My dog likes mail

If there is one thing I can tell you about a puppy, they like to eat things.  Add a Labrador into the mix and I’m not sure they out grow that type of thing until around 2 or so… unless you have my Lab.  She loves to eat mail.

So anytime we have packages, we have a note on our front door for the delivery people on where to put packages.  So when I pulled into the driveway the other day, this is the sight I saw.  Not good.  And Marlie wasn’t coming anywhere near me.  Oh boy.

So I got on the phone and called hubby to ask if he planned on having a package delivered to the house.

Hubby: Hi Hunny
Me: Were you expecting a package in the mail?
Hubby: Why?
Me: Were you expecting a package delivered to the house?
Hubby: Why?
Me: Because I found a box that has been ripped open.  What am I looking for?
Hubby: Oh crap
Me: I’m going to look for it, but WHAT am I looking for?
Hubby: You won’t find it…
Me: Grrr, what am I looking for, because I think I found some brass
Hubby: That’s what you’re looking for but 1,000 pieces.  I’m almost home.
Me: Alrighty, I’ll start picking it up.

And this is what I had to pick up….

We found a little over half here and then wandered around the yard thinking there would be more.  Sure enough, I found more in the grass.  We’re pretty sure I found them all, but one may never know.

Don’t worry, I still love my Lab!  But sometimes she’s frustrating 🙂

Why Don't I Weigh a Ton?!?!

Welcome Thursday!  You’re one day closer to the weekend!  And even though you are probably my least favorite day of the week, I’m still happy to see you.  Can we be friends?

So Tuesday night hubby and I were able to make it up to The Shack again for dinner.  It cracks me up because this theme was the same as Sunday Night Dinner…. Mexican.  Good thing I like Mexican food!  Although the cool thing is, usually there are different things so it’s all good, right?  Right.

Tuesday morning just before I rolled out of bed, holding on to every last second I could under the covers I checked facebook to see what I missed over night.  Come on, admit it, we find out some pretty interesting stuff on facebook, like whose kid just took a poop.  But in all honesty I’ve found out cool things like which green house is having a plant sale, or who has the best garage sales going on, etc.  So it’s not all bad!

Anyway I got on there and saw a comment from my SIL

Yeehaw!!  Nothin like cuttin onions and jalapenos at 5 in the mornin to get the sinuses etc all opened up!!!  Wooooo I’m awake now!!!

Caught my attention so I asked what she was making.  She said it was Mexican night at the Shack and were we coming.  Well we didn’t know the theme and so I talked to hubby and we decided that yes in deed we were going to go.

When we got up there, Liss was making homemade Tortilla shells.  She said she lost her original recipe so tried this one.  She said this wasn’t it, but holy yum were they good!  IMO and that’s the one that matters in this post, right? 🙂

And her coozie she didn’t want to lose.

And I don’t know what to say here…. 🙂

Note to hubby: don’t smart off at the girl holding the flour there hunny… especially when she’s your sister!  She’s not afraid to throw it at you.

Fresh made chips like this beat the store bought stuff ANY day of the week!

I told Dick if this made its way to my yard, I wouldn’t complain one bit :).

Sour cream, tomatoes & cheese for your Taco’s.

Chili Verde with Pork Tenderloin.  This is what Liss was working on at 5am.  It was worth it!

Homemade Guacamole (or as hubby calls it, Guac-and moldy).  Hello Yum!

Mexican Cheese Soup – What can I say, it’s easy and good!

Bean Burrito’s.  Not sure who made these, but sorry I didn’t try them.  I don’t like beans though… I know…. 🙁

Taco Chicken… YUM!  Memaw did good here!

Cas brought Carrot Cake

Memaw brought cookie bar thingy’s.

It was such a nice night.  The high on Tuesday was 78ish.  The low was to be in the 50s.  The high for Wednesday was 48.  Does that tell you something?  We all sat outside and enjoyed the warm weather while it lasted!

And we even had a cute puppy to play with!!

Next weeks theme…. Asian!  Wonder what that’ll bring about!

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Wardrobe Malfunction

One morning last week, hubby went to leave the house and we both looked at his feet.  Something didn’t seem right.  Ah yes, you don’t wear house shoes to work…

I laughed and giggled and made fun of him.

I should have known better though…

Tuesday night when I got home from work, I changed my clothes and put on my house shoes waiting for time for us to leave and meet my parents.

When we went to walk out the door, I grabbed my purse and coat and stepped out of the house.  Just as hubby locked the door I died laughing… why you may ask?  I tried to pull a hubby…


My dad was traveling for work this last week and he shot me this email:

Hey Boomer:
Last night on the radio there was an ad for a method to stop snoring.  From what the ad said the device is free if you call this number 1-800-516-7126.  Apparently it is a “cloth” that you place under your pillow that ends snoring.  Thought of you when I heard it.

I forwarded this on to hubby because shhhh don’t tell him, but he snores!  And this was the response I got back:

Call it…..
I don’t have a snoring problem….. al though come to think of it I do have an issue where I get kicked in the middle of the night… do they have a solution for that??

I just about cracked up laughing.  I have a video of him snoring, which I’m not going to share just  yet.  Use it more for blackmail material.  Watch out hubby… don’t get on my bad side… and by the way I like jewelry and diamonds and flowers and food and some chocolate and……….. 

Boys & Their Toys

Back before my husband went to Afghanistan he drove a 1999 3/4 ton extended cab white Ford.  Apparently he LOVED that truck.  The only thing he hated was the fact that it was just 2 wheel drive so it sucked on ice.  Then somehow jump forward a while (don’t know the time) and his sister-in-law & brother-in-law drove it.  But sadly after 350,000 miles or so though, she died.

Oh that’s not totally true, she’d run REALLY hard, that is once you got her running (why I’m referring to the truck as a her I’ll never know but go with it!) and you couldn’t drive over 45mph (which if you google that for my lovely fans that don’t drive in miles per hour that’s 72.4205kph 🙂 now I would round down to 72kph or up to 73kph?) And even then you couldn’t be guaranteed she wouldn’t die somewhere along the way.

So the truck had been sitting in our fence row pretty much ever since we moved to our house.  Hubby has spent a little time trying to get it back up and running but didn’t have all the equipment needed to really get it running properly.  So finally I begged pleaded convinced he decided to put it up on Craig’s List to see if we could get rid of it.  He’s been wanting a 4-wheeler so he put it up for a swap.

67 text messages later (not all from the same person obviously) we wound up with this:

The Beast

As I’ve so affectionately dubbed it
a 1989 Chevy Half ton with a 5″ Lift kit and huge tires.  Oh and did I mention it’s 4-wheel drive? and only has like 250,000 miles or so…
Truthfully I thought hubby was joking when he asked what I thought of this…  I was like someone actually sent you that picture?  Why?  He informed me it was “cool”.

Little did I know The Beast would soon be in my future.

Our pond doesn’t really hold water… except of course for a short period after it rains.  And what should you do after it rains?  Go muddin’ of course.  Because, duh that will so seal up the pond… just ask hubby :).

I really thought we had a black truck though… maybe I was mistaken! :).  This was after the third trip into the pond.  Don’t worry, it went again…  Just had to make sure we really knew what color it was supposed to be.

My mother-in-law says you have to grow old but you never have to grow up.

And ok it was kind of fun swirling and swinging around the mud, especially because I walked away clean!  That was the best part!

What can I say… Boys will be Boys!

What he would miss…

You know, we all have our funny little quirks.  Those “ticks” that make us who we are and separate us from everyone else.

I got home from work the other day and hubby walked into the bedroom, looked at the bed and said, “Well, I know what you decided not to wear today.”  And it’s true.

First off, I’m not a morning person, no matter how hard I try to be, so getting up and getting dressed, well I have that down to an art.  I know exactly when I have to have whatever I’m doing done by so I can get to work on time.  hair, make-up, contacts in, teeth brushed, clothes on, shoes on, etc.

The one problem with all of that I have though is…
                        dun dun dun….

What am I going to wear that morning to work.

I walk into the closet, decide on one thing, then grab something else, realize they don’t match and instead of hanging them back up, I throw them on the bed and go after something else.  Some mornings it looks like my side of the closet just threw up on the bed.

When I come home that night, I generally put all my clothes away and they wait for the next day’s dressing adventure.

Maybe I’m wrong here, but I truly believe that is something that my wonderful husband would miss about me.

Oh and hey, go check out this post!  It might tell a little something about yours truly!  And if you are here from this post, please leave me a note and let me know!

p.s. Don’t forget about the Extravaganza that starts TOMORROW!!!!!!

Week 3 – Done, Finito, Finished!

I would just like to say Week 3 of this Couch to 5 K program kicked my rear, literally!

Normally we run Monday, Wednesday, Friday (since it’s 3 days per week), however this last week we got behind a bit so we moved it in to Saturday morning.  Tbug was at the house with us and she did it with us.

Normal just picking on her and being able to outrun her, I can do that… but this whole distance thing… I have no stamina.  She and hubby left me high and dry.  I don’t feel like a runner.  I’ve never been fast, even in junior high the year one of my friends convinced me to run track with her.

Unfortunately, I suck.  I know, such a pessimistic attitude!

But I’m persistent.  I tried to keep going.  Although I would be lying if I said I wasn’t fighting back tears Saturday morning when I realized I couldn’t keep up with them.  I was ready to give up.  And truthfully, I’m not sure what kept me going.  But I’m slow enough I didn’t want to hold them back either.

I guess I am a lot like my husband was when he first joined the army.  He said their nickname for him was Tugboat because he kept going.

When hubby ran off, so did my music so I was alone, with my thoughts, fighting back tears.  It wasn’t a good partial run for me.  The second part of the running portion though hubby stayed with me and kept me going.  you have no idea how he is my rock on this.

Back in September, right around the time we started this I posted on my facebook page that I was not a runner, not a morning person, but my butt up and went this morning anyway.

I love this blogging world because I’ve met some fabulous people, and one of those fantastic people Jill sent me an encouraging email she saw up on one of her friend’s posts that stated this:

“If you run, you are a runner. It doesn’t matter how fast or how far . It doesn’t matter if today is your first day or you’ve been running twenty years. There’s no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get … You just run ” John Bingham
Thought that you might like that! 😉

So I want to take this minute and tell Jill, you have absolutely NO Idea how much those words helped me, even Saturday morning, like 2 weeks after you sent this to me.  I kept reminding myself of this quote you sent me and I pushed on, so Thank you!

I love this blogging world.  Ok I’ll quit being sappy now!

Gotta love my tall socks, but I’m still gun shy, my heels haven’t completely healed yet either.

I Missed My Calling

I realized this weekend I missed my calling…..

Between going to a store that offers things like this…

Wine bottle openers, Salt & pepper Shakers & Napkin Ring holders…

To a grocery store that greets you this way as you walk in…

Flowers & Pumpkins Oh My!

And like this.  Holy cow…..

More Flowers & a Basil Plant!  I so almost bought the basil plant…

Then Dark Chocolate covered Blueberries & Mini Milk Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups….

Or how about a Pumpkin Chocolate Mousse Cake…

Holy Moly! said in my best Walter Matthau – in Grumpy Old Men!

Or how about a Farmer’s Market that has not only FRESH produce, but fresh seasonings AND an Italian Market right in the store, just to name a few things…

Homemade Cannoli… YUM!  or some pastes in a tube… even some Fresh seasonings!

Yes, this Farmer’s Market does exist, see, we’re there even!

Although I can’t even begin to tell you how COLD it was this weekend!  High of 43!
btw, this summer I thought I was ready for some cold weather, someone please kick my @$$ for that comment!

And then killing time before dinner we found this lovely lovely wine shop.  Look!

Plus they had a fabulous selection of Cheese!
BTW, that is Chocolate Wine for Chocolate Lovers who Love Wine…

And did you know it gets better? 

How about this apron or better yet a Ginger Bread House for Halloween?!?!?!?!
I might just be in love…

Oh and we even walked around a book store looking at Cookbooks.  Yep, I’m that cool!

So what was my calling you ask?

Well, I think I should have been a chef and or a food critic!

Maybe, both.  Combine my love of grocery stores with my love of food with my love of writing.

Hmmm…. Maybe it’s a good thing I picked up running… I might need it.

Did you know One of my absolute favorite things to do is walk around grocery stores.

No, not Wal-mart’s grocery portion, an actual Grocery Store!!!!!!  And what’s great, Mr. Man (don’t ask, I don’t know) as I dubbed him the other day in an email at work, aka hubby or PC, Loves walking around these places with me!

Farmer’s Markets, Grocery Stores, House Utensil & Kitchen Gadget stores….. All of the above or any of the above.

That’s one sad thing about living in Middle of nowhere America, no FABULOUS Grocery Stores!  And our Farmer’s Markets is great, but nothing like this one!

Ok, I’m out… It’s Monday Morning and I’m going back to dreaming about this fabulous weekend I just had! BTW, I’m hungry after this post… just saying…

I have learned early morning runs will do that to you… Beware!

Am I nuts or do you like walking around Really Cool Grocery Stores too?  Please say I’m not alone!

Wish me luck, I've lost my mind!

Source: via Nicole on Pinterest

It’s Official, I’ve clearly lost my mind!

Ok… let me re-start this… For over a year I’ve watched people talking about doing the C25K program.  I’ve listened to people who have trained, run, etc.  And I’m not going to lie, I kind of wanted to do it.

I talked to hubby and I wasn’t real sure he was game.  So I’d talk to him more about it, again, not sure he was game.  He didn’t mind walking at night, but that wasn’t getting me any closer to being able to say I too had run a 5K.  I don’t have any idea why I wanted to say I had run one, but that’s sure enough what I wanted to do.

Then one day out of the blue last week he said, let’s do the C25K program.

Really?  What?  Are you out of your mind?  Ok :).

We decided to start last Tuesday night.  We got a training app and went to town.

First day down!  Woohooooooo.

Then the unthinkable happen, dun dun dun, the flu hit my household.  yuck!  So yesterday morning, after recovering all weekend from the flu we started back on day 1.  Hey, the first day one was just practice :).

Sorry about the quality of the photo… it was 6:45amish and the sun hadn’t even woken up yet.

Since my tennis shoes (tenny runners) were kind of getting old and hubby wears his most days to work so we didn’t want to wear his work shoes out, we went shoe shopping.

New shoes are always an added bonus, right?

Sad to say I have war wounds, but hey, no pain, no gain right?

So please tell me it gets easier!  Oh, and that these stupid battle wounds go away 🙂

And just for good measure

Oh and get this… my Photoframe Chalkboard was featured here… Check it out!!

Linking up with IA & SS

Old Settler's Picnic

Saturday was the Moss Springs Old Settler’s Picnic.

My dad saw a flier for it weeks ago and said they had a photography contest.  He mentioned that I should enter.  So hubby and I started going through our photos and debating which photos we’d like to enter.

There were 7 categories:

  • Black and White
  • Still Life
  • Portrait 11 and under
  • Portrait 12 and up
  • Animal
  • Floral
  • Landscape

I entered a photo in every category.  Hubby entered in 5 of the 7.

So when we arrived to turn our photos, things were in full swing.  The drizzling rain didn’t stop anyone!  Here is a friend of my grandma’s and my uncle competing in the Horse Shoe contest.

My mom entered an afghan.  And I’m pleased to say, she won!!

My grandma entered bread, fudge and one other category.  I haven’t heard yet how she did.

And then our photos.  Here were our placings!!

  1. The Black & White feet was hubby’s entry.
  2. The Floral was my entry.
  3. the Hawaiian Sunset was Hubby’s entry.

  1. The boots entry was mine.
  2. The Horse Entry was mine.
  3. The picture of hubby was mine.
  4. The picture of Tbug was hubby’s.

I entered the Las Vegas Strip Landscape.  I got a compliment from a Professional Photographer saying that it should have won hands down.

This was hubby’s entry.

This was my entry.

This was my entry.

This was hubby’s entry.

Really, for our first ever photo contest we were quite pleased with how we did :).  Have you ever attended your local Old Settler’s Picnic?