Catch that Kick Back
A topic that is pretty hot and heavy right now is Guns and or Gun control.
Growing up my dad had a bebe gun and a couple shot guns that I know of. I shot my first gun when I was 16 at FFA Camp shooting at clay pigeon’s. Let me tell you, I suck! Out of 100 rounds, I broke 2 clay pigeon’s but, that was also the first time I’d ever shot a gun so I definitely get an A for effort.
I respect guns. Point blank. I’m not going to lie, they even scare me a bit because I know what they are capable of.
I’m not planning on debating gun control issues with you, but I can tell you, just because it could potentially be a law to not own guns someday, doesn’t mean that people will follow it. There are many drugs out there to be had that are illegal. That doesn’t stop a person who is addicted to them and still wants them. So what would make someone think that if they took away guns, the bad people wouldn’t get them? I personally would at least like to know how to use a gun properly in case I ever had to, hoping I never do!
My husband, being a veteran from the United States Army knows the ins and outs of guns. Last weekend some friends of ours are working on their permit to carry concealed (they are search and rescue people) and they were shooting targets at another friend’s house and we were invited over.
This was the first time I’d ever shot a hand gun and it intimidated me just a bit. Remember, all I’ve ever shot is a shot gun… Luckily hubby was there to walk me through the process.
The first rule to gun safety – ALWAYS treat the gun as if it were loaded. NEVER point it at a person, rather point it at the ground or down range.
This was my friend A’s revolver. It’s pink, do you see that?
When I turned around from shooting, I noticed I had an audience.
So out of 20 rounds I got 18 on the actual target. My first 10 I got 9 out of 10 on the target. I was told that was an A…. whatever that means :).
You stand at 20 feet from the target. Earl is demonstrating here for all to see.
And then we were ready to battle it off, sister to sister, target to target. Who won?? Guess we’ll never know…
[youtube]And just in case you’re wondering what he’s referring to when he says “Like the lady in Texas” click on the phrase for the link. Snopes proved it false, but it’s still a good story :).
Fun! I like going to the shooting range with my husband. It's such an upper arm workout! I love your audience-I can't believe the shot sounds didn't scare them away.
I am totally with you on respecting guns and appreciating what they are capable of. Wish I at least had some experience handling them so I could at least be prepared when my husband isn't home to protect us. He just has shotguns and rifles for hunting but would love a handgun someday. He wants to take our sons to a shooting range when they are older so they have an appreciation for what a gun can do and so they'll eventually go hunting with him. You look good aiming that gun, girl! 😉
Good to ppractice in case you ever are in a position to use one
I'm a proud gun totin' mama and have a shotgun, rifle, and handgun of my own. Hubby has the same and then some. I grew up hunting and shooting and enjoy it. They are for sure to be respected, not a toy and kids and adults need to be educated in gun handling and safety! Glad you had fun!
Love guns! If there is ever a day when guns are illegal, I will be moving out of the country … not feeling a repeat of Russia. I will always feel safer and sleep better knowing that there are guns in my house.
I'm not a fan of guns but that pink one is adorable. I've only shot BB guns and a shotgun but it was so long ago growing up on my farm that I doubt I could ever do it again. I totally agree with you on your gun control stance.
I would have thought you would have been around guns more. All the guys that I know that have been in the service have a whole arsonel of guns. We always have a few guns but never really go shooting. Chris always takes one when they go up in the hills for protection from animals. I have a shotgun for at the house and then I also have a 357 magnum. I have only shot it a couple of times though because ammo is so dang expensive. I definitely agree with the whole idea that making them illegal is not going to keep bad people from getting them. I don't really understand why assault rifles need to be legal though. Really who “needs” an assault rifle?
Yes!! Taking guns away from good responsible people will not do one bit of good– it will just give the bad people more power.
And how fun that you got to go shooting- I think you got an A too
Wow…such an important topic and one that's heavily debatable on fb these days.
I really want that pink gun. How fun!!!! I've only shot one gun one time in my entire life. Scared the shit out of me too.
look you go girl
You shoot better than I do. Congratulations!
Nice shootin! Is that an old chevy pickup out in the bushes?
Yeah I grew up with guns too. We always had a rifle or shotgun in our truck.
My kids know how to use them. We all respect them.
That being said. Scary shit is being done w/guns. I have no idea what the solution is.
I've never shot a handgun, but want to learn. In college I took marksmanship and orienteering as one of my PE courses. I got an A. I LOVED the class. It was an ROTC course (I wasn't in ROTC) and we shot rifles, but I don't remember which ones – that was “way back when” (over 28 years ago).