He's a Mac, I'm a PC {photo storage}
I take a lot of photos. I almost think that might be a bit of an understatement, that’s how many photos I actually take. Truth be told, I don’t even share half of what I take. I couldn’t or I would inundate you with photos.
Before I bought my dSLR and before I took photography classes, I still took a lot of photos, but definitely not nearly as many, so it was fairly easy to keep track of my photos. I run a window’s based system that has a folder in the start button called “Pictures”. How easy is that. I would create a new folder. Give it a name and dump them in, but even before that I would just dump them all into that pictures folder. Toward the beginning of the digital age I didn’t take “that” many photos {but I still took a lot, don’t get me wrong}.
When I started dating hubby, he had a Mac laptop. They have this whole special software system thingy (very technical name) that sorts all your photos for you and does face recognition, etc. Well that was about the same time I started taking gobs of photos. I couldn’t very well put them off on his laptop because that would overload his hard drive.
So this is the system that I’ve created for myself. I know there is software out there for photo storage, but….
I keep the current years photos off on my laptop. January 1-December 31. Once we hit January of the next year I go through and dump them off (in the dead external hard drive, or until it died I did) on the desktop I have for photo storage.
I try to keep the folders on my desk top and the folders on my laptop the same so it makes moving them over/off easy.
{click on photos to make bigger if you’d like}
So it’s on the hard drive of the desktop. In the drive labeled Photos. There I have my big main folders: Down on the Farm, Our Home, Birthday’s, Cheerleading, etc.
Then you click on {example} Down on the farm and they are broken down into sub folders based off topic & date they were taken.
And Viola, you open up a sub folder and here’s all the pictures taken on that date.
Now some folders {ie} Blogging topics are broken down by year.
Then broken down by what happened in that year on a particular date.
Open the folder, and there you have it.
I really have no method as to why some are broken down into sub folders by year and then broken down in to the topic at hand and others are just dumped in by topic at hand.
Sometimes I have photos of the dogs & the horses & people in a Down on the Farm folder, so if I ever wanted to go hunting, I’d have to remember where we were to find the particular item being looked for {ie person, dog, horse, etc}. I know there has to be an easier method out there.
One of the ladies I work with sorts all hers by date. Nothing other than date. I think I would get really confused by that, but at the same time, different things work for different people.
I just wondered how everyone else sorts their pictures so you know where to find things you are looking for?
Easy. I don't know. 😉
But I sort our farm pictures by the date of the trip.
You are way too organized, haha!
But it works for you and that's what is important. 🙂
Have a great day!
Interesting to see how others store their photos. I load mine on to the computer and put them into a folder with the “event” or whatever as a label. ie – New Year's Eve, Luke's Wedding, Kids in March, etc. Then I have folders with the year – 2007, 2008, so on. Once I get my pictures DEVELOPED, I move that event folder into the year it was taken. And I haven't been very good at getting pics developed, so I have a lot of event folders still just sitting there waiting to get dumped into their year! *sigh*
This is how I sort mine:
Random Folders if needed
I have tried to break them down more, but that just doesn't work for me. What if I'm at the farm, and have a picture of all my nephews and niece? Or what if other kids are in there? That's too confusing for me. So I'll just date it then. 🙂
mine are terribly disorganized , I need to sit down and sort them all one day ,I save them to an external hard drive keeping only the year at hand on the puter, but somehow it still gets all messed up
I just discovered a free program you can download that does the face recognition and sorting stuff. Check out Picasa 3. Seems to work pretty well so far.
I have about 200,000 photos on my computer.
I'm a Mac user. I, like Prince Charming, use iPhoto. Without it I would go insane. I also use Aperture for some stuff, but photo organization I use iPhoto.
Now, I don't keep all my photos in one library. I have created multiple libraries for different categories (General {named for the year}, Kitchen, Blog, Family, Trips, etc). Then within each library I have different events. For my blog, I export photos resized for web from whatever library has the photos and import them into my “Blog” library.
The scary thing is I have 50 iPhoto Libraries. Sounds daunting and hard to manage, but I use iPhoto Library Manager to help me move images from library to library or to open a specific library.
I wrote a blog post about this and you can find it here: Photo technology advances and Managing photo libraries.
Stef at TooMuchToDoSoLittleTime.com