I Decorated Early and I’m Okay with That
Oh, the ever controversial topic of Decorating early for Christmas. There are three people out there:
- Those that criticize
- Those that Love and do so as well
- Those who don’t care.
Number 3…. I’m sorry. I mean I guess I’m glad you don’t care. To each, their own, am I right?
Number 2…. Yey! We’re all in agreeance that this is the most wonderful time of the year! Score!
Number 1…. I’m sorry, I’m not sorry. I sing and listen to Christmas songs year round. I did hold off until November. And if it makes you feel any better, My tree will probably be up until February.
I read a blog post earlier this month (wow, before long I will have to say last month) where a gal explained it quite nicely. She used a little language so I guess that isn’t “nice,” but she basically said, to each their own and quit judging.
For those of you who wonder why I decorated my tree before Thanksgiving, let me explain, although I truly don’t owe anyone an explanation really.
I include my {step}daughter
That statement right there sums it up quite nicely as to why I decorate my tree early. I make sure Tbug is included when we decorate. I think in all the years that hubby and I have been together (this year makes 9 Christmases) she has helped decorate our tree every year but one… that first year.
That first year’s tree… well hubby and I didn’t know how long we’d be together at that point. We had only been dating a couple months. Unfortunately the previous Christmas I was with someone else and I wasn’t sure what all ornaments I would find. She didn’t need to be exposed to my previous life. Truthfully, neither did he, but he was there for me. It was hard to see those past memories. They were of a past life. A life I was okay with at the time. A life that I thought might continue on that route. Then it didn’t. I’m sure it was difficult for him. It was difficult for me. But he was there for me.
But that is neither here nor there. There has only been one tree that Tbug hasn’t helped us decorate as a family. Every year I start studying our schedule and her schedule to make sure she’s around when we put the tree up. Last year we had to do the first weekend of November. This year we could have gotten by with the first weekend of December, but why wait so long?
I saw a study that says if you decorate early, it’s better for your happiness. Tbug and hubby are usually chomping at the bit in October to put the tree up. The last few years it hasn’t been nearly as bad. I haven’t had to tell them, NOT YET. This year I said, this is the day and they were like….okay. That kind of makes me sad, but I’ll deal with it.
Until then, know that I’m number 2 and if you want to decorate early, call me, I’ll come help :).