Week 10

How far along? 10 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: Still hanging in around +/-7lbs

How big is baby? The size of a Prune.  Now that you’ve reached 10 weeks, you can stop wondering when you’ll start to actually look pregnant.  It’s probably right around now, as your baby continues baby’s rapid growth and your tummy starts to develop some extra curve (of course, you still might be the only one who notices).  Now baby’s about 1.2 inches long and weighs about .14 ounces.  Baby’s body will almost double in the next three weeks.  

  • Baby has working arm joints. and cartilage and bones are forming.
  • Vital organs are fully developed and they’re starting to function
  • Fingernails and hair are starting to appear, too
  • Plus, baby’s swallowing and kicking in there.


Week 8

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

How far along? We know for sure 8 but as of yesterday’s ultrasound, the Dr’s office had me at 8 weeks 5 days (so 6 days today if you do the math)

Total weight gain/loss: Still hanging in around +/-7lbs

How big is baby? The size of Raspberry.  Average size is .63 inches, .04 oz.  Those little arms and little legs are moving like crazy.  We saw that yesterday on the ultrasound.

  • You can’t feel it yet, but the baby’s moving those arms and legs like crazy!
  • Baby’s fingers and toes are now only slightly webbed and tail (yup, baby has one) is gone.
  • Fun fact: Baby’s taste buds are now forming.


Week 6

How far along? Looks like we’re at 6 weeks now.  The ER confirmed its between 5 & 6 weeks last Thursday night so that would make 6 & 7 weeks this week.

Total weight gain/loss: It has been up and down and up and down within the same 7 lbs so far…


Telling the Families

Telling Hubby:
Well, we learned that I the way I told hubby wasn’t the most creative… remember I walked into the living room, and said, look at this with the pregnancy test in my hand.  Yup, that was it.  His reaction was much better.  He had a plate on his lap and one in his hand.  He threw one on the coffee table in front of him and threw the other on the seat next to him, jumped up and wrapped his arms around me.

Telling Tbug:
I was scared to death to tell Tbug.  I was afraid that she would hate me.  So I chickened out and went to take a shower and left hubby to tell her.  (more…)

Week 5

How far along? It looks like 5 weeks…

Total weight gain/loss: Well I had gained 4 lbs previously but I’m back down to just 2 lbs up from the initial weigh-in…

How big is baby? Size of a Sesame Seed. Baby is a week .13 inches – and gearing up for much more growth. In fact, in the next week, baby will almost double in size. Grow baby grow!

  • The embryo doesn’t look like much more than a tadpole right now, but at five weeks, baby is already starting to form major organs (heart, stomach, liver, kidney) and systems (digestive, circulatory, nervous)

Maternity Clothes? I swear I need pants!

Week 4

How far along? It looks like 4 weeks…

Total weight gain/loss: a couple pounds gained.  I’m not sure how y’all lose weight in the beginning.  Maybe I still will, but right now I’m starving all the time.  I don’t eat all the time but I’m sure starving all the time.

How big is baby? Baby is the size of Poppyseeds. At 4 weeks your baby, now known as a blastocyst, is practically microscopic – a teeny ball of cells. Baby is busy settling into new home, prepping for all the crucial development it’ll be doing over the next six weeks.


Week 3

How far along? Looks like 3 weeks…

Total weight gain/loss: a couple pounds gained.  I’m not sure how y’all lose weight in the beginning.  Maybe I still will, but right now I’m starving all the time.  I don’t eat all the time but I’m sure starving all the time.

How big is baby? The size of a Poppy Seed.


Week 1??

How far along? 1 week…?

Total weight gain/loss: Dunno, guess I’ll do an initial weigh-in…

How big is baby? Your baby is still just a glimmer in your eye.

Maternity Clothes? Nope although I felt kind of bloated and wondered why my clothes felt tight.
