The Saturday Post {99}
Top 5 Posts of the Week
1. 2015 Chiefs Draft Party
2. SW MO Blogger Meet up and Springfield Gourmet Taco Company
4. 10 Things to Smile About April
5. The Peanut Post – Month 10
This Weeks Posts
Blast from the Past
2014 – Bouré – Oxford, MS
2013 – Education – dSLR Camera Settings
2012 – Stressed out
Homemade Garlic Toast
2011 – Peepers!!!
2010 – There wasn’t one
Recipes made from the Blog This Week
++This is becoming a laughing stock!
Week’s Happenings
++Oh Goodness!
++Last week of classes. That’s kind of stressful
++I finished a 1st draft of a paper.
++I went to a bar, I only drank coke. I had to go… it was a class thing.
++Baby girl turned 10 months old. How did that happen?
++SW MO Blogger Meet-up
++oh did I mention the 2015 KC Chiefs Draft Party in KC?