Why do I hide?
I swear, sometimes I think my life goal is to blend in to the background. I don’t know why… truthfully I sometimes stick out like a sore thumb…
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Costa Rica Circa May 2002 |
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I thought it was cool to talk on a cell phone on the Brooklyn Bridge… so sue me… my point here… boots & jeans and a belt buckle in NYC – One of the fashion capitals of the world! Circa June 2005 |
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And yes, the belt buckle even goes with capri’s and sandals! Circa June 2006 |
I remember in high school always worried about what other people would think of me and waiting for that to get over once I got into the real world. Sadly though, I think that feeling has followed me into adulthood. Sometimes I’m afraid of people I know, knowing I have this little blog here.
Sometimes this is a very raw, very emotional blog. No, not saying my posts are tear jerkers, but they are me, they are real. I guess sometimes I’m worried about what if people can’t handle the real me. But truthfully I’m as much me here on this blog as I am in real life. That’s the funny thing about it.
I’m sure you’ve seen it said before on here, but I started a second blog. It’s a food blog. I figured that I was bothering people when I’d post recipes on here so I moved them over to the food blog. Truth be told, I think I ran out of recipes. Either that or the drive to post photos because working 8-5, having a husband, three dogs, a house, a {step}daughter every other weekend, then on top of that going to school… I got worn out.
I love this blog. It’s my heart and sole I think sometimes but the other one… eh…. I could take it or leave it.
But on the other blog I started doing restaurant reviews. I love going out to eat. I love eating. I am a self-proclaimed foodie even.
So lately I’ve been debating combining the blogs back into one and bugging you every now and again with recipes and even restaurant reviews. The thing is, I post my recipe blog on facebook pages of the restaurants that I’ve reviewed and part of me hesitates to do that with this blog.
Believe it or not, people who know me don’t, I’m shy. I like to talk and I’ll talk your leg off, but sometimes in weird situations I don’t know what to say so I stand there and I swear I look like an idiot while I do it.
I’ve asked a few of my good bloggie friends (that I have email addresses for) and I still feel torn as to what to do… so now I’m asking everyone who reads this… What do you think I should do? First off, should I be afraid to share this blog? And second, the recipes & restaurant reviews… move them over here? Truthfully I like the idea of having one blog again.
I also know that blogs grow and evolve and change. I’ve had some of my followers since the beginning and others are new. What to do? What to do?
So I guess I’m going to sit back and ponder this for a while and I’d love some input from you lovelies! Truth be told I better get back to cleaning so I can show I pull my weight around here… lol 🙂
{and yes I wrote this Tuesday night but posted it Wednesday morning… sue me :)}
Do what your heart desires woman! Although I know what you feel about “sharing” because I don't tend to share mine either
Combine them! What the heck, share away 🙂
Do whatever feels right for you and don't worry about what others may think or feel (I know, easier said than done, right!) – it's your blog, your space, and you should never worry about sharing it. I've learned that lesson. I kept mine so quiet for so long, and when people found out I had one and started asking for the link, I was surprised. Then I had a few tell me I should share it on FB. I don't do that often, but it's amazing how many people support & care about our blogs – don't ever feel shy about that 🙂
I say do you. If this is your blog, do what you want! 😀
We'll read!
Good luck on your decision.
Keep both, but just copy and past the food posts to food blog… I personally don't think you have to create new content.
You may have people who only care about food and don't want to read about the rest of your life.
By re-using content then you aren't battling with yourself to write something fresh.
Just my two cents worth… OK, may a nickels worth
what do people think of you ? I don't know about everyone in the world, but I do you have a world of folks who just adore you !!!Me included! As for the blog, do what you like, I always love food and new recipes are good
I already sent you my input and just remember that you are awesome and we wouldn't stick around if you weren't! {{Hugs}}
I have tried having two blogs too- a picture one- and yea it just never pans out, we can only do so much and it is a lot of work. So yes feel free to post recipes and reviews here
Bah! I feel the same way, I am soo talkative with people and situations I am comfortable with, but put me out of my comfort zone and I clam up! I get embarrassed so easily with people I don't know, and those should really be the people that don't matter. like I love to dance, but only when no one is watching(Chris and Hayes are exempt) I swear I could do anything in front of Chris and not be embarrassed, but I won't even dance in public. In fact I like to stay home, because that is my comfort zone. Sometimes I feel like I should just go live up in the hills and be a hermit. I don't want hardly anyone I know in real life to know I have a blog! My mother in law reads it, and I seriously think that is the reason I don't post all that often. I think of something I want to write about, and then I think no my MIL will read it and I don't want her knowing, or she might take it the wrong way. I wouldn't say we have a touchy relationship, but she has a tendency to get her feelings hurt quite easily, and I probably over worry about it, so I am cautious.
Blah blah blah.
All that and I just wanted to tell you that I feel the same way!
Wish I had some good advice for you…but, as you know, I'm kinda struggling with something similar over at my place. I wonder if the season has anything to do with it…you know, depressing/moody autumn with upcoming Christmas stress? Hope you get it figured out. I'm sure that whatever you do, it'll be great <3