Winter Wonderland…. in May…

Last time I checked I lived in Southwest Missouri.  Are we south… some may say yes.  Are we north?  Well some may say yes.  I think we’re more south though than north.  We get hot summers and generally mild winters, yet we still get snow.  But snow in May?  Unheard of!

Earlier this week I was checking the weather and this was the forecast.  We’ve been having some crazy weather, but I think this might take tops….

80’s on Monday.  80’s on Tuesday.  70’s on Wednesday.  Yeah, that seems fairly normal, but 46 for a high on Thursday?!?!  Nope, not normal really.  Lows, eh, maybe, but highs?

Two days later I checked the weather and this is what I saw.


April 7th On The Dot

Riiiiiiinnnnnngggggg… went to the telephone.

In a groggy state, I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what that sound was.  I halfway stirred and rolled over when the phone rang again.


Finally, I woke up enough to realize it was the telephone.

“Honey, phone,” hoping he’d grab the phone since it was on his side of the bed.


“Honey!  Phone.”  As I kicked at his side of the bed only to find thin air.

I pushed myself up to a half-sitting position looking for hubs only to realize he wasn’t there; he went turkey hunting with TB and Pokey.  (Youth Season).


Crap, where’s the phone?  Then the answering machine picked up.  (Yes, we still have a home phone, I know that is kind of unheard of these days…)

Dad, “Baby on the ground.  You better get up and head this direction.”


Newest addition

Ok y’all, I’m a bone head some days I guess.  Last night I came home and got my workout done, then I was helping hubby gather up the trash when the phone rang.  My dad was calling to say that we had a baby on the ground.  woooohoooooooo!

So I ran into the house and changed out of my workout clothes and put on jeans and we jumped in the pickup and headed to my parents house.  While in the house I grabbed hubby’s camera since I liked the lens that was on it vs the one that was on my camera at that moment.  We loaded up the pooches and took off.  Rio looked soooooo cute with the wind blowing her hair going down the road that I tried to take a picture of it.

Darn, no memory card.  #bloggerfail

So I present to you the newest member of the horse clan via my iPhone.

Friday Night Conversations

Did you know that Friday night conversations could end in someone getting pelted in the head with a Mike & Ike.


I might like to mention that I was the one getting pelted, not the one doing the pelting!  Just pointing that out, but it was all in good fun.

So what kind of a conversation might lead to someone getting pelted with a Mike & Ike you may ask…  A conversation that deals with babies.

Are you scratching your head yet?  Ok let me paint you a picture…

My parents are of the frame of mind that if I want a kid, when I’m ready, I’ll have one.  Now other people (lots of other people) seem to think that just after I was married was the time to start asking when was the baby coming.  But I’m not sure I’m ready.  I’ve never felt my biological clock ticking.  Ok so truthfully in one sense, seems all my friends that are my age already have kids, but otherwise, my biological clock isn’t ticking.

I know they say that the older you get, the more chances you have for different things to be wrong with a baby… but still, why have a kid if you aren’t ready?  I’ll be 30 this year and yes, this is freaking me out for a lot of reasons… but even though I will be 30, I don’t feel 30.  Truthfully, I feel about 16-18, you know except when I get up out of bed in the morning and have aches and pains I didn’t have at 16-18 years old.

So Friday night somehow the conversation came up about babies.  They haven’t ever asked me about having kids but when it got brought up they were asking for my top reasons I was scared to have a kid. I  started throwing them all out there.  Yes, some of them are more funny than anything, but still… they are valid points.

Examples but not limited to:

  • I don’t want to have aneurysm
  • The whole peeing when you laugh thing… yuck
  • Lose quality alone time with my sweetheart
  • I want to be able to see my feet
  • I want to paint my toenails
  • Shave my legs
  • I don’t want my kid embarrassed by me
  • I’m broke
  • I’ll have no life
  • I won’t be able to show horses
  • I can’t afford new clothes – all mine currently fit
  • With some women, once a kid comes into their life, the husband just gets totally ignored
  •  I can’t drink
  • I can’t get my hair cut – although that was supposed to be dyed. 
  • I don’t like mom jeans
  • I don’t want my kid back talking me
  • I don’t want my kid hating me
  • I don’t want my kid to think I’m weird
  • I don’t want to bring a kid into a family that has a split family effect (remember I have a step-daughter.  I don’t want either kid feeling left out)
  • I don’t want my kid asking me if she/he has another mom because Tbug has a different mom
  • I don’t want my husband to leave me
  • I don’t want to be replaced
  • If I have a boy, I don’t want him peeing in my coffee
  • I won’t be able to drink coffee for 9 months

And there are so many more because this went on for a little while.

Oh and one of my biggest fears is not being able to have a kid.  That bugs the crap out of me, especially because someone else had a kid with my husband…(before he was mine, but still, he’s MY husband!)

So we started out at dinner and eventually headed to our friend’s house.  We started playing rummy and we were 3-4 hands in, I was still having to come up with reasons and the next thing I knew something pelted me in the head.

Part of the red is still due to the mean ol’ camera.

Turns out, they threw a Mike & Ike at me, it was green, because I wouldn’t answer some question I was asked.  I think getting hit in the head made me forget the question because I couldn’t tell you now what she asked me.  Eventually I was told what the correct answer was because I got threatened to be hit with another one. (just so you know, I was laughing my butt off at the fact they were throwing things at me.)

Hours later and a new bruise (j/k) to go with last week’s camera bruise, I’m still not convinced to have a kid… yet.  They weren’t really trying to convince me to have a kid but rather ease my fears.

And I really don’t drink that often, but I threw it out there, so we shook that if I got pregnant, I wouldn’t be the only sober person for 9 months… lol.

So I must ask, do you deal with any of my concerns?  Are you ready to pelt me with a green Mike & Ike?  Or any other color really?  Any thoughts to share or words of wisdom?

Cuteness Overload

Last year hubby and I made the decision to sell off most of my sheep.  There was one ewe who had a home for life, so we decided to keep her, the ram, and 3 other ewes for a total of 5 sheep.  Well this was a hard summer and the ewe who had a home for life plus 2 other ewes died.  Now if you know anything about sheep, they don’t necessarily need a reason to die.

So that left us with one Ram and one Ewe.  Well the ram did his business and 5 months later out popped these cuties.

When we sold off all the sheep, poor Joe (our Llama) was lost.  Llama’s are real good “watch dogs” for lack of better word.  They keep out critters.  Now, Joe is extremely protective of his sheep, especially when there are lambs involved.  He doesn’t attack our dogs, because he knows them, but he still watches them {the dogs} to make sure they don’t hurt the lambs.

These photos were taken on February 4th, the day the lambs were born.

And while the lambs & momma are chillin with Joe up in the pen, until they get a bit bigger, the ram has apparently decided he’s become a cow.  In fact he goes to butting heads with the cows.  Silly sheep :).  At least he’s running with the cows and not by himself!

Happy Wednesday