Blog comments
Earlier this year I participated in a Blog critique. It was pretty cool really. You were assigned a few blogs to read and comment on. These were the comments left about my bloggy blog blog :).
Life’s a Beach
I loved this blog. Her writing and the way she describes everything is so heartfelt. I love that she is helping other people cope through the same things just by blogging about what she is going through. Navigating her site is easy, although as in the previous blog I reviewed I see now it much be the way this blog format is designed to have so many posts on the main page. She is an uplifting, gifted writer and I am happy to have found her blog. Thank you for that. I like how she has a writer’s page as well and link to the articles she’s written. Nice and precise. Pictures are great. I think it so special that she has a gratitude page where she thanks so many people. Really wonderful blog.
Life’s a Beach
What I liked about their blog: Layout & format: I like the photo strip as a header. It tells a new reader a lot about the author before they even read a word. I like the tabs across the top – it’s easy to see what she blogs about. Navigation & functionality: I love all the social buttons, that she has a search tool and a listed blog archive. It’s super annoying to me when blogs don’t have those things. It’s good to know that if I want to link to one of her posts on my blog, I could easily find it. This blog is very easy to navigate and everything seems to be working properly. Very nice. Content: I like the blog title and “sub-title” of “I wish I was on one.” I like the writing style – funny, light and easy to relate to. Also, LOVE the “101 in 1001” tab and that she’s actually doing it and tracking it. Super cool. And the photos are great! I love a photo-heavy blog. Design: Other than being a little heavy on buttons in the sidebars, I really like how clean the design is. There aren’t a lot of design elements just for the sake of having design elements, and I like that. What I didn’t like about their blog: Layout & format: The blog is really busy with a lot of buttons and links along both sides. A little too busy for me, but when you’re lucky enough to have sponsors, I guess you have to make them happy. I wouldn’t know anything about that yet. 🙂 Navigation & functionality: Nothing to say here – love it! Content: Maybe this is the jealousy talking, but blogging every day makes for a lot of content to wade through. It’s all good stuff, but it’s sort of overwhelming. But then again, I’m easily overwhelmed by all the blog reading I want/need/have to do. Design: The “Meet Us’ tab has different fonts and text colors than the rest of the site. I think text should be limited to two fonts/colors – one for the body and one for headers, titles, tabs and other key text. (And a third color for links.) Also, the contrast between the script text and the Times New Roman is a little stark to me. She has such a pretty blog, with such pretty writing, and it deserves something prettier than Times New Roman. Yet still clean and easy to read!