The Everyday "Stuff"
Life is Fast! Blink your eyes and you could all together miss it. I swear, I just got married yesterday when the reality of the whole thing is I was married a little over 2 years ago. Wow, where has the time gone? And I’m not going to lie, I think one of my worst fears is getting Mr. Alzheimer’s. I’m afraid I’ll forget all those special moments that make up our every day life.
Yes, we all pull out our camera a birthday parties or special events, but what about those every day routine’s that some day we’ll be able to show our grand kids or our grand kids could show their grandkids about the way great great grandma/grandpa lived back in the year 2012 and can you believe there even was such a year… What on earth did they drive, now we have rocket ships or beam ourselves places… ok I’m getting a little far out there, but hey, you never know, back in the late 80’s cellular phones were just coming out and most people didn’t know what they were or even own one… It could happen.
Anyway… Why don’t we photograph those everyday moments that are special to us? Well I do, but that’s one because I’m a blogger and two, I like pictures. I get made fun of a lot though.
They types of things I’m talking about…
1. Catch the Everyday Mundane routine
There are things we do every day of our lives that is just kind of the norm for us, from waking up in the morning and fixing our hair/putting make up on to training for our 5K to heck, brushing your teeth. Remember those everyday routines.
How about the motivation I get from taking photos before our run and posting to Facebook after the week is over. |
Like grilling hamburgers or petting the pooches |
And seriously, who can forget brushing their teeth. So routine. |
2. Don’t forget the Details
To me, details are important. Those details are what help make you… well you.
How about 1st anniversary traditions. |
Holding hands, going to the movies or having a family night playing John Deere Monopoly |
3. Life isn’t perfect, don’t forget to document that either.
And remember, life isn’t perfect. Heck my car keys have been through the washer twice. What’s sad is two different sets of car keys, one would think after the first round one (I) would remember to check pockets, but I suck at that. I should start taking photos of all the random things I take out of my washer, that could be cool, right?
Keys get washed, it’s funny. Remember those funny moments! |
4. Be Real – Remember the Favorites
Take pictures of the moment. Be real. Not every time someone is looking at the camera or even “camera ready”. Sometimes those make some of the best photos.
Like just chilling, waiting to help build a fence. |
Apparently the light was too bright for her… |
Don’t we all go to work without shoes on? J/k, my shoes were in the car. |
5. Show Personality
We all have a personality. It isn’t always bright and sunny either. Don’t forget to document that. That makes people in photos become REAL. And that of course is what we all are.
They are all so deep in thought to the point, none of them really knew I was snapping their photo. |
Sometimes you yell Smile and this is what you get. Hey, go with it. |
Are these photos masterpieces? No, probably not… but do you get a sense of feeling for us and our lives, I would hope so. That was my goal anyway.
Happy Friday. Go out this weekend and create memories!
And I’ll leave you with one last photo, if this doesn’t show personality and real life, I’m not sure what does…
Oh, I totally agree. People who only want “staged” photos or maybe a few pictures of special events are going to regret it one day. Your comment about Alzheimer's reminds me of my greatest fear. Yes, I'm afraid I'll forget all of these wonderful times…thank goodness for blogging to help us preserve these times. One of my favorite books/movies is The Notebook, and I can only hope that if I do develop Alheimer's/dementia, my husband will read my blog books to me so that I will remember at least for a short time. Yes, you have truly caught the essence of your real life with those…looks great! 🙂
You are so right – we tend to only grab out camera for photo “opps” and not everyday just to capture our lives. I'm trying to break this – it's sad to think I see my mom EVERYDAY but only get a pic of her around the holidays.
Also – love that last pic!!!! The hubs is smiling so nice 🙂
Love the idea of capturing the mundane aspects of our lifes. Those are keeper pics, not ones marked for delete because they are not perfect.
Gah I am horrible at this. I always make some excuse. I have a point and shoot that I got last year, but it is so slow to recycle! If I try to take pictures inside Hayes is already in my lap by the time the flash goes off. Grr it is so frustrating. Then there are times that we are outside and I am just too lazy, or sometimes I don't want to be the annoying embarrassing one with a camera. Maybe this should be goal for 2013? But I need to start practicing my goal now!
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John Deere Monopoly? Get out!!! THAT would be a huge hit in our house.
Visiting you from the No Rules Weekend blog hop. Awesome post!
fun, I carry my camera everywhere, you just never know when that picture needs to happen
Everyday moments are important to remember. I'm finding my memory of my childhood is not the best anymore which is SCARY! I want to remember it ALL!
Thanks for sharing with my NO RULES Weekend Blog Party 🙂
Thank you so much for stopping by and linking up last friday…. so sorry I am a lame – o and just now getting around 🙂
This is definitely a great reminder!! These also make me giggle, so they are absolutely worth capturing.
I know as a photographer I sometimes feel this pressure to only post nice edited pictures on my blog — but then yea that isn't always real. So while I won't put total crap shots up I also don't edit every picture I put up either.
You are so right, it is so important to capture as many pictures as you can. That is why I love my phone so much, it might not be a fancy DSLR, or whatever, but I have it on me all the time. I am always taking random pictures with it. Because, what if, one day you forget. Alzheimer's is so scary! My great grandpa got Alzheimer's and it was the worst thing I have ever experienced. We were so close, and it was so hard on all of us.