Going on Vacation: Alaska – July 2020

Let this be known… I’m not here to debate if going on vacation was the right thing to do or not. I was stressed out in the weeks prior to leaving. Stressed beyond belief. I had a few meltdowns. I might be 2. Anyway… the point is… we went on vacation, we had a great time… And here’s what lead us to head to Alaska. We’ll call it the “backstory.”

The initial plans

Alaska wasn’t our first destination.

When my little was about a year old, we were planning a summer vacation. My mom kept mentioning that we should go to Disney World or Disneyland because the little loved Disney so much. I kept saying, let’s hold off until she’s at least 5 or 6. If we’re going to spend that amount of money, I want her to remember it.

Jump forward to last fall.

My husband and I were looking for a vacation for the 2 of us. I don’t know why I think we were just killing time one evening. That’s when he spotted that we could go on vacation to Disney fairly cheaply. Then the debate was on World vs Land. Eventually, we fell upon land because we’d never been to California. Okay, well he had for work, but does that really count?

We talked to my parents and his mom about going to see if they’d be interested. Yup. Got the older daughter on board… and plans started moving forward. (more…)

Lunchroom Lady Brownies

One day last week, I had a rough day. Nothing terrible went wrong per say, just it wasn’t a good day. Again… I’d take it over a really bad day any day of the week, but still. Hmm…… I wonder how many more times I can say day in this paragraph… Anyway, like I was saying before I got off on the day tangent, it just wasn’t a spectacular day. Enter in…

Lunchroom Lady Brownies.

It’s back to school in these parts. I was looking at all the back to school photos on Facebook. I was wondering if I’ve screwed up by not putting Abug in Preschool this fall. She’s only 3. But she is 3. back and forth. Round and round I went. Where I stopped, well feeling lousy about myself. I’m still not sure how I feel about the situation, but we won’t dwell on that another day…. at this point anyway.


How To: The Bang Twist

Ok so I got a little creative this morning and decided to do a little vlog on my hair.  I know, crazy right?  Me doing a vlog first off and secondly about my hair.  I think I’m probably the most hair challenged person in the world.

So here’s my attempt at showing you how to do your hair.

On a side note, if you do this and plan on being outside for a while… make sure you put sunblock on the part on top of your head or else you’ll burn your scalp!  Ouch!