Squirty is Home
And if Squirty is home, that means, she’s gonna have a baby! Yup! Our Mare got bred! Woopie!!
So we got the phone call on Easter Sunday that she passed the 24-day heartbeat check and all looked good. They knew we were picking her up after that so they gave us a call so we could make plans {something I’m horrible at… lol}
So Friday sitting at work I ran across Chell’s blog post about Oklahoma’s expected weather over the weekend…
Oh my gosh, really? We’re going to Texas. I’m not sure if you’ve looked lately but to get to Texas from Missouri, the most direct route is through Oklahoma. Oy! Luckily We go down I-44 to Big Cabin and down 69 Hwy which takes you through McAlester, Durant, etc. So we would be “bypassing” the terrible weather!
Tbug got to go with us to pick up Squirty so my mom met up with her mom to get her, Hubby & dad had all chores done by the time I got home and so we left mom & dad’s house around 5:30. We got out of there earlier than when we drove down to drop her off. Score!
Or so we thought. They were talking about on the radio a horrible storm headed up out of Oklahoma with quarter-sized hail, terrible rain, etc and we’d be driving right through it. Nothing was happening when we left, we got out on the road between the last exit in MO and Miami and it hit.
At first, it looked like this…. ok not great, but not terrible, just heavy rain…
Then we saw this. OMG really? And it got worse before it got better but there was nowhere to turn around until Miami so we kept on. Dad said if we got to Miami and it didn’t let up we’d stop off there and wait it out or decide if we were headed back home.
But about 15 miles into OK, skies looked like this so we kept on trucking.
Chell {Thanks Chell!!!} gave was emailing me and gave me her cell number and I gave her mine and she was watching the weather for us. She said all looked clear after that :). Yey!
There is a BBQ place in Pryor that we absolutely LOVE eating at and our goal was to stop there for dinner. Tbug loved it… Can you tell?
As we were leaving JL’s BBQ the sun poked its head out of the clouds for a gorgeous sunset.
Tbug kept herself entertained in the backseat playing her GameBoy DS & her iPod. {She kept giving me fits b/c I kept calling it a GameBoy, boy am I old school!}
Now if you are a Nascar fan, you’ll know that Nascar was at the Texas Motor Speedway in Ft. Worth this weekend… um… it’s located between Denton & Ft. Worth, so if you tried to stop at Denton at 12:30 in the morning to get a hotel room… good luck. But we lucked out. We got the last one to be had at the Courtyard Marriott because some guy called and canceled 15 minutes before we got there. Yes I know we should have had reservations, but whatevs. If we didn’t get one we were going to head-on.
We crawled in bed around 1 am {and I couldn’t sleep in my new surroundings}. Hubs set his alarm to go off at 7:30 so we could get up and head on to Grandbury… well some lovely person in an adjacent room set their alarm to go off around 6-6:30 (not sure didn’t have my glasses on at first) and they let it go off for a good 20 minutes. The sad thing… it’s the same tone as my alarm so it woke me up too. They finally hit snooze 20 minutes later and in that 20 minutes it went off again. OY! So we were up and dressed and out of the room just as our 7:30 alarm went off.
Hello Texas Motor Speedway and Race Fans.
My picture obviously doesn’t do it ANY justice. Gosh!
Everything was so green and lush in Texas. It was gorgeous.
The farmer was even bailing hay. I love the smell of fresh-cut hay! This was on the road where Alpha Equine is located.
So we went in, checked Squirty out, they called her from the back barn up and then we finally got to see Smoother Than A Cat, the stud our mare was bred to. He was there this weekend, yey! And the lady even took Tbug in and let her pet him.
While we were checking out the stud, they took Squirty up for the Vet to do one last check on her before sending her home. Once we got up there they did an ultrasound on her and we got to see the baby and watch its heartbeat. {It is the circular blob up in the top with the umbilical cord coming off of it…} Her due date is February 19, 2013.
And then we swapped out halters and headed Squirty to the trailer to take her home.
She knows her truck and trailer! 🙂
She loaded up and on the road we were again! Cue Willie Nelson 🙂
I’ll have a part 2 to this trip too 🙂 But I think I’ve bored you enough with pictures for now. Happy Monday
Awwwww thanks for the shout out 🙂 I just know traveling in potentially bad weather stinks!!
Yeah for A baby Squirty!
We never make reservations when traveling through either. Makes things more exciting.
Congrats, Proud Grandma! 😉
Sorry you had sucky weather though!!!
Awww congrats to Squirty!
Thank goodness the weather didn't get any nastier.
Hope you all had a wonderful day!
Squirty is a very pretty horse. :o)
We went through a hail storm, too. And when we wanted a hotel room Wednesday night, we had to drive a way because rooms were booked for the Masters!
Quite the trip , so exciting. Pop over to my blog , you are a winner
Awe!! I can't wait to see all of the baby horse pictures!
Yay! Yay! yay! So glad you guys were kept safe during all of that mess. Whew.