Day in the Life of
Tuesday was a rough day at our house. Poor baby girl didn’t feel good. On a good, normal day we might wake up at 2am, definitely 4am and sometimes 6am… but Tuesday morning was different. If you’d like to check out 2 of my other days go here (January 8, 2013 and May 12, 2013)
2am. We woke up at our 2am hour, the difference was, she didn’t want to eat. Like at all. And she wouldn’t quit crying. I tried and tried to comfort her but there was no comforting her.
3am. By 3am I was tired and cranky myself. Hubby woke up and said let him try to comfort her. He tried to feed her and again, she wanted nothing to do with eating.
4am. I knew hubby needed to get sleep so I took her out of the bedroom into the living room. I tried holding her, rocking her, putting her in her swing… nothing seemed to work, at all! Hubby came out of the bedroom and said to let him try. She stopped crying for a few minutes but then started right back up. Still nothing seemed to work, so I took her back and told him to go back to bed.
5am. I turned on the tv and camped out in the chair hoping that I could get her to settle down. Finally hubby said to bring her to bed, he’d try to get her to sleep again. I laid her down in bed with him and she immediately stopped, closed her eyes and went to sleep. I just about broke down and cried. Hubby told me to go take a shower. I was swearing at 5am that baby girl didn’t like me, in fact she hated my guts at this point :(. It made me sad!
6am-9am baby girl and I snoozed.
10am. We finally woke up and had a break down again. I figured she would be hungry at this point. She still wanted NOTHING to do with eating. It was the weirdest thing. So I picked baby girl up and rocked her and sang to her and finally got her to burp and that put her back to sleep.
11am. Baby girl just slept and slept. Every now and again she’d wake up, I’d burp her and she’d go back to sleep. I just stayed in bed with her. It was obvious she didn’t feel good at all.
12pm. I settled in and watched tv. Baby girl just needed mommy time I guess. Maybe she does like me… that or I was her only option… lol.
1pm. I was able to lay her down and get myself lunch finally. I noticed she has her mommy’s thumb. Some people have what is known as a hitchhiker thumb. You know, their thumb is like double jointed or something and bends back like that. Mine does, daddy’s doesn’t.
2pm. We were still in bed. Baby girl didn’t feel good at all, poor baby but I took advantage of the baby snuggles.
3pm. I finally was able to start blogging. At least reading blogs that is.
4pm. Around 4pm she finally decided to wake up so I took advantage of this time and we went to the kitchen. I decided that I had cherries in the fridge and a pie crust ready to go so we made our first (we, she… I’ve done this before) Cherry Pie.
5pm. We went on watching tv to kill time and you know, more baby snuggles. Once we started watching Family Fued the timer went off on the pie.
6pm. Hubby ran to my parents house to do chores to help mom and dad out and when he got home we headed over to the poles to go vote.
7pm. On Sunday my grandma made hubby and me this awesome meatloaf. When we got home from the voting poles we asked what we were going to have for dinner. (we asked as in we asked each other…) I told hubby that the meatloaf we had was awesome. He said we had hamburger so I called my grandma to ask her how to make the meatloaf. Again, yum but Grandma’s was better.
8pm. After dinner we had dessert… The awesome cherry pie. YUM! Baby girl slept through that part… One of these days she’ll have to try a pie she makes, just not today I guess… 🙂
9pm. I really needed to wake her up and start getting ready for bed, but the poor thing still didn’t feel good. Her belly gurgled and churned all day long. She farted and burped. So we just let her sleep. Sometimes sleep is the best remedy.
10pm. With the help of hubby we finally got her ready for bed. It was easier to just give her a shower with one of us in the shower and the other washing her so she got a shower. She loves those showers, way better than her bathtub. That’s okay baby girl, mommy and daddy like showers too! She gets so relaxed in our arms in the shower.
11pm. We got her out of the shower, dressed, wrapped up and fed and she was out like a light, that is until 2am the next morning but the next day was a much better day. And she woke up hungry almost every hour…
This was quite an interesting day for sure but we made it through with lots of baby snuggles. I definitely wouldn’t change that for the world but I sure would change it and make baby girl feel better.