Hi, have we met? I’ve been in a funk here lately and I really hate it. In fact, yesterday a couple friends said hi to me and I barely acknowledged them. I promise, I’m not a snob. Life has been throwing me curve ball after curve ball and I’m just in a funk. I think that early life crisis is hitting in again… or maybe close to midlife although if that’s the case, I’ll make it to my 60’s. That’s a morbid thought. See… funk! I’m not kidding. So, just because, let’s do a currently post. This should be fun, right?
Reading: I started reading Lauren Graham’s Book, Talking as Fast as I Can, but I’ve misplaced it. Otherwise, the other night I was reading Frozen to the bug. Exciting right? We also read Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and some book she gets monthly in the mail.
Listening to: both fans run. Otherwise it’s quiet in here right now. Oh and I guess I hear the tick tick of the keyboard.
Planning: The trip to my aunt’s house in a couple weeks and Abug’s birthday party this weekend. Can you believe she’s going to be 3? Where in the world has time gone…. seriously!
Wishing: That someone would take away my bad luck so maybe I could get just a bit of good luck… seriously. Oh and wishing that I could move my silly blog from Blogger to WordPress. I think Blogger doesn’t want me to leave and WordPress doesn’t want my ramblings. I have no other explanation. I’m going on 2 weeks of hardcore trying to move it and still coming up short. ACK!
Watching: Yesterday I was watching Gilmore Girls, again. My husband owns all the seasons and made me watch them once after we finished watching Friends for his 1stish time (all the way through) and my like 256,532,123.5 times or something like that. I have to say, I really like the Gilmore Girl series! I want to be Loreli Gilmore, sort of anyway.
Hoping: That I don’t have a breakdown. haha… just kidding. I really am just hoping for something better. I don’t know what at this point…
Learning: I try to learn something new every day. Right now, I’m learning that I can wake up at 6am and be a functioning human being. I’m not now nor have I ever been a morning person. Today Abug starts a summer class. It’s 1 day a week for an hour. I needed to get up and do chores and get this, I actually fixed my hair. I didn’t just pull it up in a messy bun and say screw it. This is a first… not really but you know. I wonder if I should show up in boots, cut off shorts, a t-shirt, and long coat like Loreli did on Rori’s first day at Chilton. Oh heck no…. I’ll save that for a day that Abug is being ridiculous and needs a less or something… you know when she’s a teenager and not a threenager.
Browsing: Oh heck, I can’t do that these days. I guess this morning I browsed through Facebook and some blogs that I follow. Then I wondered if anyone who I follow and I know used to follow me still does or if I lost most people. I know there are a handful of you out there who for sure read, and for hat I want to say thank you! I swear, someday I’ll get my mojo back. These days I just feel lost.
Going: To school… yet it isn’t for me this time! Whew! Nope, Abug starts a summer class today (mentioned above I know). One minute she’s excited and the next she’s scared to death. The other night at bedtime we had a breakdown about how she didn’t want to go to school and she refused to go to sleep because that meant she had to go to school and she was no longer a big girl, instead she was a baby so she didn’t have to go to school, and you get the picture.
Wish us luck!