KC Chiefs Recap vs Seattle Seahawks
I sooooo have to do this post just for my friends that are Seattle Seachicken Seahawk Fans :). You will be interested to know there are Seahawk fans in the greater KC area that came to the game so yey :).
I also think that we all have a screw loose for going to this game in 20 degree weather… what were we thinking? Oh wait, we were thinking FUN! (I’m not a cold weather person… lol). You will notice this is the temperature we experienced at 1:35pm… I’m not sure I want to know what it was at 6:30am when we got up. Don’t worry, baby girl stayed home in the warm house with grandma and grandpa! She was the smart one… lol :).
We got up Sunday morning and got dressed. While I was getting dressed I stuck my hand in my pocket because there was a lump and I found one of baby girls socks. ha!
This was a noon game so tailgating started around 8am. Our food for this game was Ham and Potato Soup and Chili. At least it was warm food 🙂
We put a pot of water on the heater to warm water for hot chocolate. It’s Deb’s special mix… btw, she wasn’t with us. She chose to stay home. Probably smart! Hey I couldn’t feel my feet most of the day. We put those hand warmer things that are made for feet on our feet around 10:30am and mine finally started working once we were in the truck headed home around Lamar (which is like 2 hrs from KC or something like that…)
mmmmm Ham and potato soup. (Recipe coming soon!)
I love Nancy’s boots. Aren’t they cute?
The night before Dan and hubby went to Academy and got me this hat. I’m soooooooooooo glad they did because even though my head was cool, it could have been soooooooo much worse!
Tbug got to go to this game with us. We asked her after the game if she was glad she went or if she’d have rather stayed home… she assured us she was glad she got to go.
KC really missed the snow that was predicted but we still had a small amount on our seats anyway. I sat in it, but not with my jeans… nope… we sat in sleeping bags to help with heat. Hubby used blankets and decided that sleeping bags were the way to go. (Tbug and I had the sleeping bags). Yeah you’re standing on the concrete in sleeping bags so don’t use good ones, we got these for $9. But you aren’t constantly having to readjust your blankets around you from all the up and down.
This was the Chiefs Veterans Day game. This flag was friggin awesome! The Marine Corp choir sang the National Anthem. The arrowhead flag was replaced with this one, but that’s okay!
She swears she’s glad she went but she looked like she was ready for -40˚ weather. She said the only thing cold on her was her nose/face and her toes. Not to bad huh?
It apparently snowed back home on Sunday. We drove home with clear roads and hit the snow around Nevada. We got somewhere around 3″.
And the game…. OH goodness the game was an edge of your seat game which really are the best. KC won 24-20 over the Seahawks.