The Saturday Post {29}
Top 5 Posts of the Week
1. Homemade Waffle Batter
4. Review Extravaganza – October thru December
5. Week 11
This Weeks Posts
No Good, Very Bad, Day
Merry Christmas
Review Extravaganza – October thru December
Ft. Worth Trip in a Nutshell
Blast from the Past
2012 – Review Extravaganza – October-December 2012
The Shack: Christmas Party
2011 – Merry Christmas to all and to all a Good Night
2010 – Easily Entertained
2009 – None written on the 28th
Recipes made from the Blog This Week
Homemade Waffle Batter
Pioneer Woman’s Cinnamon Rolls
Instagram Lately
Week’s Happenings
++I made a couple batches of Cinnamon rolls
++I got to hear the babies heartbeat again because of another possible scare. All is good. Oy!
++I’ve had 5 Ultrasounds in 6 weeks… not so normal….
++Christmas Eve
++I still can’t eat steaks 🙁
++Christmas Eve was spent at my parents with my hubby, parents, grandma, aunt, uncle & MIL.
++Christmas Day!
++Morning was spent at Grandma’s
++Picked Tbug up at noon
++Christmas time at my parents house
++Tbug and I went and satisfied my craving for Jimmy Johns because of my momma!!
++Ate lunch with the family
++This was a busy week obviously 🙂
++P.S. this is the last weekend of 2013. Bring on 2014!!