2 1/2 Years Spread the love Making our way down Memory Lane, 1 second, 1 minute, 1 day, 1 week, 1 year at a time. Here’s 2010 & 2009 Related posts:Recap with PhotosYou mean everything to me! Happy Birthday Wife!!Life Turns and Morel Mushroom HuntingHow to Fake being a Stay at Home Mom/Wife Related Posts 3 1/2 YearsI love you now more than I did yesterday201120102009 5 1/2 Years Together!! 4 1/2 Years
Very adorable pictures. Life is so one minute, one day, etc. I am barely hanging on by my fingertips some hours. You two are a strong team. Reply
Love this as not only is it a fun collage but you have at least one picture with your husband every month- I don't know if I do Reply
Very adorable pictures. Life is so one minute, one day, etc. I am barely hanging on by my fingertips some hours. You two are a strong team.
Such a beautiful collage! Life is a journey & you never know what the next day holds!
very nice
Love this as not only is it a fun collage but you have at least one picture with your husband every month- I don't know if I do