What's Up Wednesday
++Don’t worry, I didn’t say it was Hump day Wednesday… lol 🙂
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWBhP0EQ1lA]Sorry, couldn’t resist…
++I had a dentist appointment today. We need to keep an eye on tooth 30 because there is a lot going on there and someday I could need a crown. Just fyi :).
++So I stopped at Subway on my way to school to grab myself lunch. I know dental cleaning and then carbs but whatever… anyway I know one of the gals that works there. She’s like we haven’t been busy the last month and then boom… It’s crazy today. Then she told me to leave… lol. Ah feel the love. So I got a 6″ Italian BMT on Monterrey Cheddar bread. Yum!
++We sold my laptop this week in order to upgrade me and I feel soooooo lost without it. I’m using a back up that we had at the house and it’s JUST. NOT. THE. SAME. Hubby actually bought this one thinking I’d like/love it and I don’t sadly.
++I love being married to a computer aficionado because he got this laptop I’m on dirt cheap, has less in parts than what it cost and I have a laptop up and running that right around a $1K laptop that we have less than $120 in…
++One reason I don’t care for it is it is smaller and older than my laptop was so it runs slower which drives me nuts! I should quit complaining though, right? Yeah, that’s what I thought.
++So over the weekend I got these cute measuring spoons. I’m soooo for the deals. I paid $5.99 for them. Then this week I went to Pier One Imports and found some similar (granted not exact) for closer to $15.99. YIKES! A seasonal thing…. maybe I’m just cheap but I’m soooo sooooo glad I got these!
++So I was perusing around on facebook the other day wasting time and saw that Lourie had a post that was asking what was on your lock screen. I’d just like to share that this is my lock screen on my phone. This is one of my absolute favorite pictures of hubby and me and I just snapped it with my phone while in an elevator when we went to Las Vegas a couple years ago.
++My teeth are aching from this morning. Just another bit of randomness.
++So it is 39.8 miles from my house to the parking lot at the school. That’s one way. I get a lot of driving time every day don’t you think? Good thing I like my car right? Some days it is extremely boring and other days like today the semi in front of me had something hanging out his back and it was flapping around and was mesmerizing… lol :).
++I really think I woke up to it sleeting against our bedroom door this morning… There is a 60% chance of rain tomorrow and I’ve heard 100% chance tomorrow. Fun fun!
++Semester wrap up… I have a paper due on Friday, I have a paper due on Monday. I have a paper due the Sunday after Thanksgiving. I have 2 papers due on December the 6th plus small assignments sprinkled in the mix. My life sounds like fun no? Anyone want to trade me? I’m not complaining, but really yeah I think I am. Sorry! Btw, I want my big computer back :). lol.
Okay now that I’ve brainwarped you today for on reason whatsoever I guess I’ll leave you alone. Have a wonderful Wednesday and just remember, when we hit noon we’re on the downhill slide of the week! Weeeeeeeee enjoy the ride down!