A Remodel Project
Welcome to Earl and Pokey’s new living room. Some may also call it a Family room. Call it as you please.
Oh, wait, you don’t think this looks like a cool place to hang out? Well never fear! This is the latest remodeling project that they’ve taken on. Since we’ve been hanging out at their house they’ve remodeled their current living room floor and the bathroom. Both have been extremely difficult projects. But never fear we’re here to help. Oh in their house, they’ve also remodeled their kitchen and maybe their bedroom. I can’t remember but this was prior to hubby and I hanging out with them.
Now this is the garage. Like a lot of people, as you’ve been married you acquire a lot of things. Never fear, we like to play with fire around these parts :). This sure has been a fun project to work on though. We’re still finding things that make you want to scratch your head and wonder what people were thinking when they did what was done.
Since it is the current garage, they needed to add some extra electrical plug ins. Hubby was going around telling them what they needed to get at Lowes and we loved his added little comments. In fact, I even convinced Early to write them down, although we’re not sure what “whatever you can find put the pfffft in there” means 🙂
And apparently the living room needs a partridge in a pear tree while we’re at it. Just sayin 🙂
Even little Marshall wanted to help Pokey clean out the garage. Although he really shouldn’t have been chewing on the saddle.
Stick around to find out where it goes from here!