Quilt Block 19 & 20
The last I tried sewing I swear everything went wrong from losing material to fighting grandma’s sewing machine. I was so frustrated beyond belief I almost couldn’t see straight. But I’ve been away from working on this quilt for 2 weeks now (vacation!!) so I came back with a better attitude.
Before we left Abug and I were at Walmart and she picked out the fabric that was used in Quilt Block 19. I left the material with grandma when we left and she had all the pieces cut out for us by the time we got there yesterday.
She also had her sewing machine fixed so things were looking up… until we misplaced one of the 4″solid pink squares and didn’t have any material of the solid pink to fix the mistake. Luckily we didn’t give up and we found what we were looking for. Whew! My only other problem is I forgot where I was supposed to gage my 1/4″ seam and made a few of my seams 1/2″. Dang it!
But this is Quilt block 19 and it turned out without many problems. You can’t tell from this photo but it’s an oversized quilt block. So I present Quilt Block 19. I’m quite proud of it :). There are a few mistakes in it though. Oh well….
I forgot to bring a new photo of where all the blocks go so I had to use 1 Bar of LTE/3G (bounces back and forth in grandma’s rock house) to get a picture of where all the blocks go.
And here is Quilt Block 19. I swear I need to put this on a big open floor, except I don’t have anywhere to do that just yet so they just stay on the bed and fall off. Grandma cut out a few pieces to take out the orange/blue block so bad but I’m not crazy about those. I really want to just change up that whole block.
So I mentioned above we were on vacation… we went to Cozumel for 10 days. Abug was able to go with us this year!! So I decided it would be fun to get some material from Cozumel to incorporate into her quilt. In this particular block, the flowers came from Cozumel. We were only able to do one piece of the material we bought for the quilt in this particular block. I’m so excited to incorporate this material into the quilt!
I now present you Quilt Block 20. I really like it!! As with most of my quilt blocks, there are a few flaws. Hopefully it won’t show up too bad after it’s all sewn together.
And here it is placed in its place on the quilt top.
We won’t be able to sew for a couple weeks because next week Monday is Memorial Day and Grandma has knee surgery tomorrow so we decided to take a week off (again). I’m so excited to see this finished. You have no idea!! We’re getting close. There are only 24 blocks and this finished up through 20. I can’t wait to see what this will look like all together. I think Quilt Block 22 (don’t quote me on that) will incorporate Anna/Elsa into the quilt. Yes, this quilt has NO Theme, other than what moves me week to week I guess.
Please say a little prayer for my grandma’s surgery tomorrow that all goes well!