Getting to know you… er me
**I check the weather every day and can generally tell you the next few days forecast or how it differs from the forecast I read yesterday. Same goes for if we’re traveling, generally I can tell you what the weather will be like a few months out.
**I like order to my life. I alphabetized my CD’s and my DVD’s, although they have gotten out of order recently, don’t worry, one of these days I’ll do it again.
**My hands and my feet are always freezing. I blame it on early morning Band practices in high school.
**My knees get cold too. It can be 110 degrees outside and my knees will feel like you brought them out of the freezer. It’s CRAZY. And if I don’t get them warm, the pain works its way to my ankle and my hip. If all three ache, I’m done for. And yes, I’ve been known to sleep with my electric blanket on in the summer on my leg to warm my knee up.
**By the way I have a habit of pronouncing the K in knee (cu-nee) all because of my husband and the fact that I’ll tell him I kneed him in the knee and he’ll ask me why I need him in the knee.
**I have to take a shower every day. It weirds me out if I don’t and going to bed without a shower is unheard of, I have to wash the daily grime off. The only time this doesn’t apply is if I was in my house all day and did absolutely nothing. Every once in a while I’ll make an exception.
**But I can’t wash my hair every day. Oh Lordy! My hair couldn’t decide if it wanted to be straight, curley or wavy so it’s a mixture of all the above. That mixed with washing every day is not a good combination.
**Toilet paper kind of freaks me out. I mean I know what it’s used for but from there, it is not used for wiping your nose, using on your face, anything like that. Your grubby paws touch it when you’re doing “other things”. Enough said. And I have a hard time admitting this fact to people because they look at me weird….
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That’s why toilet paper wedding dresses are “fun” circa 2006 |
**I absolutely hate putting laundry away. I have no problem washing it, but I also hate to wash it because that means either A) it winds up in a pile at the foot of my bed (generally) or B) I have to fold it and I hate putting it away!
**But one of the best smells in the world is fresh laundry. Along with a storm that is blowing in, fresh cut hay, fresh cut grass and this lotion stuff I got at The Body Shop years ago… Satsuma.
**I want to go to culinary school so bad. I can’t believe it costs almost as much as a 4 year degree to go, but then if you add in the cost of equipment and food, I can kind of see it.
**I want to get my pilots license, my CDL for a semi, scuba certified and my motorcycle license. Why? Why not? Some days I feel like Rose DewitBecator (Titanic) or Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany’s). It seems like nothing stopped them… Rose you saw in her pictures she traveled with and Holly, she always said, I did it because I never have before.
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Yes they are fictional but still…. |
What a cute post idea!
I used to be a weather guru. My family would even call me to see what the weather was going to be. All that stopped after Baby 3, there is just no time!
I'm totally with you on putting away laundry. There is ALWAYS a mountain of clean laundry somewhere around my house. It's usually on the kitchen table!!
I pronounce the silent Ks in words all the time. I also like to add Ks to words. My son's middle name is Knight….so I have fun saying it.
Ha ha I hate putting up laundry also.
Fun post. And doing something simply because you never have seems like a good reason! (as long as its legal )
My boyfriend is the same with the weather. I always ask him instead of watching it on TV because he always knows. I call him “chief meteorologist Nate” haha.
I LOVE to alphabetize. I do it with my DVDs, books, etc. too.
Have a great week! :o)
I love this post! I am horrible with the weather, I never know what it's supposed to be like.
Culinary school would be so fun! I haven't checked prices so I have no clue how expensive it would be.. but I can imagine it is spendy.
Love the toilet paper dress picture 😀
You would get along well in this office… seems they are checking the weather every 2 minutes!! (Granted, it's kind of an important factor at a company that deals with snow removal in the winter, and growing sod in the summer. lol)
I had fun reading this! We are definitely a lot alike 🙂
I am the same way with laundry– which is why I made it a goal to have it put away everyday before bed and I am doing it! And if I just hang it all up and put it away as soon as I pull it out then it doesn't pile up and really doesn't seem so bad (can't believe I am admitting that!)
Yeah! I am kind of a germ a phoebe too! Like the toothbrushes are not kept in the bathroom. The idea that your hand touched the toilet paper does not bother me as much as the poop particles that float around everytime you flush. I only wash my hair twice a week, it doesn't get greasy and it looks better. Plus it is damaging to wash it too much natural oils are good. Plus my hair is super thick and it takes all evening to dry after I wash it. Who has time for that! haha
I have to shower before bed too! I have to get into bed clean. I also alphabetize things. Makes life so much easier!
So you take a shower everyday but don't get your hair wet?! I seriously have to take a shower EVERY morning or I can't wake up. I literaly drag my butt from the bed to the shower. No stops in between!
Laundry, laundry. Can't stand folding and putting the laundry away too – it's now a kid designated job, they even deliver it to the top of ones dresser.
I've got a list of things I'd like to do as well – just because I never have before.
Toilet paper? Now that cracked me up lol
This is a great post. We have so much in common! I really wish we lived closer to one another!!!