Thumbs up for Lane
Have you heard anything about this? I hadn’t until yesterday when my boss suggested our conference that is going on do a photo like this.
huh? Are you as confused as I am?
Don’t worry, I googled it to check it out…
Lane Goodwin is a 13 year old boy located in Beech Grove, KY (western) and is battling cancer. From what I can find, he’s been diagnosed with stage IV (4) rhabdomyosarcoma in 2010.
There is a facebook page that is set up just for support for him. When I clicked “Like” there were 271,000 likes and growing. Celebrities are even getting in on this from Rodney Atkins to Anderson Cooper.
People are posting on youtube, Facebook, Twitter (with hashtag #thumbsupforlane). And you can bet I’m joining in on this. How super of a great way to show support for a little boy who has had cancer since 2010. He had flairups in 2011 and again in 2012. It may not be the miracle he needs, but it’s super fantastic that people are standing behind him.
If you would like to join in individually, click on the links above, but if you’d like to do this as a group, email me a photo and I’d love to create a blogging Ring of Thumbs Up for Lane Goodwin.
So if you’d like to be included in the group photo, please have your photo emailed to me by Sunday October 14, 2012.
What a great idea! I will try to get a photo
Wonderful idea!!
How awesome is that! I will try and get it done but lots of family it town right now, crazy time
Aww that's fun! We have been supporting a kid here in Pueblo like this. It's so heart wrenching to see little kids with cancer.