Week 15

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How far along? 15 weeks 6 days

Total weight gain/loss: eh?  We’ll go by the drs numbers 🙂

How big is baby? The baby is the size of an orange.  4 inches 2.5 oz.  Baby’s proportions are becoming even more normal, since his legs now out measure his arms.

  • You probably can’t feel it yet, but baby is squirming a ton!
  • Baby might even be hiccuping in there.
  • Baby is making lots of progress; it’s joints and limbs can all move now.

Maternity Clothes? I have them but they aren’t a must right now.  When I first got pregnant we got a couple pair of larger sized jeans to get me through for a while and I can still get them on.

Stretch Marks? Um… I’m not really seeing any but I guess I haven’t looked for a while.

Best moment this week? I got to go swimming in a heated indoor pool.  It was extremely nice since I can’t scuba dive or anything like that right now.

Movement? Still not feeling it but I think we have to be getting close, right?

Food Cravings/Aversions? Um… this week no food has really just sounded very good.  I get hungry and get by… oh I did crave an apple, does that count?

What I miss: My clothes fitting.  Actually having a lot of clothes that fit and multiple choices.

What I’m looking forward to: The ultra sound in February!!

Nausea/Vomiting? eh… I’m feeling better than I did in the first trimester.

Labor signs? Let’s sure hope not!  Way to early!

Gender? Don’t know we’re still a few weeks away from knowing 🙁

Belly Button in or out? still in…

Wedding rings on or off? On.

Sleep? I hurt most mornings that I have woken up this week 🙁

Weekly Wisdom: I can’t lay on my back anymore and suck my stomach in flat or even concave like I used to do!  Sad day!

Due Date: Thursday June, 26, 2014.  They’re using this as the due date again.

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