Questions :)

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Tezzie at Not Always Picture Perfect tagged me to answer 4 questions.  So here you have it folks… You get the chance to learn more about 🙂  And if you haven’t been to her blog and want to be blown away by fantastic photos… please by all means jump over there and look.  You won’t be disappointed!

1.  What 3 things can always be found in your refrigerator? 

My fridge always has:
1) Cranberry Juice (unless I drank it all which happened Monday night and I didn’t know it until I went to get some last night :()
2) butter… Paula Dean and the Pioneer Woman think you can never have enough butter
3) Garlic… we have fresh and the already chopped up stuff in the jar.

2.  What famous person do you (or other people) think you resemble?

I’ve never actually been told I look like anyone famous.  I was told by an old school teacher I looked like her niece, she in fact brought me a photo of her niece to see and I had to take a double take… but she wasn’t famous… Then my aunt is a school teacher and she sent me a photo of a little 2nd grader that she said looked like me when I was in 2nd grade, but again… Not famous… I dunno do you guys think I look like anyone?  There are famous people I’d love to look like!!!

3.  What are your superpowers?

My superpowers… yeah I haven’t been a mom long enough so I don’t have the mom superpowers yet… you know, when they know EVERYTHING you do and when you do it :)… so therefore I think I don’t have any 🙁  Wow I’m not doing so hot here!

4.  What do you do when no one is watching?

pick my nose… ewwww no just kidding!!! um… I sing, I dance, I make funny faces in the mirror… I dunno… This is taking way to much effort to think. LOL
Ok my turn… pick questions:
1) Do you give inanimate objects names? (ie, we call my dad’s old farm truck, Ole Blue)
2) Do you know how to drive a standard transmission vehicle? How old were you when you learned?
3) If you could re-locate to somewhere else in the world, money isn’t an object, where would you choose and why?
4) What is your dream vehicle?  (Again money is no object) 

Now pick my people to tag:
Lindsay at A Small Town Kind of Life
Stacy at Stacy’s 101 List
Jill at Jill’s World
Stef at Too Much To Do So Little Time


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0 thoughts on “Questions :)

  1. I stocked up on butter last year at a local organic store. No joke, I bought butter on Monday for the 1st time in a year!

  2. Thanks for tagging me – I'll write my answers here because I don't think I could come up with people to tag cuz they have done it:
    1) Do you give inanimate objects names? (ie, we call my dad's old farm truck, Ole Blue)
    ANSWER: well my daughter's name is Madyson but since she was born, we call her Bird or Birdie…that's probably not an inanimate object though!

    2) Do you know how to drive a standard transmission vehicle? How old were you when you learned?
    ANSWER: Nope, I do not know how to drive a standard vehicle although it is on my 101 list!

    3) If you could re-locate to somewhere else in the world, money isn't an object, where would you choose and why?
    ANSWER: Tough one cuz I really have never been anywhere, so I have nothing to compare to…but if it was a permanent re-location, I would stick in Canada – maybe down East somewhere!

    4) What is your dream vehicle? (Again money is no object)
    ANSWER: Right now, my dream vehicle is a Nissan Rogue…I know, nothing special like a lamborgini or something, but I like them!

  3. I don't look like anyone famous either. This makes us both unique and special. 😀 I do have cousin who could be my twin. Except she is older than me.

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