Breakfast consisted of Pancakes. My aunt got me this really cool new cookbook, Back in the Day Bakery. If you can’t tell… the pancake recipe is from that cookbook :).
This year for Father’s Day weekend we didn’t have Tbug. In fact, I’m not sure we do most years. We made plans to get her Saturday evening but then it turned out I picked her up Friday noon so she got to spend an extra weekend with us.
I always wanted to be that mom/wife who had her stuff together and got everything wrapped perfectly and had the house decorated for every season/holiday… but I fail there. So this was the fancy wrapping job hubby got.
It was really funny, people around my parts of the country were complaining that it was so cold in May, then once June hit, BAM, the heat hit but so did the humidity. And it is hard for some people to imagine the midwest having humidity since we’re not surrounded by water, but there are days that you can walk out and be ringing wet because of the humidity.
So one thing we have to deal with is molding saddles in our trailer. The changing area in the trailer doesn’t get a lot of air movement so when the saddles/bridles hang out in the nose of the trailer, they sometimes mildew. Yuck! So here’s a trick to help you keep your leather tack in tip top condition!
My Father’s Day started out with me spouting off something about hubby could just snore by himself… or something like that. He woke me up snoring but if he hadn’t… I wouldn’t have seen this beautiful sunrise! This last weekend we spent at the lake, but got up early Sunday morning to head home. This was about 6am. Now if you remember Sunday was the Summer Solstice so that means the longest day of the year. I played on the swings down on the playground for about an hour and then wandered back to camp to converse with friends before going in and waking Tbug, Abug and then hubby at 7:30 to open Father’s Day presents.
Father’s Day was nice and relaxed this year. It was a rainy morning so it was extremely easy to sleep in and extremely hard to get out of bed yesterday morning.
A few weeks ago hubby actually went and picked up his big Father’s Day present, partially because I had it narrowed down to 2 and I couldn’t decide which route to go and partially because he had the truck and he could wrestle the thing around. I decided that hubby was going to get a new ice chest, cooler, whatever you want to call it. I had it narrowed down to a smaller one and a larger one. We learned over Memorial Day that our small one we have actually kept the cool in so we decided to go for the larger one and I found a GREAT price on it. So it’s been sitting in our living room for a while. Like I said, hubby had to go pick it up 🙂 Ah the perks of being pregnant 🙂
When we got up Sunday morning Tbug and I got the cards that we got for hubby and went and took them into the bedroom for him. Now hubby’s favorite candy bar is a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup and I just so happened to see these on instagram one night so I knew that hubby needed these too…
I’m not a huge Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup fan, but these were pretty darn tasty!
We had plans to meet my parents at Red Lobster for lunch so we finally drug ourselves up out of bed and all got dressed and headed there to meet them. Lunch was good, but word to the wise, don’t tease a pregnant girl about food, please oh please!
A year ago we started a tradition with my dad for Father’s Day of getting him peanut butter. I don’t really know why so this year was no different and we got dad Peanut Butter and a new Eat Beef License plate for his truck since his other one finally dry rotted and fell off after 10+ish years.
The bull even looks like a Santa Gertrudis which we have Gert cows, how nice!!
Then we came home, hubby cleaned on the pool with the help of Tbug while I sat with my feet up (like the dr told me to do). Once they were done, Tbug and hubby came in and helped me make dessert for Sunday Night Dinner. I saw it all over Facebook and had to try it. Yum!!!
We were supposed to freeze it for 4 hours… um… yeah it got like 2 1/2… oh well YUM!
This year for Father’s Day was a bit hectic to say the least. Sadly, my mom missed Mother’s Day because work had her in Germany. This year, however, work was sending her to China ON Father’s Day. Oy! So we decided to celebrate and go out for Father’s Day on Saturday evening, however hubby and I signed up to run a 5K (more to come on that) at 8:30 that night. Yup it was a night run. So we ate a late lunch/early dinner. We were with the Early birds at the lovely hour of 4pm.
Tbug and I didn’t give hubby his Father’s Day present on Saturday night, but we made sure that grandma was around to see grandpa’s (wow that sounds weird still.. lol) present so we took it with us to dinner. My dad’s present from the 3 of us was socks (remember, we love our socks) and 90 oz of Peanut Butter. Dad loves his peanut butter and was out, so we made sure he had enough… lol :).
Now I can’t quite remember how it happened, and hubby swears that my mom and I egg it on more than anything, but dad and hubby tease each other about Justin Bieber. This present from hubby was (newly added) Justin Bieber singing Toothbrush (that sings Boyfriend. hahaha)
As well as the Christmas calendar and hubby’s pillow case he got for his birthday last year.
Sunday morning, Father’s Day, hubby woke up to his present from Tbug and me.
Along with his present of Tbug of course!
I wish you could see his face here. He absolutely loved it but at the same time covered his face accidentally at the very minute I tried to snap the surprise on his face.
Earl recently got a popcorn maker and hubby has been wanting one. I went on Amazon and found him this one (not quite like Earl’s but close). Along with the popcorn maker he got Popcorn Bags, a Popcorn cup, Butter Flavored Oil, Ranch seasoning and 2 deals of Popcorn in a jar.
Guess what we had for breakfast….
Then we all got dressed and headed to lunch at Dos Arcos, which just so happens to be the same place we ate on Mother’s Day… lol.
Then we headed to my parent’s house to spend the afternoon with my dad and ride horses. Here, Tbug was petting Mudflap and Tulsa decided she needed attention too.
My dad and his pictures he takes with me….
And we played with Snookums and got her saddled for the first time. I’ll have you know she’s the most laid back, relaxed horse we’ve dealt with doing this stuff for a while. It’s pretty awesome.
I hope everyone had a Happy Father’s Day and honored those Father’s in your life.