2012 Review Extravaganza April – June

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Welcome back to week two of the Review Extravaganza.  If you participated last week, you’re well on your way to knowing how this goes, if you’re new, by all means you can check out the intro here or my last weeks post here for a bit of a better description!

Make sure you grab the button and link up your April – June reviews!!  And don’t forget to visit my wonderful co-hosts (just click on their names) Emmy-EmmyMom; Lourie-CA Girl; MiMi-Living in France; Mrs. Match-Date Girl Diaries; Janette-Johanson Journey.

There are wonderful prizes to be had!!  And if you missed last week, you can still totally join in (can recap 6 months or just jump right in) and you will still be able to earn tons of points.


*Audrey went missing in March while Tbug was here on Spring Break but we started off April just right!  The night we were celebrating my friend T’s graduation from vision therapy, Audrey came home!!!  I really didn’t believe Earl when she told me Audrey was home.

*I then found out that Pioneer Woman was going to be doing a book signing in Tulsa so hubby and I took off work, jumped in the car and drove down for the signing.  I remembered how to speak – it’s the little things in life we take for granted sometimes….

*Tbug was with us for Easter this year so she and I decorated Easter Eggs and made Egg ornaments for both grandma’s.  We also made Confetti eggs for Sunday Night Dinner.

*With all the eggs left over from Easter, hubby and Tbug made breakfast.

*Tbug got to go to Ft. Worth with us to pick Squirty up and on the way stopped at her favorite Restaurant, JL’s BBQ.

Yes, that is BBQ sauce under her glasses…

*My parents went with us on the Showboat Branson Belle.

*And Flat Aggie came to visit us here in MO all the way from Sunny California.


*We threw my Father-in-law a surprise retirement party and then got to attend his retirement party at work a few days later.

*And we learned that I can indeed get stressed out and when I do, I do funny things…

*Then I decided that I’d just like to be a kid again.  I think I changed my mind the minute the kiddo’s pushed me in the freezing cold swimming pool, clothes and all.

*EmmyMom wrote a guest post for me the week of finals week that has topped out as an all time favorite post in the stats.

*And they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas – well let me tell you, my addiction to Caramel Macchiato‘s didn’t stay there but followed me home!  The Mocha Frappe followed me as well…. Someone lied about what stays there! 🙂

*I found an amazing compilation of recipes from my Grandma that I didn’t now I had.  I cried the whole way through and smiled because I remembered these dishes she made.  She always said she hated to cook but she was a very good cook!

*And I bought my husband a wooden ice cream maker with electric motor and hand crank for $2.85 brand spankin new!

Gosh I love him!


*My husband was issued a challenge by my mother when we first started dating to ride and show cutting horses.  In June, my hubby won his first belt buckle at NCHA Day.

*My dad and my husband decided they were going to buy me a team of goats to pull a cart {to which they still give me crap about 6 months later}

*I wrote my first restaurant review about a place in Duenweg, MO called JohnBoat Cafe’ and I’m not a professional food critic but I can sure tell you this is fun!  Then I got to taste Alligator after that.  It wasn’t bad, tasted like chicken.  So cliche’ but so true :).

*I found out Tbug actually listens to me nag about her hair all the time.

*And the girlfriends (my puppies) celebrated their 2nd and 1st birthdays.  Yes my dogs were born on the same day…

a Rafflecopter giveaway


0 thoughts on “2012 Review Extravaganza April – June

  1. Such a cute kid, even with sauce on her face.

    My daddy used to be a rodeo-er. He gave it up when I was born, but I rode steers when I was a kid until my grandma and mom decided it might screw up my reproductive organs lol.

  2. You know it's been a good snack when you've got BBQ sauce up under your glasses. 😉

    I love your restaurant review posts – I only wish I lived nearer to these places so that I could try them out myself!

  3. Awe- I didn't realize that about my guest post; glad I was able to help bring traffic to your blog. So glad Audrey came home.

    And how fun to meet the Pioneer Woman! I get all nervous around famous people too. Your family looks beautiful in your Easter picture.

    And yea I would so not be happy if I was pushed in clothes and all 🙂 And so cool your hubby was his first buckle!

    Thanks again for all you are doing!

  4. Wow Pioneer Woman!? How cool is that– and how cool is it to be her? Serioulsy, I wish I had people who wanted to meet me! ha! Great pictures and i would have seriously gone POSTAL…. I'm like a cat with water– I can do the pool but only after I've taken 30 minutes to work my way in. hah!

  5. You are so busy! I love the pictures, you look so cute in your Easter dress – I love that picture of you guys. So awesome that you got to meet Pioneer Woman! Definitely envious. Your horses are so pretty 😀 I would love to try cutting one day.. First on my list is reining. If I ever get my ass off of the computer chair and into the saddle ha.

  6. That story about Aubrey got me teary eyed. I would be so lost without my dog. How awesome that she came back!! Don't you wish she talked so you could ask her about her adventures?
    I love goats! I wish we could have them here but we live in the suburbs and they're not allowed.

  7. Becca sent me your way and so glad I read your year end review, I learned a lot. Tbug is so cute and loved the photo with the barbeque sauce, it is the only way to eat barbeque food 🙂

  8. You all sure have fun 🙂

    Love it that your hubby is a “cowboy”.

    Cold shock in the pool! burrr, but oh so much fun.

    Saucey Tbug is so cute.

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