The Story Part 3

**Part 1**
**Part 2**

When we left the triage room I left my phone sitting on the table. Hubby and the nurse were great because they grabbed everything I walked off without and placed in our room for me.

When I got back to our room around 9 the nurse told me that the doctor would be around soon and told hubby that I could have one other person back there with me while we waited. He asked me if it was okay to go out and eat his breakfast and he’d send someone in to sit with me. I told him that was fine. My mom and father-in-law came back to talk to me. I was nervous so I was really jumping around on topics and just talking to keep my mind off of things, especially the small amounts of pain that were going with the contractions. My mom timed the amount of time between contractions and said we were about a minute apart.

Then mom and my FIL decided to give others a chance back with me so hubby came back in and my grandma came with him. Grandma kept saying how excited she was for the little one to come and how she couldn’t wait.

Eventually my mom came back in with me and sat while I waited. The doctor came and gave the okay to give me the Pitocin which would make the contractions stronger and more regular. The nurse gave that as well as some fluids because I requested to have an epidural because truthfully I was so scared I didn’t need to feel all that pain doing it all natural.

Just before the lady came to do the epidural all the sudden I broke out into a huge sweat and thought I was going to be sick. I knew the lady had been called but she wasn’t there yet so I’m not exactly sure what took over, my nerves possibly.

Once the epidural showed mom was asked to leave the room for about 30 minutes. They ran through the procedure and asked a bunch of medical history questions, told me the complications and said that I would actually have to sit still during a few contractions while she was performing the epidural itself. I started shaking and kept complaining about being hot.

The nurse started fanning me while she was holding my left shoulder and hubby was holding my right. As long as the nurse fanned me I was doing better, I think I focused on that, but when she’d quit I’d start saying I’m HOT! They kept telling me I had to arch my back like a mad cat and stick my spine out. All I could think of was I thought I was and boy it’s hot in here. The shot to actually numb my back hurt like the dickens when it went in. The best comparison I can give was when a red wasp stings you, but maybe multiply that just a tad. It hurt. But I sat still like they told me I had to do.

Then they put the catheter in my back and told me to sit still during anything I felt but to let them know if I felt a zing. I asked what a zing felt like. They said imagine grabbing an electric fence. I was like oh I know what that feels like, I’ve actually done that. Maybe I shouldn’t have mentioned that….

I had to tell them which leg and where I felt the zing. Mainly I felt the zing in my left leg between my knee and my hip. Finally once the catheter was in and the epidural started doing its job I couldn’t feel contractions, I couldn’t feel my leg, I couldn’t move my legs or my feet… it was the weirdest feeling. Although my legs did get tired of sitting in one position even though I couldn’t feel them. Hard to explain.

The nurse kept coming in and moving my legs and even though I couldn’t feel them, sometimes the positions were uncomfortable and she’d say, can you at least let them sit that way for 10 minutes? I’d tell her sure… not like I could move them anyway. Now let me tell you, my hands could feel my legs but my legs couldn’t feel my hand sitting on them and they felt like jello. They also felt like they grew about 3 times in size. I even asked if my legs were fat and no one would answer me, they just laughed.

Once I was sitting there not feeling my legs at all and just hanging out and waiting, I finally asked for my phone to help keep my mind off what was coming. I was still nervous even though I couldn’t feel anything. I saw I had a bunch of text messages from friends asking how I was and wishing me luck today. Hubby was like, did you tell people we were at the hospital. I was like, nope, they think I’m taking my final. So I handed him my phone and told him to respond to them. I didn’t know how to respond. Once I handed him my phone, I didn’t care where it went.. ha!

At around 12:50pm the nurse came in and said, okay, we’re doing this. She said take a deep breath, hubby count to 10 for her while she pushes and I needed to grab my legs. I misunderstood and didn’t hold my breath for the 10 but let it out on a count of 10. Finally she told me I was doing it wrong and explained I had to hold it for the entire count of 10. I did this on every contraction (which I couldn’t feel) 3 times and then we’d rest waiting for the next contraction.

My nurse happened to be the Director of Obstetrics so she was constantly being called away. She got a phone call and told us to keep at it. Well I couldn’t feel the contractions and hubby wasn’t sure what she was looking at to tell me when to push so we’d just push when we thought it was time. She was gone for about 10 minutes. Finally she came back and so did the Epidural lady. The nurse asked her to turn the epidural down from a 12 to an 8 because I needed to feel the pressure behind the contractions (just not the pain) so I knew when to help push.

The nurse said that I was lucky because basically I’d feel like a bowel movement and once that happened baby girl would be out. There shouldn’t be any complications.

Once I started feeling the contractions I started nodding at hubby and he’d start counting. The nurse then started moving my legs around with the help of hubby to help try and push her out. About 2:20 or so they brought the doctor in and said, okay we’re ready to really push now. She had me pushing on every contraction for 4 counts of 10 (about 45 seconds or so). Eventually hubby had one leg, the nurse for Peanut had my other leg and the director grabbed my hands while she was standing to the side of the doctor (who was catching :)) and I had to pull against her. I kept yelling my thumbs because I thought they were going to break. 3 times like that and out she came just like the nurse said she would. Her official birth time was 2:50pm.

I took my Nikon underwater point and shoot so that if we got goo on it I could wash it off. Hubby handed the camera to the nurse and she took a picture of him cutting the umbilical cord. Then they placed her up on my chest and I started bawling like a baby.  We got our first official picture as a family.

Then Becca (Peanut’s nurse) took her to weigh, measure, etc. Hubby went over with the camera to get pictures of that while the doctor sewed my little tear up (I got 4 stitches on top of each other which they said was really good). Becca kept yelling out the stats on baby girl, I’m going to claim for me so I knew but possibly for the doctor to know as well??

They did her foot prints and tried to show me what they looked like. I was like I can’t see them because I made hubby take my glasses off while I was pushing because they were driving me nuts so Becca brought her foot prints closer so I could see them and a flood of emotions made me start crying all over again.

In our hospital all is done right there in the room, you never have to leave. So while they cleaned her up and me up hubby took a picture of her and sent a text to mom so she could show everyone. (Mom, dad, MIL, FIL, Grandma & Earl). Earl told me she wished she’d have had her video going because when grandma saw her she said, and I get to hold that bundle of joy come August on Monday’s. (My grandma is watching her on Monday’s while I’m in school!).

Once she was cleaned up and I was they brought her back to me and I (we) got to love on her.

**More to come**

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The Story Part 2

**Part 1**

Thursday morning rolled around and at 12:34 I got up to go to the bathroom. When I was finished I kind of leaked a little and wondered if I just hadn’t finished peeing but I just blew it off as I was tired and went back to bed. (weird I know.) At 1:30ish I woke up again and had to pee really bad. Nothing new, this happens a lot so I went to get out of bed and thought something didn’t feel right. I tried to wake hubby up and he muttered at me in what can only be determined as a foreign language and he rolled over. I sweetly tried to wake him up again and again, he spoke that language again.

Finally after the 3rd time I yelled his name loudly and got his attention. He asked what was wrong about the same time he jumped out of bed and I told him I think my water just broke, get me a towel please.

He was like what? I said, I think my water just broke. He said why do you think that? I said well I feel like I’m peeing my pants but I have to pee really bad. So he turned the light on and grabbed me a towel and I went to the bathroom. He came in to check on me and we determined that yes, that was my water breaking so I went ahead and stayed in the bathroom and hubby ran around the house almost like a chicken with his head cut off.

Before we went to bed the night before we made just a small list of last minute things to grab just in case something like this happened in the middle of the night. Pour hubby was running around the house and I kept having to tell him to calm down. Just before we left the house he brought me clean clothes. I put my shoes on and we headed to my car. The dogs were extremely excited but they sure didn’t know why.

Just before we left we called the hospital (as the doctor told us to), my parents, my aunt and my father in law. Hubby even brought the house phone into the car with us :). On the way to town we called my mother in law. Hubby teased me on our way because the day before I knew I needed gas but I decided that I would have gotten gas on the way to school (that day). On our way to town the low fuel light went on. Hubby was like, of course, the one time you need gas, your low fuel light goes on. I was like, there’s still 50 miles left and we’re about 8 miles from the hospital so we had a good laugh on the way to the hospital.

The way the hospital is set up, you go in through the Emergency Room and they check you in. Then you are immediately wheeled back to the OB area. Being a small town, our hospital only has 4 delivery rooms then 3 triage delivery rooms. The day before had been a busy day at the hospital in the delivery department so they put us in the 1st Triage room.

 In fact, they had a induction coming in at 5am that was supposed to be in there so they pushed them back since we took the better of the Triage rooms.

Around 3:30am the nurse called her boss to see what they were going to do. Her boss, Sandy came in around 5 and checked my stats and explained that they were going to put me on one of the exercise balls as gravity is my friend. I’d spend about 30 minutes to an hour on the gravity ball and then I could take a 30 minute nap or vise versa. We decided nap first. She also said that Dr would be around to check on me in the 7am hour.

We were told to try for a 30 minute nap. I never got a nap I just sat there and watched CMT but hubby was able to conk out for about 15 minutes before they brought the medicine ball in.

Then I was told to sit on the ball. The contractions were getting a little more known but still nothing too terrible. The only thing is Sandy kept telling me not to hold my breath. I had to breathe through them to make sure that baby was getting enough air with the contracting muscles.

On the ball I was to bounce up and down, wiggle from side to side and float forward/backward. I was supposed to change what I was doing ever 5-6 contractions. It was to help the brain through the contractions and loosen muscles because my brain wasn’t focused on the contraction but what I was doing. My mom was allowed back at this time so she and hubby talked to me to keep my mind off things as well. Mom said they were all getting tickled in the waiting room at all the random text messages I had been sending her since about 3something that morning. Obviously I was bored… lol.

The doctor came in around 7, I had been on the ball about an hour to an hour and a half. They made fun of me because I was sitting Indian style (you know cross legged, that’s how we learned it in school) on the ball and not falling. About this time my parents left to go home and feed critters and then stop and get hubby some breakfast.

They decided to take me off of the medicine ball. Just before 8am they said that the “gravity” theory was working and they wanted me to walk the halls for an hour. By the time I got through with that they’d have a room to put me in. So hubby and I took off to walk the halls. Memaw (my Mother-in-law) went walking with us.

There are hand rails that line the walls and Sandy said that if I needed to stop for a contraction, don’t worry. She said they’re used to seeing women walking the halls all the time. I was told to avoid one hall because that’s where the sick patients were kept and they tried to keep us out of that wing :). Toward the end of that hour walk, the contractions started getting a little harder but they were very random too.

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Maternity Photo Shoot Outtake Take 2

I hope you looked at yesterday’s outtakes… If not, go check them out now. I’ll wait!

What did you think?  Yeah I know, we’re talented!

So anyway I told hubby that I wanted photos of just me, some with Tbug, some with just him and some with all of us. Well the day we worked on them the first time, sadly I didn’t get any of him and me. Hello… :).  So I told him we had to try again so this last weekend we took another opportunity. We took around 100 photos. There again were some good ones but some crazy ones too. These were easier to narrow down to the crazy ones though!

I’m not done yet though… well unless Baby Girl decides she’s coming early, then I guess I’ll have to be done, but I played around on pinterest last night and found a whole bunch I’d like to try. So we’ll see what the next few weekends have in store for photos, otherwise enjoy this second set of outtakes!

Why not blow out a photo while I’m in the process of sneezing 🙂 Always a good way to start things off!!

This is a little more our style, don’t you think?

And of course he needed to get the look to tell him to be good 🙂

eh, who needs a head. Actually we were readjusting the camera at this point.

And I have absolutely no words for this.

I sure hope that you’re having as much fun laughing at these photos as I am :). We’re working on a few good ones and yes I have a few of those to share too, but for now I’m having fun laughing at these outtakes.

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I Can't Dance

I’m not sure what rock I live under, but just yesterday I heard Lee Brice’s new song “I don’t Dance.” It was on the top 4 at 4 on one of of our local Radio Stations. Apparently a lot of people use this song for their wedding song. Yup, guess I’m out of that loop as most of my friends are married… I guess that’s how I missed it anyway because I spend a lot of time in my car every day driving… so you’d think I’d hear it at least once, right?

Anyway I listened to the lyrics. I like the song…

“I Don’t Dance”

I’ll never settle down, / That’s what I always thought
Yeah, I was that kind of man, / just ask anyone

I don’t dance, But here I am / Spinning you around and around in circles
It Ain’t my style, but I don’t care / I’d do anything with you anywhere
Yes, you got me in the palm of your hand / Cause, I don’t dance

Love’s never come my way, / I’ve never been this far
Cause you took these two left feet / And waltzed away with my heart

No, I don’t dance, but here I am / Spinning you around and around in circles
It ain’t my style, but I don’t care / I’d do anything with you anywhere
Yes, you got me in the palm of your hand, girl / Cause, I don’t dance
Ohhh / I don’t dance


I don’t dance, but here I am / Spinning you around and around in circles
It ain’t my style, but I don’t care / I’d do anything with you anywhere

I don’t dance, but here I am / Spinning you around and around in circles
It ain’t my style, but I don’t care / I’d do anything with you anywhere
Yeah, you got me in the palm of your hand, girl / Cause, I don’t dance

So this song just made me think of my husband. I know another sappy Nicole post but I can’t help it! When I started talking to and eventually dating my husband, all he would tell me was “I can’t dance.” I called BS on him a lot. I didn’t buy it.

Another conversation we had he told me he never figured he’d find anyone to settle down with. He just didn’t think it was in the cards for him. Again I called BS on that too. I can’t help it, my optimistic side came out I guess :).

Well I’m just here to tell you, the right people fall in love and all that melts away and you can call BS all day because it’ll be true!! This past February we hit 4 year engagement anniversary.

And come this September we’ll hit our 4 year anniversary. And 4 years ago at that time he will have danced with me (as many other times as well!). Sometimes you just have to call BS and if it’s meant to be, they’ll dance with you!


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Where would you be if you weren’t with me?

So the hubbs and I were driving down the road yesterday and we were listening to the Crook & Chase Country Countdown. One year ago today Lee Brice’s “A Woman Like You” was the number one song of the countdown.

I was the one driving and I’d just sit there and giggle at some of the lyrics just because, well I’m not really sure why but the lyrics were just cracking me up. Then when it got to the point in the song where he sang, “She just smiled and rolled her eyes,” I actually smiled and rolled my eyes.

So jump forward a couple of hours and hubby was now driving and I was sitting in the passenger seat and I looked at him and said, “So Where would you be if it weren’t for me?”

His response was, “Looking for a girl like you.” I giggled and rolled my eyes. Then I made the comment that just after we started dating he actually got an offer to go back to The Stan (Afghanistan) for 2 years but he chose to stay in the states because of me. I said, “You’d probably have gone back.” He said, “Yeah, probably so, but at least in Afghanistan I’d have had Facebook so you could have found me and we could have had the conversation about when I was coming back for leave and you could have asked me to go on a date with you and then you could have kicked me in the crotch and I could have fallen in love with you and we’d be right where we are now.”


Anything Like Me

So I was driving to school this morning and this song popped on the radio. Heck I was so ready to break down and cry. In fact, I sent this song to hubby and the subject of the email was cry with me, won’t you.


On more than one occasion I’ve wondered what Peanut is going to be like. How can you not wonder? I keep cracking people up because right now I’m so totally focused on what color her eyes are going to be. My mom’s are blue, my dad’s are brown and I came out with brown (or as hubby calls them breen). Hubby’s eyes are a gorgeous blue, mine are (as he calls them) breen, so what could she have? Yeah I wonder hair color too but not nearly like the eyes. I’m crazy I guess.

But then here lately I’ve been so focused on stories and events that happened to me as a child/teenager/etc. There are definitely experiences I want her to have… like

  • Learning to drive in my dad’s old 86 Ford 3/4.
  • Flying through a field at 6 years old in a 1989 Chevy S10 slamming on the breaks sending the dogs flying forward and backwards yelling, but they like it!
  • Riding the homemade swing on the horse walker helping to keep the horses moving.
  • Jumping out of the bed of my dad’s S10 to grab his ballcap he lost messing with cows even though told to stay in the bed of the truck so the cows didn’t get you. Hey I was afraid it would blow into the stock tank.
  • Having the best parents in the world who would do what they could to make sure you had everything you wanted.
  • But taught you to value the dollar, nothing comes for free
  • Showing horses
  • Getting sunburned from riding horses all day (although the sunburned part can be avoided)
  • Helping build a barn
  • Helping finish a house
  • Showing sheep and being known as the lady with the crazy sheep, sure why not!

 Obviously things I would avoid would be

  • Falling out of a swing in 2nd grade and getting a cast.
  • I really would prefer she get her daddy’s vision (mine sucks)
  • Getting shoved headfirst into a desk so a boy could beat you to the water fountain, stitches suck
  • Ever being in a wreck, no matter how minor it is.

Oh I could go on and on with lists… but still almost every night or at least quite a few times per week hubby has to calm me down because I’m afraid she’ll hate us. Not in a I don’t like you because you won’t let me have my way kind of dislike, every kid has those moments, but an I hate you because you ruined my life and I want absolutely nothing to do with you.

I guess I should really quit before I just totally freak myself out right now. I blame some of this on being pregnant. It really does affect you with all the hormones you have running through your system, YIKES!

On a different note little girl got a cute Halloween outfit yesterday, it was on sale, 60% off. Heck if I waited until Halloween it’d be full price, hello savings!

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Emotional Roller Coaster

So here’s the deal, the doctor told us when we first went to our appointment that when we hit a certain point in this pregnancy we could go and have blood work done to see if the baby had Cystic Fibrosis and/or Downs Syndrome.  Not that if the baby had this anything could be done, but we could prepare ourselves a little better to take care of the baby.  Just do our research so that the baby has the best life possible.  I don’t know much about either one of these so I thought it’d be a good thing to test so I could educate myself.

So the first week of January I went to my drs appointment and they said we were to the point that I could go take the blood tests if I was interested.  I said let’s do it.  So they gave me the paperwork and sent me to the lab.

The lab isn’t in the drs office, it’s across town and it seems to take them a couple weeks to process and get the results back to the drs office.  No big deal, I wasn’t worried either way about the results.  So Tuesday the 21st when hubby got to work he received an email (we’re signed up for their website, etc) that said that the baby came back free and clear of both of those tests.  Obviously something could be different when baby comes out but for now the tests said all was okay.  He called me and we were both happy.

I went to class that morning and after I was finished I went and sat in the commons area at the school and my phone rang.  I noticed the number was the drs office number so I assumed that they were calling with the results that I already knew.  Now the drs nurse is Jessica so I really assumed it was Jessica but when I answered the phone it was the Nurse Practitioner in the office, Jill.  I was a bit confused when she told me who she was but no big deal.  I knew the results right?

Then Jill proceeded to tell me about the results.  She didn’t address the 2 tests that we knew we were testing for, instead she said that the baby came back high for having Trisomy 18.  I had a 1 in 45 chance of the baby having this.  I remained calm (which if you know me isn’t me at all sometimes but I didn’t freak out).  She told me that they wanted to send me to a specialist in Springfield for further, more in dept testing.  She asked if that would be an option and I told her yes.

Then I asked her what Trisomy 18 was or what it meant.  So what this means is that if the baby actually has this, that the baby won’t make it.  From what we’ve found on the internet (which is a scary place) but I verified through my aunt (she’s a doctor) my findings were correct is the baby will go from being born a still-born to not making it very long.  There are some results of a baby making it into their teen years but they were in and out of doctors and surgeries and the family who kept this baby alive through teen years was very wealthy.  Also from what I found, the baby won’t have a very good quality of life if they do make it through.

So after I talked to Jill, I sent hubby a text message that I needed to talk to him.  I started packing up my stuff because I was about to lose it and didn’t want to in the middle of the school so when hubby called I told him I had to call him right back.  I took off toward my car and I just lost it.  I called hubby back to tell him what was going on and had the hardest time getting through it.

So jump forward to Monday the 27th.  I got home from school and was sitting working on homework when my cell phone rang.  It was my drs office which I thought was weird so I answered.  Barb on the other end proceeded to tell me that the place they made my appointment at wasn’t covered by my insurance and I’d have to pay $1,100 out of pocket to go.  Did I have those types of funds? NO!  So I asked what I needed to do now.  They made this appointment for me so why wouldn’t this be an in network place?  Or at least check.  My appointment was in 2 days.

They told me to contact the insurance providers and see if an exception could be made.  I called hubby and he contacted them.  Did I mention this was 3:30 or later on a Monday afternoon when this all took place?  The insurance company told us that it could take up to 3 days for this to be approved and then they notify via snail mail. WHAT?

Poor pregnant girl who has hormones flying through her body, I was up in tears just freaking out.  Hubby had a phone number to call on Tuesday to see if any decision had been made.  He called me around 11:20 or so and said that they approved us to go to this drs office.  Amen!  So I called my drs office back to let Barb know that we were okay to move forward.  I got her voicemail so I left her a message, then she called me back and said she called the drs office in Springfield and confirmed I still had an appointment.

So at noon I get a phone call from the drs office in Springfield and their insurance lady (don’t know her name) and she wanted to know how I knew we were approved.  Said that insurance companies will tell you what you want to hear to get you off the phone and will go back on their word.  Did I get this in writing.  Well no because you guys didn’t give us any time to get this approved, but we’re supposed to get it in writing.  She said that they can even go back against what they have in writing and she just wanted me to know.

Okay, let’s just set the pregnant girl off again… lol.  Hubby was in meetings for work so I sent him a text that said he needed to call me ASAP.  He called me back about 15-20 minutes later and he wound up calling and talking to her.  She proceeded to call our insurance company just to verify so all was good.  whew!  So we were still on for Wednesday.

We had the ultra sound Wednesday the 29th.  They said everything looked good there.  Then they said they either wanted an amniocentesis which is the gold star method but even though it is 100% accurate creates a chance of problems or a newer option which is blood work that is 99.9% positive but less invasive.  I was like find the vampires, my veins give blood well. ha!  So I get those test results back in 10-12 days.  The doctor said if a baby has genetic defects, 90% of the babies will show the signs during an ultra sound but ours looked normal, they focused on the hands, feet and head mainly but the rest too plus they said that the baby is growing at the normal rate so let’s hope!

Now we’re just waiting on the other test results.  They said that if those come back good then we’re basically free and clear.  If it comes back abnormal then they’ll want to do the amniocentesis. So a bit of stress has been lifted off of our shoulders, now just waiting for the rest to be okay.

So now we’re waiting but for those of you who wondered, that’s what’s going on.

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Eating Crow…. Again

Have you ever heard the phrase, Eating Crow?  Or The Taste of Crow never tasted so good, etc?  Well I think I am one getting good at eating crow.  Not the real bird :), just the fact that I’ll say something, (ie I’ll never marry a guy with a kid, but that turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made) and then you/I wind up doing it after all.  Yeah, something like that.

So anyway recently my hubby had been driving my car.  I got in and what did I see?  A nice big blue streak across the seat…

Can’t say I was the happiest about this discovery either.  I started grumbling and asking hubby what he got on my car seat.  We’ve debated if it was pen, paint, chalk, who knows.  I blamed him for it though, that’s for sure.

So this morning when I went to get dressed, I noticed there was something on the pocket of my jeans.  Oh crap, I might actually be the culprit of the blue on my car seat.  Crap crap crap.

PS that is a black arrow I drew on the picture to show the blue spot… just sayin….

I just so happen to be the one in our house who likes blue ink.  Now, does anyone know how to get blue ink off tan leather seats?

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Here's to the Future

Like many of us, I am a creature of habit.  It is comfortable when things go the same way, day in and day out.  Get up, go to work, come home, do my workout, play with the pooches, eat dinner, spend time with hubby, throw in some horse back riding and time with the {step}daughter, and then get up and do it again the very next day.  It makes life feel easy.  Yes, we have our obstacles thrown in there on a daily or weekly or monthly basis, but at the same time, those are fairly regular as well.

Lately though, a storm has been brewing in these parts, waiting to unleash its fury on the people who are near.  I don’t really want to talk much about it just yet, and don’t worry, my marriage is still very strong, so no worries there, but at the same time, a whole new chapter in my life is about to unfold.

It’s very edgy, very scary, and truthfully I have no idea which way it will lead me.  Possibly any person in their right mind would want to jump ship, but that’s not an option.  I can reassure you though, that I have the absolute best husband, {step}daughter, parents, family and friends that a girl could possibly ever need or want.  They all stand behind me 100% and back my every whim.

Although to say I’m scared sh*tless would be quite the understatement.  I am nervous.  I am scared.  I’m not real sure what the outcome is going to be, which makes it even more nerve racking.

You may or may not have noticed that I kind of disappeared late last week, but I just didn’t know how to put words and thoughts together.  I’m still not quite sure, but if nothing else, I’m sure it will be one heck of a ride.

And to that, Early and I toasted to the future.

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