Monticello, Arkansas: La Terraza Mexican Restaurant
Oh hai, did you know I went on a semi-impromptu trip? haha… no? Well, I did :). I headed to Monroe/West Monroe, Louisiana. Did you know that Monroe and West Monroe are two different towns that are only separated by a river? The Ouachita River to be exact.
Anyway we left Monday. Basically it was like a straight drive down through Arkansas. In fact, most of the 7 hour trip was through Arkansas… 30 minutes from Missouri to Arkansas and then like an hour and a half or so into Louisiana. The rest of the time was spent in Arkansas. But the drive wasn’t bad! Anyway around 1:30 we decided to stop for lunch in the town of Monticello, Arkansas. We decided to eat Mexican so La Terraza it was.
Hey, we’re in the south, Sweet Tea is a must :). Truthfully, that’s all I’ll drink other than water. I won’t drink unsweet tea. I call that sour tea! And for the most part I don’t drink pop. Yes, it’s pop, not soda in my vocabulary unless I’m talking about Orange Soda… then it’s soda.
I got the Speedy Gonzales, which is an enchilada (I went cheese with cheese sauce), a taco, and rice or beans (I went rice obviously… look at the picture. That and the only beans I eat are green). The Cheese enchilada shell tasted a little more like a corn tortilla than say ones that I’ve had around home, but I have to say, I liked it! It was a good Cheese Enchilada. The Taco wasn’t bad either. The rice, the best way to eat rice is on a chip with some queso :). That is my honest opinion and I have no idea how I started eating rice like that.
It was definitely a good restaurant and a nice break from the 7 hour drive from home to Monroe, Louisiana. More to come on our adventure!!