a position opened in Ft. Worth, one city I love. I eventually decided against that as well. It really didn’t suit me either. So basically what you can see is I was wishy washy. I still didn’t know what I wanted to do. In fact I’m still not 100% sure… To me, those who don’t dream, they just rot away!


Educated Vote

Okay, so this is an interesting post and one I’ve been wanting to write/post but trying to decide how to actually word it has been a bit tricky. I’m not really sure how many people from Missouri actually read my blog so I’m going to touch on Missouri but also touch on a more broad sense too, so bear with me please.

First off, let me state that I’m not big on discussing politics with people. People can get extremely heated (myself included) so I just avoid that conversation most times, but at the same time, I try to keep myself educated so if I do find myself in that situation I can keep up :). Or else I’ll simply say I’m sorry I don’t have an opinion and move on. So know that I’m not here to tell you how to vote if you happen to be from Missouri! Keep that in mind!

So hi, I’m Nicole and I grew up on a Family Farm. In fact, it’s small time, we have outside jobs to support the farm. Sadly we do not make our living as farmers although I always wanted to be a farmer when I grew up.

Tomorrow August 5th, there is an Amendment that is being presented to Missouri constitution that involves farming regulations. There are signs up all over that say Vote Yes on Amendment 1. But there are a lot of people who are against this also who are saying Vote No on Amendment 1. I’m not here to tell you how to vote, that’s for sure. I have done my research and I know exactly how I’m voting. Ask me, I’ll tell you, but I have done my research and I have reason behind my vote.

Politics are a crazy thing. A politician will “stand” for one thing but if they have someone come in as a monetary supporter that wants them to go the other direction, sadly for the right price they can be bought. Facts are facts.
