The Saturday Post {8}
Top 5 Posts of the Week
Pioneer Woman’s Sour Cream Noodle Bake
10 Things to Smile About – July – This is a monthly Mem that Emmy Mom puts on. It’s a lot of fun to look back over the fabulous things that happened throughout the month. Hello Baby Nicole.
Incredible Pizza – Springfield, MO

Cheerleading & The Springfield Cardinals
This weeks posts
Incredible Pizza – Springfield, MO
10 Things to Smile About – July
Cheerleading & The Springfield Cardinals Game
The Dreaded 30
Recipes made from the blog this week
Lourie’s Grandma Jo’s Banana Bread – This was for the Dive Club Meeting
Instagram Lately
Weeks Happenings
++Attended a Springfield Cardinals Game where Zebra Girl’s Cheer team performed
++Tbug got to stay with us extra and went home on Wednesday
++Tbug and I went to Silver Dollar City on Tuesday for my Birthday. I was told I looked 26 and someone guessed my age at 18, but I think he was trying to make me feel better… lol
++I celebrated my 30th Birthday, Grandma celebrated her 81st birthday and TB celebrated his 9th birthday. We all share the same birth date, July 30
++Our Chickens got a new place to roam
++I got all my laundry done and put away
++Hubby made extremely fabulous steaks last weekend, we’re still talking about them
++Tbug, Mom and I went shopping last weekend in Fayetteville
++Dive Club Meeting – August