Year in Review April – June

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So we attempted our first ever garden… Don’t ask me how that one turned out…

We had our first ever Stromboli… Yummo! {oh and ignore the first part where my hubs was a dork in junior high or that I have this freakish memory!}

And then we tried our hand at being Chicken farmers…. don’t ask how that went either!  My eggs still come from the grocery store.

And did you know I can peel an orange?  Apparently, neither did my mom!

So we kidnapped my mom’s dog while she was in Germany.  Hey don’t worry I gave her back… except she looked 100% different!

And here’s 25 more useless and random facts about me… In case you ever wondered…

And Joplin was tragically hit with that mean tornado

And if you have the heart to read this, do so… It’s so tragic but so fantastically written… {Not for the faint of heart!}

This is who I came to be… Who are you?

No those aren’t real guns, they were toys…

The Chicken fairy really liked us… who’d have thunk it!  I still buy my eggs from the store 🙁

I’m a tough girl… Don’t mess with me!

And whether you believe me or not… I swear I didn’t wash my car… Although maybe I should have in August!

p.s. CA Girl… Are you proud of me?  I remembered this week on Friday!  Hot Diggity Dawg!
Go check out one of these fine ladies, or all of them for that matter! 🙂
CA Girl, Emmy Mom, Em of Emilisq, Grumpy Grateful Mom, Impulsive Addict, Janette of Johanson Journey, MiMi Living in France, Runner Mom

0 thoughts on “Year in Review April – June

  1. Mmm…y'know, I printed that Stromboli recipe at the time and NEVER made it! I think that might be something I could attempt over the holidays…

    Great recap! 🙂

  2. Oh wow, I just read the post about the ER doctor…I can't even imagine. That is so scary.
    And those baby chicks are SO cute…sorry you still buy your eggs at the store 😉
    Thanks for recapping with us!

  3. Great recap! That letter from the doctor made me cry. I can't even begin to imagine going through something like that.

    You had a really good start to the garden lol. Too bad it didn't work out! I tried a garden a couple of years ago. I don't guess anyone ever explained how much *daily* weeding and watering and care goes into that. Mine failed too.

    The chicks were awful cute! Did you ever find out where they came from?

  4. Love that you don't mind admitting you weren't cut out to garden or raise chickens…I am going to save myself the hassle and just assume that I wouldn't be good at either!

  5. I love that you were too lazy to peel your own orange!

    And EVERY SINGLE TIME I wash my car, it rains. Even if the forecast predicts NO RAIN. I swear.

    So…no eggs from the chicks?

    Thanks for linking up with us!! =)

  6. Stromboli–you are the second person to say something about it this week. Id better try it!!! Thanks for linking up!!

  7. I bought stuff to make Stromboli at the store yesterday- love it!
    And hey, if you got this posted on Friday you may have even beat CA girl as she was a bit slow this time 😉

    Got your point recorded and off to read some of your links

  8. I've always wanted to raise chickens! Your little chicks were so cute! But I'm guessing the reality of might not be what I expect!

    And I loved your random facts! My 7-year-old had to start wearing contacts–actually only one contact. She couldn't stand to have her eye touched either–It took me forever to get it in the first time, and even longer to get it out!

    Great recap!

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