Cozumel México: Jeeping around Cozumel
When we rented our Jeeps, we had them for 24 hours. We decided that we would do afternoon dives on Saturday since we still had the Jeeps first thing Saturday morning. Now there are 2 ways that Deb books these trips. One is through Funjet while the other is through the hotel. This was through Funjet so we had to take our own group photo. When hubby and I got down there Saturday morning someone thought it would be fun to do it upstairs with the vines. We tried one area and had the Concierge help with the photos, but we were too spread out. So we moved areas and moved in closer together. I had the lady at the front desk help and we went again. This was much better.
This was our jeep we rode around in. Everyone piled in their jeeps and we headed down to the square. Earlier in the week we found the Cozumel letters and thought that could be a fun area to take a group photo.
Deb accidentally got the locations mixed up. We waited at the Cozumel sign while they were at a different one a few blocks down. Eventually we all met up, especially since not many had working cell phones down there.
I set my camera up on a park bench, set the time, decided where I would be in the picture and ran like mad to get in the photo. Jared decided next time I need to take my tripod.
Then Deb, Grady, Jared, Karen, hubby and I ventured over to the other area that Deb thought we were supposed to meet at. We got a picture of Deb & Grady and then hubby ran up like he was going to kiss Grady.
Then I wish I had video of Jared running up to get in the picture because it was hilarious.
Then hubby suggested that Jared pick Grady’s nose. Because sure why not. (Hey mom, it wasn’t us this time…. just hubby’s suggestion)
There were actually coconuts in the Palm tree. Interesting that they didn’t cut them down….
From there we decided to go check out the marina. They guessed this boat to be $25 Million. I’m not sure but it was huge and it was nice. It had living quarters and no expenses looked like they were spared.
It cracked me up that this tree grew out of the side of concrete.
We gawked at this boat for a long time. What was really ironic is we saw the front tie to tie the boat into harbor, but we never saw where the rope ended…. It was weird.
I got made fun of for this picture, but I wanted to prove I was here…. er there….
Finally we decided to venture on around the harbor.
This was right after the big debate on bathrooms…. going in the one you relate with. Okay so why is this picture funny? Well I see Damas on the wall with an arrow pointing to each door. Damas is female. Then there is a man/woman on the blue sign so I joked that this is the place where you could be confused as to which door to enter for which bathroom.
Saturday and Sunday there was a huge fishing tournament. These guys here weren’t happy because their boat wouldn’t start. They were hoping that they’d have it running by 1pm to head out. We wished them luck.
The name of the boat had me singing the song. It had Karen singing too so I sang it again.
And the name of this boat cracked me up.
Finally we decided to head back to the hotel or at least downtown for a little more shopping.
Now I hope these aren’t offensive… but there’s a huge running long joke. So my friend Tiffany one night I was interviewing her. We were sitting at a friends house and they had one of these mugs brought to them as a present. Tiffany forgot I was talking to her because she got to staring at the boob, so we said Ooooo boob instead of the ooooo ball saying. So anytime I see boobs like this I have to send her a picture.
Then we had to go put fuel in the Jeep. We got lost trying to find a gas station because it seems like gas stations are hard to come by. But what really was weird to me was we came to stoplights and there were round abouts in the middle of the intersections. Back home if you have a round about there is no stoplight and vise versa.
We then went back to the hotel, turned in the jeep, relaxed a little and then ate lunch and headed down to board the boat for afternoon dives.