Time of My Life
Home Life: Our life is taking a different turn than we thought it would a year and a half ago when we got married. Some days I just want to pull my hair out. We’ve actually kept the house relatively clean since hubby cleaned it in February and that eases a bit of the stress. Our dogs LOVE to litter our yard with their latest finds so we aren’t ever quite sure what we’ll find. The most recent was a pool float that they must have pulled out of the garage because I don’t know where else it could have been.
TV shows: The Pioneer Woman’s cooking show on Food Network, Sweet Home Alabama {The reality show}, Grey’s Anatomy, Big Bang Theory, Dancing with the Stars (I think I’ll watch again this season)
Extra time: Yeah I don’t really have extra time these days. School pretty much eats into my extra time and it’s kind of sad and depressing at times.
What excites me: *Playing with my camera *Playing with photoshop *Enjoying this beautiful weather we’ve been having *Riding horses
A moment I never want to forget: *When we won the horse breeding back in December {The excitement that hubby & I shared that night in the kitchen when I should have been studying for a test} *Dissecting the cow eyeball *Holding a human brain
Questions from Here – Jessica @ Stilleto’s & a Fishing Pole
You are so right lady, as time goes by relationships do change! I've been married 13 years and I can honestly tell you that once we hit the 10 year mark things changed drastically for us but definitely for the better. Hang in there, bumps will come and go but your true love for one another will last forever 🙂
The bumps are tough by times but they are part of loving one another. My huby and I have had some ups and downs, especially when we are over extended, super busy, and him working long hours or out of towmn We tend to feel very pressured in those times and that can make tempers flare.
But if you do it right , an fight/argument can be an opportunity to learn more about one another, and eventually improve things .
I made a comment on our 10 anniversary , “he can make me so mad I think my hair will burst into flames” then in a minute reduce me to tears with his incredible kindness and compassion. Right after that he will have me howling with laughter “
It might not get easier , but it does get better
After almost 20 years, we know what each other means. He can hand me something when I say, “COuld you hand me the……….” and I can't find the word. But he knows. I am the same with him. It's a dance. Kind of cool. Enjoy the dance.
After almost 20 years, we know what each other means. He can hand me something when I say, “COuld you hand me the……….” and I can't find the word. But he knows. I am the same with him. It's a dance. Kind of cool. Enjoy the dance.