Icy Thoughts

Around these parts the last few years, we haven’t had snow. But this year, we’ve made up for that. Even at that, we’re still very dry! We’re kind of working on a drought which isn’t a good thing. Luckily yesterday and this morning early it rained. We were supposedly supposed to be 100% chance of rain today which would cause flooding, but it isn’t raining right now. I do hear we’re in for a good ice storm tonight maybe. Yuck! I hate ice. Reminds me of 2007.

What happened in 2007? well, we were without power for a week because of ice. It knocked out power for our entire area. Dropped a tree limb on the trunk of my car. Caused us to have to bucket water from the creek a mile away. We had ice in the bed of the truck a couple inches thick because it would slosh out of the buckets and into the bed of the truck. The night that the lights came back on I screamed for joy! We were pulling in my parent’s driveway with water and for some reason, I got out and was in the bed of the truck. My dad was looking back at me and heard me scream and I scared him. It was crazy to see the lights flip on in the dark like that. I definitely wouldn’t have made it in the 1800’s. Although truthfully I probably would have because I wouldn’t have known any different…. right? (more…)

Ads and the Weekend

Hello Monday! I’m sitting here, listening to my baby girl talk about packing up to go to the “hotel” for the 15th million time (no joke). She’s obsessed with hotels and staying at hotels and packing for hotels. I think she’s stayed at a hotel maybe 2 handfuls of times since she’s been alive. I’m not talking days, but different trips. But she’s totally OBSESSED with hotels.

Every time we pass a hotel she comments on the hotel. There’s one about 15 miles from here that every time we pass it she comments she wants to stay there. Every time. I’m not kidding. This is NOT an exaggeration. And we pass this hotel about once a week if not more.

In other news, I got sidetracked this morning looking at more recipes that I’m going to save but will probably never make. I want to write a cookbook so bad but I keep questioning it… whose to say that I would sell any. With the millions of cookbooks on the market, what makes a person actually think, I’ll buy this cookbook over that one. I mean have you been to a bookstore lately and seen the amounts of cookbooks on the shelf? Maybe not… cookbooks are becoming a thing of the past these days. It’s really sad.

But I bring all of this up because… I ran across a recipe this morning for Hot Chocolate Dip. As I scrolled through it looking at the ingredients and the words of the blogger, I got tickled by the ad that was in the middle of the page.

Do you see the irony there? It’s a recipe full of sugar with an ad in the middle for the 3Step Sugar Detox. I couldn’t help but laugh about that… seriously. Anyway… moving on…. (more…)


It’s hard to believe that I graduated from my Master’s Program 2 years ago this spring. Wow, time flies when you’re having fun or as Kermit the Frog says… Time’s fun when you’re having flies. But I bring this whole thing up because of a statement that one of my professors said in my last semester of the program… This professor was a man, he was of retirement age, he had quite the interesting story/past, and more than once he said he was a feminist.

Feminist… That’s a weird, interesting term to me. I learned in one of my other classes (I can’t remember which one anymore) that we’re on the third round of feminism. I just googled it for the fun of it and found out that Feminism was the 2017 Merriam Webster Word of the Year. It seems like right around the time that Trump was running for president, you started hearing a lot more about feminism. I’m not sure if it was because a woman was running for office as well or what… but I have to honestly say, I can’t remember a time when feminism was such an uprise.

I obviously wasn’t around in the 70’s when women were burning their bras. I do have to tell you, I have a large enough chest, let me keep my bra, please! Otherwise, I can’t do much more than walk. Otherwise, I’m hurting and everything else that comes from a large chest and no bra. But the 70’s is when I really remember much talk about feminism. Again, I wasn’t there so I don’t know, I can only read history and learn that way. I also remember a movement in history around the 20’s when women wanted rights to vote. There was a lot of political unrest in that sense too.

There are pictures of multiple crowds of women being battered to keep them at bay, etc. Here again, I wasn’t around in the 20’s either. Not my 20’s but the 1920’s just to be clear :). (more…)

Fear Rules

I show up every day, even multiple times per day and lately am unsure what to write. I start filling the blank white page with garble that’s rumbling around in my head and then I refuse to hit publish for fear. Fear of being judged. Fear of no one reading. Just… Fear.

I have another post sitting in my drafts, titled just that… Fear Rules. I was afraid to post it. I want to say the right words where I don’t sound pretentious. I’m not. If you knew me in person… I would hope I don’t come across that way. I don’t think I do…. Someone, please verify for me!

But fear. Sometimes fear rules. Last year my goal was to work on being happier. There were a lot of days that was a struggle. Life is hard. Wouldn’t it be nice if life was easy? I mean seriously think about that… but if it was so easy, would we get bored? Just a thought… Kenzie just made the comment that life is interesting. I told her to second that and she said she could probably third it even. (more…)


This may not interest anyone else but me, but I wanted to keep track. That’s just how it goes :).

In January this year, I wrote 9 blog posts. That is down from previous years, but I still absolutely LOVE this blog. I write blog posts in my head on a daily basis. Usually, it is when I’m driving down the road and can’t actually blog… In college, I used to write great blog posts… in the shower. I decided then I needed to come up with a writing system that withstood water. Btw, being a farmer, I know that one exists. I went to our local farm store and they have a paper/pencil system that allows you to write in rain.

Now the question is, why would you need to write in rain as a farmer? Well, what if you have a baby calf born. What if you gave one a vaccination to help them with something. What if this what if that. It is always best to write yourself notes so you can keep them in case you need the information later. i.e. birthdates. So they have created a paper system farmers can keep on them that won’t disintegrate when wet and will get those notes from the fields to the house. Very cool, right? Why didn’t I think of all of this? Oh, wait, I did.

Anyway…Back to blog posts… Here are the top 5 blog posts as viewed by readers. The Honorable Mentions catch us up to the top 5 2018 posts 🙂

Top 5 Blog posts January 2018

  1. 2017 – Buncha Crunch Oatmeal Cookies
  2. 2017 – Gus’s Mac and Cheeseburger
  3. 2018 – 5 Years
  4. 2018 – Gussied Up
  5. 2012 – Dry Hands


Scuba Diving & Dinner – What more could you ask for?!?!

Saweeeeet!  Yup, no reason for saying that, just really felt like it :).  So last Tuesday night, the 12th, was another Try it Tuesday for Scuba Diving.  I have to say, I felt a lot more comfortable and took full advantage over the last time!

We made arrangements where Tbug got to go with us to try it as well.  To say she was nervous is a bit of an understatement governor!  (said in my best British voice, but I have no idea why).

We get different sized tanks for different sized people.  There were a few other kiddo’s that beat us there and to the punch so Tbug had to wait her turn.  No biggie though, she swam around with the other kids for a while.  Then once it was her turn, we suited her up (although we didn’t actually put a suit on her, we put the tank and goggles and fins etc).  They gave her instructions and then her daddy and I tried to walk her through this.

Sadly though, if you’ve ever worked with your own kids, sometimes they won’t listen to you, I’m not sure why though.  So we had D the man step in and walk her through it.  That’s what she needed.  Look at her go!

Once she got more comfortable D the Man let her go at her own speed and we had to go finding her :).  haha.

TB was at it again as well.  Look at him go.

I think eventually that TB, Tbug & ZebraGirl were playing hide and seek or something.  haha.


Engagement Photo Re-do

I kind of got away from multiple posts a day (I did that a lot last summer).  Then I was reading Tiffany’s Blog, The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far and she was doing a post on engagement photos because of a blog link up party at Chasers of Kaysers who is getting close to getting her own engagement photos taken.  She said we could use old posts so I went digging for my engagement photos that were taken last April and I realized I put straight out of the camera photos… but none from after the photographer did some touch-ups.  I liked our engagement photos and had a blast doing them, but at the same time, I’m not 100% sure they were the photos of my dreams, but there were some excellent photos taken non-the-less so… I’m going to share them again.

I’m sure she’d love if you’d like yours up as well if you had an engagement photo session.  And if you link up, please let me know… I’d love to look at them as well 🙂
Hope you enjoy 🙂


She Said Yes – Repost

One year ago, February 12, the man of my dreams proposed to me.  Here’s the story.  Happy One Year Bling-a-versary baby!!!

This had started out as a pretty crappy day, I surely didn’t know that it would eventually get better! I started doing the mail and got a phone call from Nancy at the front office that I had flowers at the front desk so I headed to the front of the building to go retrieve my flowers. (I work all the way at the back.) I passed Becky grumbling that “Prince Charming’s so in trouble.” although seriously what girl doesn’t like flowers, especially when they look like this!!



Meanwhile back at my desk my mom brought Prince Charming into the building. Tracy got her camera out and Nicole got another camera that had a recorder out. Becky was standing guard in the hallway to announce to them when I got back. Then they all dove into different hiding places.

So when I came back Becky announces really loud that I had beautiful flowers. My desk has frosted glass around it and when I walked around the corner and I could see someone on the far side of my desk but I figured it was a coworker had dropped something or since I was having such a bad day, they were going to jump out and scare me (things like that happen to me from time to time) so I didn’t really think to much of it. So I came up on my mystery guest and Prince Charming is down on one knee. (more…)