Go Chiefs!!
Oh Kansas City Chiefs you did not disappoint again this weekend! Such a great game. And the best part was this was Tbug’s first stadium game so she got to see a win! Score!!
Thank God for a happy morning baby because this momma bear isn’t so happy in the morning, but baby girl smiles and I break into a smile too. She was sporting her KC Chiefs stuff and was ready for the game.
Earl, Moo and TB went to the game as well so we all rode up together in Earl’s Pathfinder. Hey it seats 7 and we had all 7 seats full :). Earl had balloons in her car for some reason. Hubby and the kids were picking on poor Baby girl and me rubbing them and sticking them in our hair.
Eventually 2 of the balloons wound up on the dash and pretty much rode the whole trip there. It was so great on the drive up passing people and seeing all the Chiefs jerseys and sweatshirts and stuff on the cars. We had to sport too, although we were all dressed in our Chiefs get up!
Normally we tailgate but because of the Chili cook-off the night before, we chose to meet up at 6:30 and drive up the morning of the game (it was a noon game) and eat dinner in Peculiar, MO at the Flying J Denney’s.
From there we got separated because we had to make a quick trip to Walmart. Dan told us to park in Lot 6 (I think…) and we wound up in the wrong parking lot and walked all the way to the stadium from BFE, seriously. I felt like I was running because I was carrying baby girl and trying to keep up with everyone. whew! I got my work-out! We finally met up with everyone in our normal tailgating spot.
Last year when hubby and I went to our first game they had a huge get up set up in front of the stadium so we took Tbug over to see if all that was set up, sadly, it was not. So we went into the Pro Store. Holy Cow, don’t go in there at 1 hour to kick-off, it’s a mad house. So we went ahead and went on up to our seats.
This little one didn’t sleep through the whole game this time. She played with daddy 1st quarter, watched the game from my lap second quarter, ate during 3rd quarter and halfway through 3rd went to sleep and slept through 4th. We’re making progress.
Now we didn’t realize how far we parked away from the stadium until we decided to walk back to the car afterwards. Luckily the golf cart came to our rescue and drove us to the car. Wow, we were way out there!
Baby girl’s first golf cart ride.
She says she enjoyed the game. The final score, 24 Chiefs 10 Jets. Go Chiefs!
On the way home, we stopped in Harrisonville to feed all of us. We chose Pizza Hut. They never claimed it but I think they forgot to make our pizza and then they made the wrong one. Woops. Oh well we finally got our Chicken Bacon Ranch (Tbug picked it) and it was awesome!
With the time change it was a lovely night drive home. It was only like 6:30 in this picture.
Someone was exhausted when we got home.