Straight out of the Camera

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One of my goals in the 101 in 1001 is to learn Photoshop.  I haven’t mastered it yet.  I need to find time to sit down and work with it!  That wasn’t the case this weekend.  This was the same day as PC and my dad cleaning out my dad’s fence row to fix the fence so the cows couldn’t get over on my grandpas.  I was in photo taking mode!  I photographed everything I could. 

Here Audrey is watching PC & Tbug unload a log.

I can’t figure out for the life of me what is between Mudflap and me…

Nope can’t tell from this angle either….

Morelli decided it was too hot in the sun with his black coat so he came over to the shade of the truck.  It was about 80 degrees that day.  This morning we had frost and frozen dog water 🙁  That’s the difference of 2 weeks.

And my Relli dog HATES having his photo taken
I’m not sure why he hates it so much but he has since he was a pup.

trying for a different perspective.  Wasn’t completely happy with this photo…

haha… that’s my little man!

Then as I was walking back to the house Munchkin wanted his photo taken… LOL

And Sis couldn’t be left out.  I had my zoom lens on so it was difficult not to cut parts of her out!

Then I was standing on my parents back deck and spotted Joe so I had to get his photo too!

Peace, Love and my critters!

9 thoughts on “Straight out of the Camera

  1. Sis is beautiful! I know you want to learn photoshop, but have you tried or They are both really fun sites to play with your pictures. Just a thought!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Awwww…loving all your creatures!!! (a little special love to your Relli; he reminds me of a couple of dogs from my childhood <3)

    And, thanks so much for your vote…means a lot to me 🙂

  3. Photoshop is an amazing program, and it scares the you know what out of me. It's all very technical to me. I like the push a button and poof perfect picture!

    Love all your critters! And so would my daughter.

  4. Love the dog pictures but then I love dogs. I've got a lot of catching up to do. I've been MIA with the stress of take out and all those open gates. Still love ya, just been so dang busy.

  5. Great photos! I know nothing about photoshop!! A few basics that I saw Jasmine Star doing and that's about it. I have toms of free actions I have downloaded but I can't even get them look right!!

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