The Saturday Post {51}
Top 5 Posts of the Week
1. the Bump
2. 10 Things to Smile About May
3. Week 33
4. Week 34
This Weeks Posts
10 Things to Smile About May
the Bump
Week 34
Photography Snob
Blast from the Past
2013 – And then I fell off…
2012 – Proud Mommy Moments – Just Socks
2011 – Four Ingredient Dessert
2010 – Awe, sadly there wasn’t one…
Recipes made from the Blog This Week
**Apparently I was lazy this week…**
Instagram Lately
Week’s Happenings
++Memorial Day Weekend, enough said!
++Memorial Day – Remember those who fought so bravely!
++We spent the weekend at the lake
++Toured Pea Ridge Civil War battle Site
++Ate breakfast in Garfield, AR at a fundraiser for the local fire dept. We brought 25 eaters! We wondered if we brought the most people at one time in one group….
++Helped with 5Mile Children’s Camp this week
++My last week before Summer School starts 🙁
++Drs. appt. Everything looks good! Yey!
++We got some rain but still need more!!
++Diver Dan threw me in the pool at 5Mile 🙂
++Girls lunch
++NCHA Weekend!!