The Fall Quilt
When we went to Alaska, we went to the cutest quilt shop. Our plans were to make the girls quilts to help commemorate our trip. Well, we bought material for the quilts there that you could only get there… with the plans of getting more “filler” material once we got home. Less to try and pack to get back home.
Once my grandma and I got the quilt tops done, it was time to find backing. I went online searching for extra wide backing. I found what I wanted for the older’s quilt in Rogers, AR. So since we were already going camping the weekend that I found it, it was a hop, skip, and a jump away to go material shopping.
In the process, I found this quilt panel.
With my love of old trucks (or trucks in general), I knew I had to get it. Our room needed a fall quilt anyway… especially since we’ve been sleeping with our Christmas quilts all year. Hey, no judgment, we like the feel of them on the bed.
My mom went to the fabric store with me and we came up with material to make this quilt. I was soooooo excited.
I cut out all the pieces. We did it as a strip quilt… so not a lot of piecing together. the first strip was 1 1/2, then 3 1/2 inches, 6 1/2, 9 1/2, and 12 1/2 if I remember right.
My husband and I have a queen-size bed, but we fight over covers like crazy. It’s actually a little ridiculous.
I think this quilt came to be about 107″ inches wide by 114″ long.
I have 3 favorite pieces that we chose… the panel obviously, then the red/yellow/orange piece, and the outside farm style border. Although I love it all.
Then I had to find backing. My friend Harriett suggested muslin and the gal at JoAnn’s told me I could get it in 118″ width. Harriett said you had to have about 4″ material surrounding each border. So it worked out perfectly. I was sooooooo excited when Harriett said that the quilts were back from the quilter. She helped me transport to and from the quilter.
My mom put the binding down. We used pieces of the different materials on the quilt to help tie it all together.
And of course you have to put the homemade dedication on it! I learned this from my grandma!
I absolutely LOVE how it turned out. It’s long enough top to bottom to sit at the head board and touch the floor. On the sides it completely covers the mattress. And best yet, we there’s room for hubby and me to fight over who gets the covers!
And the day I bought this, I actually got material for a couple other holiday quilts too. Stay tuned!!