Week 30

Happy May Day!!

How far along? 30 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: Blah

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a cucumber. (must be length, not around…) She is 15.2 to 16.7 inches and 2.5 to 3.8 lbs and continues to grow.

  • Her skin is getting smoother
  • But her brain is getting wrinklier — to make way for all that essential brain tissue.
  • She’s now strong enough to grasp a finger! (awe that just gave me chills!)

Maternity Clothes? I haven’t bought any new ones… just been surviving on what we bought already. Wonder if I can make it basically another 10 weeks with what I have??

Stretch Marks? So yeah… whatever… they’re there. I was wondering though… she kicks me low… so ya think that that’s whats causing the stretch marks where they are?

Best moment this week? I still think it’s cute when she kicks me. And I absolutely LOVE when hubby talks to her.

Movement? Oh yes.

Food Cravings/Aversions? Oddly enough, last Friday night hubby ate chili and I smelled it and the smell just about did me in.

What I miss: Being able to get things off the floor easily. Being able to sleep on my belly or back. um… not feeling like I’m breathing so heavy.

What I’m looking forward to: Other than I’m scared to death, I’m really looking forward to meeting this baby and seeing her face to face vs on the ultra sound machines, but in 2 weeks I get to see her again on an ultra sound machine which I’m totally looking forward to!

Nausea/Vomiting? eh, we’re okay here this week I think….

Labor signs? Not that I know of. They said Braxton Hicks contractions feel like tightness in your lower ab and I think I’ve felt that but I can’t tell if it’s the Braxton Hicks contractions or just the way she lays. She lays funny every now and again.

Gender? We have had them verify it’s a girl 3 different times. Think it’s a girl?!?!

Belly Button in or out? Depends on if she’s laying funny or not. It’s very shallow and almost non existent but some days she lays against it and pushes it out which just freaks me out.

Wedding rings on or off? oh sadly they’re off but it was by choice so I wouldn’t have to have them cut off hopefully.

Sleep? Oh I’m sleeping but I’m constantly waking up exhausted. I’m not sure if it is the third trimester working on me or if it is about the stresses of school or maybe a combo of both.

Weekly Wisdom: I’m now having to watch my blood pressure. I’m to the point that it could get high. I snagged my dad’s blood pressure machine for a couple weeks to get by and have been taking it every day just so I can keep track of it. It’s doing fairly decent but at least we’ll know if I need to be worried, since I take it every day if it spikes we’ll know. The doctor told me to stay below 140 on the top side and below 90 on the bottom side.

Due Date: Thursday June 26, 2014 was what we originally thought. Then I was told June 30, then July 4th, then June 26, then June 27 and after the 3-D ultra sound June 28. I guess she’ll come when she’s ready, right?

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Week 29

How far along? 29 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: This number is depressing, just going by the drs scales.

How big is baby? Baby already measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. Right now, she weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds but she’s still got a ways to go — can you believe she’ll triple in weight before birth? 

  • She’s getting a little cramped in there, since she’s growing so fast. But you probably already realize that, since you’re getting all those jabs and kicks.
  • She’s growing white fat deposits under her skin, and her energy is surging because of it.
  • Feel a subtle twitch? It might be baby hiccupping.

Maternity Clothes? I’m going to ask again, why haven’t I taken this out because other than the mesh shorts I have, those are the only non-maternity things I wear. Well that and hubby’s sweatshirt and his tshirts.

Stretch Marks? Oh holy cow!

Best moment this week?We got to hear the heartbeat again yesterday! Woohooo. 140 beats per minute. We also bought her a 4th of July outfit. I found some last week that I really liked but for the price and not knowing exactly if she’d be here or not, I couldn’t bring myself to buy them. What I got her yesterday might not be nearly as cute, but price wise was worth it since we don’t know exactly if she’ll be here or not. We’ve had a due date from June 26 all the way to July 4th and back again….

Movement? I think she’s taking up kickboxing in there…

Food Cravings/Aversions? Other than nothing really sounds good these days, no not really. Well not other than that bacon dip mix stuff and I haven’t tried steak in a while.

What I miss: I realized earlier this week that I don’t remember what it was like to have a flat belly. I mean I didn’t have a “flat” belly but compared to now it was and I could even suck it in. I also miss my belt buckle… oddly enough. Hmmm…. I also miss NOT crying over the weirdest things. I live 12 miles from my parents house and I cried for 12 miles home the other day and then once I got home I cried for another like 20 minutes. Things just kept building upon themselves and it sucked.

What I’m looking forward to: Once baby comes, getting to lay on my belly again, does that count? I saw this picture on facebook the other day and cracked up laughing because this is totally how I sleep.

If you want to know what I bleeped out I’ll tell you but it was a little vulgar for this blog.

Nausea/Vomiting? eh, we’re doing fairly decent here.

Labor signs? Well not that I know of….

Gender? We have had them verify it’s a girl 3 different times. Think it’s a girl?!?!

Belly Button in or out? I’ve told you many times this is a very sore subject. I’ve noticed when Peanut bumps up against it (with some part of her) it sticks out and then my shirt rubs it and that aches.

Wedding rings on or off? The rings that hubby bought me so I didn’t feel bad are too big. Most days I think I could wear mine but I don’t want to have them cut off for some reason so I’ve put them away for safe keeping.

Sleep? Most every day I woke up this week I felt like I had been run over by a Mack truck. Peterbuilt if that’s what you prefer, I’m not picky 🙂 (Think of Cars, Mack Hey Mack. Mack I ain’t no Mack, I’m a Peterbuilt) 🙂

Weekly Wisdom: So I kind of quit counting the weeks that I’ve had this “fun” cough. It’s gotten a lot better but it’s still around. The nurse told me yesterday that I’m pregnant. I laughed my butt off at that comment. Then she’s like, what I mean is your immune system is down a bit. I still couldn’t help but laugh so just so we all know, I am in fact pregnant.

Due Date: Thursday June 26, 2014 was what we originally thought. Then I was told June 30, then July 4th, then June 26, then June 27 and after the 3-D ultra sound June 28. I guess she’ll come when she’s ready, right?

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Week 28

How far along? 28 weeks 6 days… Did you know 28 weeks starts the 3rd trimester? I didn’t! Learn something new every day!!

Total weight gain/loss: Oddly enough I’ve been ignoring our scales. They upset me 🙂

How big is baby? Your baby is the size of an eggplant. Hmmmm so I have an eggplant in there… lol. Sorry just popped into my head and had to share :). Baby is putting on layers of fat, your baby now weighs in around 1.5 to 2.5 lbs and measures 13.6 to 14.8 inches long.

  • Baby’s starting to develop more fat, so her wrinkly skin will start to get smoother
  • Her lungs are mature enough that she’d probably survive if she was born now. WOW!

Maternity Clothes? Wonder why I still have this as a question….

Stretch Marks? Oh these are sad! I’m predominately seeing them where she kicks me the most… my lower ab.

Best moment this week? I still keep getting sweet little kicks. I think she must be running out of room in there, ya think?

Movement? Yup! The bump.com says I should be counting the kicks. Um…. why?

Food Cravings/Aversions? Oh…. nothing new but lemon brownies have sounded good for a couple weeks. Not a craving I don’t think, they just sound really good. I’ve been to lazy to make them though. 

What I miss: Not waking up all achy. 

What I’m looking forward to: being able to suck my belly back in and look skinny 🙂

Nausea/Vomiting? I have had a couple moments this last week I’ve been iffy but I seriously think it’s my nasal drainage causing this problem.

Labor signs? Well I don’t think so. I’ve not really had these pains before so I really don’t have any comparison.

Gender? We have had them verify it’s a girl 3 different times. Think it’s a girl?!?!

Belly Button in or out? This is a sore subject, literally. Very upsetting. My belly button hurts, I think when she lays against it it really sticks out and other days it’s just flat. It’s really dry and hurts to touch it too. I hate belly buttons.

Wedding rings on or off? Sad subject here but I really think that when we do our maternity photos, if I can get my rings on, I want them on in the pictures. I just don’t want to have to cut them off. I’d really cry then!

Sleep? Um…. yeah so far. I wake up exhausted in the mornings but other wise I wake up to roll over at night because rolling over is difficult.

Weekly Wisdom: Don’t sit to long. That’s where I’ve been having my difficult moments because my feet swell. Otherwise sitting is good, but it’s good to get up and move around some. Also I wore flip flops earlier this weekend just cause I didn’t want to wear shoes and that made my ankles/feet swell really bad. Must not have been enough support? Really they say that flip flops are bad for your feet anyway because there is no support so….

Due Date: Thursday June 26, 2014 was what we originally thought. Then I was told June 30, then July 4th, then June 26, then June 27 and after the 3-D ultra sound June 28. I guess she’ll come when she’s ready, right?

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Week 27

How far along? 27 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: So by the drs scales yesterday it looked normal, whatever normal is 🙂 So far they haven’t yelled at me anyway!

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a Rutabaga. What is a Rutabaga? Anyway at 13.6 to 14.8 inches and 1.5 to 2.5 lbs. she’s not just getting bigger, she’s getting smarter.

  • She’s practicing inhaling and exhailing with her rapidly developing lungs.
  • It’s official: Baby’s showing brain activity! And her brain will keep getting more complex.

Maternity Clothes? Should this even be a question at this point? Have you seen the pictures above?

Stretch Marks? Oh they’re soooooo scary!

Best moment this week?Hearing the babies heart beat again! We came in at around 135 beats per minute.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIucNrChZ1E]
Movement? She’s been moving like a CRAZY woman! The drs gave me a belt to help keep her off my hip because that’s where she’s been hanging out, I’m fairly certain that ticked her off royally!

Food Cravings/Aversions? Nothing new here…

What I miss: Being able to tie my shoes. I had to retie my shoe in the drs office yesterday, holy cow that’s difficult!

What I’m looking forward to: I’m actually looking forward to meeting this little girl. Earl got her a pair of shoes I”m not supposed to know about yet but anyway I do and HOLY COW are they friggggggggiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn cute! In fact I saw them and was ready to buy them but hubby conned me out of it. Then Early got them for her without me knowing and actually before she knew I wanted to get them and I screamed and screeched because they’re sooooooo awesome.

Nausea/Vomiting? We’ve been good here so far…. knock on wood!

Labor signs? Well I don’t think so….

Gender? We have had them verify it’s a girl 3 different times. Think it’s a girl?!?!

Belly Button in or out? Oh this is such a sore (literally) subject!

Wedding rings on or off? This is another sore subject. Sadly they’re off. As I stated, hubby got me some replacer rings until I can get mine back on. So yesterday I forgot them and felt so weird walking around a pregnant woman without wedding rings on. It was awful!

Sleep? This week has been a come and go week. Early in the week baby girl was hurting me so bad I really didn’t get but a couple hours of sleep a night. Then we got her off my hip and it has been easier, knock on wood!

Weekly Wisdom: So something I learned this week is that if the baby is laying on something (hip, kidney, bladder, etc) and is hurting you, if you take a really cold bottle of water or a piece of ice and place it on your stomach where the baby is hurting you they’ll scamper off of that and give you some relief. It doesn’t hurt you and it doesn’t hurt the baby. Then the nurse at the drs office told me to alternate heat and cold to get the pain away. So there you go, if you have issues, hopefully this can help!!

Due Date: Thursday June 26, 2014 was what we originally thought. Then I was told June 30, then July 4th, then June 26, then June 27 and after the 3-D ultra sound June 28. I guess she’ll come when she’s ready, right?

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Week 26

How far along? 26 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: Like I said, I should just remove this question 🙂 Although based off doctors scales I’m okay I guess…. I dunno. I actually have a drs appt next week.

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a head of lettuce. She’s still growing in the 13.6 to 14.8 inch and 1.5 to 2.5 pound range, and developing her senses, features and talents.

  • Her eyes are forming, and her eyes will soon start to open
  • Her eyelashes are now grown, too
  • She’s getting her immune system ready for life on the outside by soaking up your antibodies
  • She’s taking breaths, too. They’re of amniotic fluid, not air, but it’s still good practice.

Maternity Clothes? yup.  I actually tried on regular jeans last week and they were so dang uncomfortable.

Stretch Marks? I’m afraid of saying this… but so far just the ones I already had…. Now I’ll probably find another one.

Best moment this week?I had a sad moment this week. Sadly hubby and I got into a huge fight. But best moment… um… I almost forgot… my brain is leaving me this week… I got all of Peanuts clothes washed and hung, we got her crib put together and a glider for her room. We’re well on our way!!

ignore the horrible picture of me please!

Movement? She kicks like crazy, but I say that, she’s been fairly quite today. Usually she’s moving on my right side. Yesterday she started moving to my left side and it was weirding me out.

Food Cravings/Aversions? eh nothing more than the normal.

What I miss: I miss steak. I miss my brain. I miss not being tired all the time.

What I’m looking forward to: Meeting this sweet little girl.

Nausea/Vomiting? well I threw up yesterday but it wasn’t pregnancy related I don’t think.

Labor signs? Not that I know of….

Gender? We have had them verify it’s a girl 3 different times. Think it’s a girl?!?!

Belly Button in or out? ugh, I don’t even want to talk about this. grrrr! 🙂

Wedding rings on or off? Sadly I had to give up my rings this weekend. I took my wedding band off which I NEVER do and I bawled my eyes out. Hubby was a sweetheart and bought me a cheap ring set that looked like wedding rings to wear until I get my rings back but they’re not the same, although I have been wearing them.

Sleep? I sleep through the night but at the same time I wake up feeling exhausted. My dreams are about to do me in too.

Weekly Wisdom: So I had to take the glucose test this week. 140 or less is passing. I came back 143 so today I get to go and take it a second time for a 3 hour test. The other was a 1 hour test. I guess we’ll see if I have gestational diabetes or not. Wish me luck!

Due Date: Thursday June 26, 2014 was what we originally thought. Then I was told June 30, then July 4th, then June 26, then June 27 and after the 3-D ultra sound June 28. I guess she’ll come when she’s ready, right?

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Week 25

How far along? 25 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: I should just totally do away with this question 🙂

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a head of Cauliflower. During month six, the average fetus measures about 13.6 inches to 14.8 inches and weighs about 1.5 to 2.5 lbs.

  • She’s enjoying her new sense of equilibrium – she now knows which way is up and which is down.
  • She’s growing more fat and hair too.

Maternity Clothes? Part of me wants to run into the bedroom right now and try on some of my prematernity clothes. But I’m too lazy to run. Ok so confess sesh, I actually had on a pair of regular jeans Wednesday night. (I wrote this on Wed afternoon). They dug into me but I got them on!!

Stretch Marks? I have the one on the right side, then there are some dots on the left side (2) and they’re starting to become more prominent.

Best moment this week? Getting to sleep in on Wednesday! I slept Sunday and Monday night but Monday and Tuesday I was exhausted so it was nice to sleep in on Wednesday. I woke up a little more refreshed.

Movement? I really think she likes to tap dance on my bladder.

Food Cravings/Aversions? Okay so I really like SWEET TARTS this week. OY! And I’m back to Chicken Sandwiches from Burger King, make sure it has the Mayo. The other thing is Limeades. YUM!

What I miss: Being able to get out of the chair easily. That and moving things without everyone yelling at me to not overdo it.

What I’m looking forward to: Getting my memory back. Please tell me it comes back, right?

Nausea/Vomiting? We’re good on this home front this week! I would be a bit better if I could shake this cold. We’re on week 8 of it. For the most part it is gone, it’s just a horrid cough (I actually got asked if I was a smoker) and extra snot.

Labor signs? Good heavens lets hope not, but would I really know what they were since this is my first baby?

Gender? We have had them verify it’s a girl 3 different times. Think it’s a girl?!?!

Belly Button in or out? Oh this week I cleared my throat and my belly button jumped out of my skin. I screamed, hubby got mad at me because he thought I was having contractions or something. It was a joyful night. (remember belly buttons freak me out anyway)

Wedding rings on or off? I’m still stubborn and haven’t given them up although I’ll probably have to very shortly :(.

Sleep? I’ve been sleeping minus the couple times I get up to go pee but I just can’t seem to get refreshed.

Weekly Wisdom: I’m not sure I have any. I think it went out the window with my memory.

Due Date: Thursday June 26, 2014 was what we originally thought. Then I was told June 30, then July 4th, then June 26, then June 27 and after the 3-D ultra sound June 28. I guess she’ll come when she’s ready, right?

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Week 24

How far along? 24 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: I definitely don’t think you should have to answer this question when you get home from vacation, right? Otherwise I still don’t know anyway 🙂

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a cantaloupe. (btw I don’t like those… just saying.) Your 10.5-11.8in fetus weighs about 12.7-20.8 ounces and every week she gets closer and closer to being ready to survive (and thrive!) in the outside world. At week 24, baby’s progress isn’t just about internal stuff, it’s about her looks too. With pinker, more opaque skin, she’s looking more and more, well, like a baby.

  • Her see-through skin is gradually becoming more opaque.
  • And it’s got a new pink glow, thanks to the small capillaries that have recently formed.

Maternity Clothes? Well at first I was surviving on hubby’s shirts. Now those are getting snug. The belly eats up a lot of room. I did find out this weekend that Babies R Us (at least in KC) has a maternity section. I got 2 tops and a pair of pants for less than the cost of one item, that included tax. Score! Then we went back and I got 2 bras for about $8 a piece because they were all 70% off and then an additional 20% off. Sweet right? I also got a pair of shorts at somewhere, brain fart, for dirt cheap for this summer.

Stretch Marks? So after last weeks post I actually found one and two dots that soon will connect together to make a second. Sad day! I also have a really dark line from my belly button down my belly that I was wondering what it was, the bump.com told me it’s called Linea Nigra and it will fade after baby’s born. I guess you learn something new every day right?

Best moment this week? Going on a quick get away with hubby just relaxing and being us before baby comes. We also went to the doctor before leaving town and heard baby girls heart beat again. 130-140 beats per minute.

Movement? I think she’s taking up tap dancing. And her favorite place to tap dance is on my bladder. Hey kid, don’t make me come in there… lol.

Food Cravings/Aversions? No, not really but I ate sooooo much this weekend. 

What I miss: Not having someone stomp on my bladder all the time :). I also realized this week that as it’s getting warmer I’m going to have to give up my rings (wedding/engagement & my horse head ring) and that makes me EXTREMELY sad! I also miss sleeping on my stomach. I am a stomach sleeper and not being able to sleep on my stomach or back is just about to do me in. I wish I had detachable arms, so that I could take off whichever one I’m sleeping on that side because I have no where to go with it and put them to sleep.

What I’m looking forward to: Um…. getting Tbug and Peanut’s rooms settled. We’re actually switching rooms around.

Nausea/Vomiting? Other than dealing with the remainders of this cold, nope.

Labor signs? Oh goodness no!

Gender? We have had them verify it’s a girl 3 different times. Think it’s a girl?!?!

Belly Button in or out? It’s very flat and black and blue.

Wedding rings on or off? So far they’re still on but not for long. It’s upsetting me!

Sleep? Oh it depends. I swear I’m developing RLS (restless leg syndrome) which makes it very hard to get to sleep at night.

Weekly Wisdom: The heated seats in my car work really well with back pain if you’re driving for a while. Sadly I think back pain is inevitable. I got a prenatal massage this week. It sucked because I am 100% stomach sleeper and you can’t do that, so getting a massage you have to lay on your side as well and I put one arm to sleep and my shoulder that was worked on first hurt afterwards because I had to roll over and lay on it for the other side.

Due Date: Thursday June 26, 2014 was what we originally thought. Then I was told June 30, then July 4th, then June 26, then June 27 and after the 3-D ultra sound June 28. I guess she’ll come when she’s ready, right?

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By the way, tomorrow I’m co-hosting the Friday Five Linkup with Emmy mom!! We’d love for you to link up. 5 thoughts and 5 pictures!!

Week 23

How far along? 23 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: I still gave up on this… 

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a Grapefruit. At about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces, baby’s not just getting bigger, but she’s getting even cuter :).

  • She’s forming little nipples (yeah, really!!)
  • Her face is fully formed now — She just needs a little extra fat to fill it in.
  • She’s listening to your voice and your heartbeat — and even to loud sounds like cars honking and dogs barking

Maternity Clothes? Yup. I’m ready for regular clothes though. Hubby has done a GREAT job of getting me cute shirts, but the pants… they need to go!

Stretch Marks? I still haven’t seen any. I have blue veins that are showing up under my skin though… right on the surface.

Best moment this week? I went to a baby shop earlier this week and the gal asked my mom and me if we were doing okay, we said yes. A minute later she heard us giggling and she asked if we were still doing alright. We said yes. She then asked if one of us was expecting. I said I was (I giggled to myself she’d ask my mom that… lol). She looked at me and said, you are? I said yea I’m 5+months. She’s like no way, you don’t even look pregnant. I was like, do I look fat? she laughed and said, no but I’m bigger than you are. lol. We did wind up buying this….

Movement? Oh she’s in there. Sometimes I think she’s doing somersaults. She probably got that from Tbug, the gymnastic/cheer girl in my life… lol.

Food Cravings/Aversions? This week… nothing much. I guess Cherry Coke Icee’s have been calling my name.

What I miss: I seriously miss my jeans and belt buckle. I also miss being able to eat and not being full every time I turn around.

What I’m looking forward to: We have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow. And next Tuesday I have a prenatal massage. I think I’m really looking forward to that!!!

Nausea/Vomiting? Well I did get to throw up this week. Yuck! But it was snot induced (tmi?). I’ve been fighting this nasty cold now going on 6 weeks. I just think I get over it and dang it, it rares it’s ugly head.

Labor signs? N to the O

Gender? We have had them verify it’s a girl 3 different times. Think it’s a girl?!?!

Belly Button in or out? Oh this is such a delicate subject. My belly button was so deep and now it’s almost flat. It makes me want to cry.

Wedding rings on or off? They are still on, but my fingers have been swollen a couple times this week. So have my feet.

Sleep? Oh… once I get comfortable and am not getting woke up by bathroom trips, I can fairly sleep. This moving forward an hour for Daylight Savings time has screwed with my sleep come morning time. I’m so glad I won’t be pregnant when we gain that hour back to standard time because if I get hungry now, could you imagine having to wait another hour to be able to eat?

Weekly Wisdom: Boy, this is such a hard question… I swear I’m losing my brain so I can’t even remember ha! I might have had something earlier this week, but it’s gone now.

Due Date: Thursday June 26, 2014 was what we originally thought. Then I was told June 30, then July 4th, then June 26, then June 27 and after the 3-D ultra sound June 28. I guess she’ll come when she’s ready, right?

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Week 22

How far along? 22 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss:Oh I just gave up with the scale. To be honest I can’t even remember. I weigh myself still sometimes but still I can’t remember where I started.

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a Papaya. The average fetus measures about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and weighs about 12.7 to 20.8 oz.

  • Now that she has more developed eyes and lips, she’s looking even more like a newborn.
  • She’s sleeping in cycles — about 12 to 14 hours per day (hint: they’re probably those times you’re not feeling any kicks!)

Maternity Clothes?Yeah… but I am soooo ready for some real jeans! I don’t like these maternity jeans.

Stretch Marks?I still haven’t found any but that still doesn’t mean anything. I had some previously from growing up on my hips and I can’t even tell if they old or new but I think old.

Best moment this week?Listening to my husband talk to Peanut every night before bed and every morning before he leaves for work.

Movement? She needs to leave my poor bladder alone, PLEASE! I usually yell at her, Don’t make me come in there… lol.

Food Cravings/Aversions? This week I think I finally found my first craving… Orange Soda. Weird I know but dang!

What I miss: I miss my semi flat stomach (it never was flat but dang). I miss my regular jeans. I miss wearing my belt buckle!

What I’m looking forward to: Seeing what color Peanuts eyes are going to be. Her hair too but her eyes have been driving me nuts! Hubby has blue and I have Brown (or as hubby calls Breen).

Nausea/Vomiting? We’ve been good in this department so far this week. The snot from my cold chokes me but still…. that doesn’t count.

Labor signs? No but truthfully this girl doesn’t even know what those are like….

Gender? We have had them verify it’s a girl 3 different times. Think it’s a girl?!?!

Belly Button in or out? Well, it’s still in but not by much. It’s soooo freaky looking.

Wedding rings on or off? We’re lucky here, they still fit!!

Sleep? Oh let’s not even talk about this. OY! So between being extremely stressed out with so much to do and hubby snoring and not getting comfortable on the bed (and the list goes on) I’m lucky to get 4-5 hrs a night.

Weekly Wisdom: For a while I almost thought naps hindered my night time sleep but now I’m thinking if you get the chance for a nap, take it because you’ll be up in the night anyway…

Due Date: Thursday June 26, 2014 was what we originally thought. Then I was told June 30, then July 4th, then June 26, then June 27 and after the 3-D ultra sound June 28. I guess she’ll come when she’s ready, right?

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Week 21

How far along? 21 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: I decided this is too depressing to look at so I quit.

How big is baby? Baby is the size of a Pomegranate. at 10.5 inches long and about 12.7 ounces. The ultra sound tech said she’s a little over a pound which she told me is more close to right. I don’t know.

  • As her digestive system preps for the outside world, she’s manufacturing meconium – the tarry black substance you’ll find in her first dirty diaper (ew)!
  • Baby girl will have her lifetime supply of eggs in her womb – about six million of them.

Maternity Clothes? Pretty much yup. I haven’t tried on anything but my running shorts and hubby’s t-shirts. I should try on my jeans just to see but that might make me cry so why put myself through that.

Stretch Marks? I still haven’t seen any yet. I doubt I’m lucky enough to get by without any. I do have blue veins very close to the surface that have shown up which are cool but freaky looking at the same time.

Best moment this week? Getting to see Addison on the 4-D ultra sound. The little stinker wasn’t cooperating though and didn’t want to show her face until 45 minutes and the very last picture we got. It was also great because my Mom and my Mother in law got to be there to see their newest grand baby, that was pretty sweet.

Movement? All I can say is she must have gotten my dance moves 🙂 But I’m not complaining! It’s good to know she’s in there moving around!

Food Cravings/Aversions? I’m still a bit grouchy about this one… steak. I can’t eat steak, seriously? Still no crazy cravings though. Although the other day Salt and Vinegar chips sounded really good, but I didn’t find any. That and a Braum’s Twist in a waffle cone sounds really good too. I get those every now and then but hold back at the same time.

What I miss: Being able to bend over and tie my shoes easily! Everyone laughs when I say this and tell me it’ll only get worse. I also still miss my clothes! I’m tired of these maternity pants. They just aren’t flattering on me 🙂

What I’m looking forward to: Getting over this cold. I’m sure that baby is too because this cough is nasty! I’ve been fighting it for 4 weeks now. ugh!

Nausea/Vomiting? Sadly I did have an episode this week, but hubby wasn’t feeling well either so we wonder if it was something we ate?

Labor signs? Let’s sure hope not! Way to early! It does crack me up when they ask me that at the doctors office. They’ve asked me that since the first appointment around week 8.

Gender? We have had them verify it’s a girl 3 different times. Think it’s a girl?!?!

Belly Button in or out?  It’s still in but getting shallow and it aches! OMG does it ache! I’ve always had issues with my belly button hurting though so that doesn’t totally surprise me.

Wedding rings on or off? They are still on. yey 🙂

Sleep? I need a nap most days. I thought the second trimester was supposed to bring about more energy. Where is my energy? Sadly I can’t sleep through the night either. Hubby brought this cold to me and since he’s had it, he’s started snoring again at night which wakes me up about 4-4:30 and won’t allow me to go back to sleep which is probably why I’m so dadgum tired.

Weekly Wisdom: I’ve been stressed out this week and I don’t see it getting better for a couple of weeks. It’s due to being tired and the stresses of school and worrying (about things I can and can’t control) and sooooo much more. My weekly wisdom is pray. I don’t know what else to do. Otherwise I sadly don’t have anything. And just something funny that is totally random and has nothing to do with this… yeah so the church bulletin on Sunday said that Saturday was the 29th… lol.

Due Date: Thursday June 26, 2014 was what we originally thought. Then I was told June 30, then July 4th, then June 26, then June 27 and after the 3-D ultra sound June 28. I guess she’ll come when she’s ready, right? 

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