Moving Cows
Well it’s spring time in the Ozarks. Time to start thinking about moving the cows home and off our hay field so the hay can grow.
The cows were real excited about being hauled too…. ha! Really they weren’t to bad. Dad got a little upset at us and said his cows wouldn’t work like we thought they would. sigh. Seems like we can’t work stupid cows without people having fits and everything else. Our friends came over to help both physical bodies as well as bringing the trailer to help haul since our trailer is only a 16′ and holds very few at once.
As we were loading a set of cows in the trailer… Grady got…. got.
We only had a few cows who didn’t participate correctly and eventually we got all but 2 loaded. We decided to leave those 2 in the field and then we’d get them at a later date and just haul them to the sale barn because we didn’t need those crazy cows.
Hubby was able to get them caught on Wednesday so he and Jared went over, loaded them up, and took them to my parents house to the round pen until we load them up to haul them on Sunday to the sale barn. Again, we don’t need those crazy heifers.