Boots Boots and more Boots {and Tips on taking care of Leather!}
My love/hate relationship with Facebook paid off once again this week. Why do I say love/hate? Well because sometimes I love to hate it! Sometimes people overshare on Facebook. Sometimes people take what you say wrong on Facebook. Sometimes….. the stories go on and on. Use your imagination.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great place to connect with old friends and new friends a like. a great place to share recipes and pictures. And a great place to find deals on boots!
Oh, wait, what? Boots? Yes, boots. This past weekend I was on Facebook, and a group that I’m a member of Farm Hats had a post about a Durango Boots discount. I read through the post and it said that if you ordered with the code FFACHAPTER you got a pair of FFA Durango Boots for $49. I thought that seems too good to be true.
So I went on to the website and it showed that they were $149 (or if men $152 or something like that). I went ahead and added a pair to my cart, plugged in the discount code, and bam… $49 pair of FFA Durango boots. No tax and you could get free shipping for $2 for FedEx shipping. I showed it to the hubs and also shared it on my Facebook page for others to benefit from.
Then that night hubby and I decided (and I use hubby and I loosely, he did it 😉 I just benefitted from it) to order us each a pair. One… the website said $2 was donated to the FFA (I’d have liked a little more but whatever) and two, you can’t beat a pair of $49 pair of boots.
They arrived yesterday. I was sooooo happy! Oh and get this… The box said they donate $5 per pair of boot to the FFA. Even better!!
I may be making a wrong assumption but I assume the discount works this week because it is FFA Week. But anyway I just had to share about my great find! Oh and here are some tips for keeping boots in tip-top condition!
Leather Care
- Wipe them off – Just use a towel, damp it if you must, and wipe them down, especially after heavy use. This allows the leather to breathe and stay flexible.
- Let dry for 24 hours – Remember your feet sweat. When moisture from your feet hasn’t had a chance to dry, this allows the smellage (I made that word up). Just let them air dry, drying with heat may cause the leather to crack. No bueno! 🙂
- Condition your boots – This is what I’m worst about… dun dun dun. Leather, just like your skin, dries out. Keeping them oiled with leather conditioner allows the boots to stay supple and soft.