Blog Love
Today’s prompt: Publicly profess your love and devotion for one of your blogger friends. What makes them great? Why do you love them? If you don’t have blogger friends, talk about a real-life friend or even a family member.
But I can’t do that because I have way tooo many bloggers that I love to read, so I’m going to share them with you now. Maybe you can find some loves too 🙂
A Country Girl’s World – She has the best trips and reads the best books. Trust me, I find some books I so need to read after reading her posts!
Janet at A Farm Wife’s Life – Is a gal I was friends with in college. In fact she was one of my very first followers and it’s so fun to keep up with her and her hubby and son while they are living the dream as farmers.
Amber at A Momma on a Mission – Holy cow, the things she keeps up with. 3 kids, two of which are twin boys… going to school to be a Nurse Practioner, and everything else. She wears me out just reading and I love it!
Lourie at CA Girl – Is so fun to read. She is a mom of 3 kiddos and going to college for English. She’s crazy busy but she always had fun posts when she has a moment to post.
IA at Confessions from an Impulsive Addict – She’ll have you rolling on the floor laughing!
Doti at Doti…Rambling on at Lambeth Castle – Doti is my girl. She’s my friend. We were friends in college and then wound up moving to the same town. It’s fun to read her blog though to keep up what’s going on at the homestead… you know when she forgets to text me (hehe… love you!!)
Emmy at EmmyMom – is a married mom of 3 great kiddos. She also is so darn creative! I wish I had half the creativeness she has! Plus her fabulous photography. It’s enough to be jealous of 🙂
Stacy at Family Life – Stacy found me first but I”m so glad she did. She lives up in Canada along with Jill (below) and Lindsay (below) and it’s so fun to follow along with her and her kiddo’s life. Her daughter says some of the funniest things and it’s just great to follow along.
Nicole at Farmgirl Chaos – What can I say, she is so awesome in the kitchen at baking cupcakes. She also does these really awesome projects, but I’m still so impressed with all of her cupcakes she makes.
Sherry at Fern Valley Appaloosas – is someone I have a lot in common with when it comes to horses. I love to watch her pictures of her pooch Winston as well. And another thing, she’s from Canada, I love learning about people, but especially people from other parts of the country and the world!
Happier than a Pig in Mud – I just love the name and she shares some of the best recipes and fun things to do.
Jessica at Heart on Homestead – has my absolute passion for photography. It’s so fun to follow along and see all the wonderful parties she and her family throw, plus all the fun she and her friends have through their adeventures, parties, raising money for Relay for Life, and of course the 5K’s she’s been running.
Jill at Jill’s World – OMG what can I say. I absolutely love to read Jill’s posts between learning about Saddie, to her love for hockey and all of her tv crushes! She keeps me informed on new music and tv I must watch.
Kenzie at Life and Lemons make Lemonade – Is such a fun read as well. It is fun to read about the adventures she and her family partake in as well as right now she’s doing a squat challenge. I’m trying it along with her… my butt and hips hurt 🙂
Angie at Life of a Housewife – she and I could so be friends. They spend their weekends doing a lot of the same things my friends and I do. You should so check out their fun.
Rebekah at Life with the Edwards – is such a fun read. She and her husband are expecting soon, so it’ll be a fun journey following along with them on this new experience in their life!
Megan of Mackey Madness – I can’t say enough good things about this girl. She’s a new momma who can do a lot! And her husband is a firefighter… an RN and a firefighter take on the world 🙂
Melissa at Melissa Good Taste – is fun because not only does she show Cutting Horses and is married to a trainer, but she loves to do restaurant reviews which is fun in my opinion as well.
Linda at Me – I love to watch Linda’s blog because she and her husband have just moved and they are doing remodeling at their new house. She’s also leaves such great comments on my blog that make me smile.
Heather at My GurleeGirrl World – Heather has the best painted finger nails ever and she even does her sweet daughter’s nails. I’m ready for her to come down here and do mine! She also has other awesome things as well!!
Tezzie at Not Always Picture Perfect – Tezzie always takes such wonderful photos. I’m always mezmerized by the photos she takes, plus she lives across the big blue pond so I get to see and experience a different side of the world through her eyes/camera.
HickChickBritt at Olson’s Travels – I am so absolutely happy she found me. And if nothing else, she has a beautiful baby boy (can you use beautiful for boys… rugged and manly). I feel like I know her like she was a friend in school.

Sherry at Our Sweet Life – Sherry is in Lawschool and a mom to almost 3. She’s getting closer and closer to her due date! Holy cow, she is definitely one person you want to follow and see what new and great things she’ll do.
Janna at Perception is Everything – If you want to check out a beauty, just go here. Seriously :). But no, Janna is so real and awesome. Plus she’s a military spouse!
Jessie of Rose Valley Ranch – I’m not real sure how I found Jessie, but she and I have had a lot in common throughout. She may not post real often, but when she does, I’m always drawn in to see what she’s been up to and to “catch up” on what’s been going on.
Shawn at Seriously Shawn – Is one of the co-hosts (along with IA) for Talk to us Tuesday. She talks about some of the best things, as well as has two beautiful daughters that always have funny stories she can use! 🙂
Lindsay at Small Town Kind of Life – Who doesn’t have a button and no way I could link to any of her pictures… … was one of my very first followers of people I didn’t know. I have no idea how she found me but I’m sooo glad she did! She’s one of my fellow Canadian friends who I swear someday I’d love to meet and make her and Jill and Stacy show me the ropes!
Kellie at Smell my Dairy Air – OK, not only do I absolutely love the blog name, but she’s awesome. It is fun to read about all the snow they’ve been getting and just be lucky I don’t live there 🙂 She’s just an awesome Alaskan transplant to Wisconsin.
Tiffany at The Coffeehouse – What can I say, she has a lab that just cracks me up and I really think I can relate with mine! And her posts just crack me up.
Carissa at The Green-Eyed Lady Blog – always keeps me up to date with the current fashion trends. I love it and her cute baby (who is growing up way to fast!) is so cute to watch.
Sarah at The House Ag Built – Is a 1st grade teacher who is teaching her students about Agriculture through the Flat Aggie project. Flat Aggie is sent around the country to different types of Agriculture so that her students can learn about the wonderful world of Agriculture.
Janette at The Johanson Journey – is one of those ladies who is not only gorgeous but you just wonder how she does it all. Working full time and has a wonderful beautiful family of 3 kids along with her husband. I just love seeing what they are up to.
Lauren of The Life of a Modern Day Wife – Is extremely fun to follow because she’s just a few months older than me so I’m always telling her around her birthday to keep me informed of if that next birth year is fun or not… lol :). She also just started a new job.
Husband’s blog. He doesn’t post very often but usually when it does, he has something extremely sweet on his mind. What can I say, I’m partial!
Sarah at Then Comes Life – She and her dr husband were married juts after my husband and I were married. I feel like I have followed her journey all along and now she and her husband have a beautiful baby boy.
Stef at Too Much To Do So Little Time – She was one of my first finds through the Pioneer Woman’s post. We had an instant connection with our love for PW and she’s also the first blogger friend I’ve met (other than Doti & Janet because I went to school with them).
I feel like a broken record and I’ve shared soooo many blogs here. I read way more than these, I’m just trying to share the love. You really should check all these out because they all bring something different to the table! Hope you find some new awesome reads!
Oh fun! These sound like some great women bloggers to read about and “hang out with.” And I didn't know your hubby had a blog…bet you had something to do with that. Haha! I'll have to check these out in my new found free time. Last exam tonight and then some much needed rest! 🙂
Thanks for the shout out my sweet friend!!! You follow lots of great blogs. 😀
Wow! I can't believe you connect with that many people on a regular basis! Seriously have no clue how you do it! Do you make them all feel as special as you do me? haha
Awww thanks!!!! and I hope you love the books that you read! 🙂
Aw thanks so much for the shout out!! You rock! 😀
Thank you so so much!!! So kind of you! I haven't read a lot of these blogs will have to check them out