Orange Zest/Orange Juice
Every once in a while I get into a bind of my fruit won’t last until I’m ready for it or need it. I had that problem with oranges here recently. I really wasn’t in the mood to eat them {I ate a lot earlier this year so I’m still kind of burnt out} but I didn’t want them to go to waste either!
So I used my Microplane or zester, whichever you’d like to call it and took off the yummy outside. Hey it’s great in recipes as long as you don’t get into the white!
Then I cut my oranges in half and squeezed until I couldn’t squeeze anymore, then I got my hubby to help.
The zest went into a container and popped it right in the freezer. Now it’s ready to go anytime I need orange zest.
The juice, I went to the dollar store, bought some “old fashioned” ice cube trays {sorry it doesn’t seem like you find them much anymore} and you pour the orange juice into the trays. Pop the trays into the freezer for a few hours or over night so that the juice will be come hard. Then pop them out of the trays into a ziplock bag {work quickly b/c they thaw fast} and put the ziplock back in the freezer. Now you have fresh orange juice anytime you need it as well. You have a couple tablespoons per cube tray and they thaw really fast.