10 Things to Smile About January

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Soooo… I forgot.  You forget?  Happened to me :).  Quoting my husband and I have no idea where he came up with that.  Anyway yesterday happened to be the last Tuesday of the month.  Do you know what the last Tuesday of the month is?  Well it just so happens to be EmmyMom’s monthly 10 Things to Smile About mem… yup, I forgot.  So here we are today making up for it.  Capeesh.  Hmmm did I spell that right?

Emmy Mom

This has been a super trying month at our house.  It’s been filled with a lot of scary moments and even more tears so lets dig through and try to find something to smile about, shall we?

1.  Hubby and I have been together for 4 1/2 years.  We’re closer now than ever before.  He always has my back and I always have his.

2. Tbug got a year older, although that makes me age too…. but if we’re still having birthdays and still getting older, that means we’re still alive so I’ll smile to that!

3. We made it through Week 13, Week 14, Week 15, Week 16, (and we’ll hit Week 17!!)

4. Even though the Chiefs kinda chocked, they made the playoffs for the first time in like 20 years.

5. I actually found the top 10 posts of 2013 which surprised me some.

6. I had a lot of people remind me I wouldn’t change anything, even though I sometimes question it….

7. Tori’s Cheer team won first place and won a spot for National Finals.

8. My family and friends have offered a lot of support to me during this extremely trying time.

9. We went and ate sushi with friends. Then I learned pregnant women shouldn’t eat sushi but I’m assuming that’s raw?  I don’t eat raw so….

10. I ate 3 donuts.

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