Fall fashion | Blogtober ’14

Truthfully when it comes to fashion at all I’m so far out of the loop it isn’t even funny. I doubt anyone wants to dress like me especially right now while I’m in weird sizes trying to drop the last of this baby weight. I sure hope if I ever do that my favorite clothes I had still fit…. I’m scared!

So seasonal fashion means nothing to me either… I typically wear jeans all year round and boots. Now in the summer you may catch me in shorts or capri’s but usually it’s boots and jeans. So here’s my style…



Favorite quote and why | Blogtober ’14

Hmmm… my favorite quote. Are you read to laugh? My favorite quote comes from the movie “Fool’s Rush In,” with Matthew Perry and Salma Hayak.

You are everything I never knew I always wanted.

I watched this movie for the first time when I was a freshman in college. One of my dorm friends had it and she told me to watch it. In fact I think I watched it just after I’d been dumped, but I can’t guarantee that one. Anyway she made a sign on her wall with this quote and I absolutely Loved it! So she printed me one off as well and it stuck on my wall every room I lived in since then until I was married.

Not only does the way that Matthew Perry delivers that speech (quote) make it awesome but the thing that it really implies/says makes it even better.

Helene in Between


Funniest memory from childhood | Blogtober '14

So when I was a little kid my dad built a hay barn on our place. It had dirt floors and it sucked when it rained. So Dad finally decided to put concrete in the floors to avoid moldy bales that were against the dirt floor. The concrete truck came to pour the concrete and then dad and a couple others were going to spread it out. I went to help my dad spread it out with the boys and I had on my dad’s mudboots. My boots got stuck in the concrete and I fell backwards on my butt in the concrete. All the guys laughed and I was embarrassed. I was only like 6 or 7 at the time. I ran to the house crying my eyes out.

Too bad I don’t have any pictures of that…

Or how about the time we were in Duncan Oklahoma at a horse show and I was trying to qualify for the AQHA World Show.  This was the last weekend to be able to qualify so I had a lot riding on this.  I went out to show and won. When I heard that I won my dad said something to me and as I went to crawl off China (my horse) I fell off. Yup, it happened.

Helene in Between

Favorite Fall recipe | Blogtober ’14

So maybe this hasn’t always been my favorite fall recipe, but it’s a new one I tried a few weeks ago and YUM! So being fall Pumpkin is definitely in. We went to Dive Club meeting and hubby asked what we were going to take and I stumbled across this recipe for Pumpkin Roll. Yum!  I knew I’d really like to try that but he’s not sooooo much into the whole pumpkin thing, but I gave it a shot anyway. Now here’s the thing… he actually liked it. Score!

So what you need:

  • For the Cake:
  • 1/4 cup powdered sugar (to sprinkle on towel)
  • 3/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 2/3 cup 100% Pure Pumpkin
  • For the Filling:
  • 1 pkg. (8 oz.) cream cheese
  • 1 cup powdered sugar
  • 6 tablespoons butter or margarine
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Powdered sugar (optional for decoration)

Preheat oven to 375° F. Grease 15 x 10-inch jelly-roll pan; line with wax paper. Grease and flour paper (I like to use Baker’s Joy, it does both in one spray can!).  


Best advice you’ve been given | Blogtober ’14

Wow, this is a real thinker that’s for sure! Obviously we’ve all been given loads of advice, both good and bad. So let’s go with this gem…

Smile and Nod.

It gets you through difficult things. It gets you through things you don’t agree with. It gets you through you didn’t hear. It gets you through things you don’t know. It just gets you through. So the next time you’re wondering how to answer and don’t know the answer… Smile and Nod 🙂

Helene in Between

If you were president | Blogtober '14


I would want World Peace.

Oh wait, that’s if I were Miss America or was it Miss USA… (think Miss Congeniality).

If I Ran for President

  • Women would get at minimum 6months Maternity leave up to a year.
  • Men would get 6 weeks Paternity leave.
  • Affordable further education.
  • Teachers wouldn’t be at the bottom of the pay scale. Teachers make a difference!
  • There would be higher criteria for some things and lower for others.

But see this is all sort of trivial things… There are bigger issues that should be addressed but I don’t want to start a huge debate because we are all entitled to our own opinions so… Happy Saturday and I’ll leave you at that 🙂

Helene in Between

I never thought blogging would… | Blogtober '14

In October of 2009 I woke up one random Monday morning and jumped on facebook before I went to work. A friend of mine started a blog. Wait, a what? What is a blog? So I jumped over to blogger.com which is what he used and signed up. I played around on it for a minute and wrote the most creative post ever. The most epic piece of writing there ever could be. and then hit publish and went to work. Now here we are almost 5 years later to the day and look what has evolved. So, what has 5 years of blogging taught me?

I never thought blogging would….

1. Improve my photography
2. Improve my Writing Skills
3. Be so fun
4. Introduce me to great things
5. Actually get me free stuff… lol
6. Become so dang addictive
7. Take the place of scrapbooking and be so much easier!
8. Be a place for my thoughts when I’m not sure what else to do with them
9. Cause me to learn html, even if just minimally…
10. Help me make so many friendships

Thank you all for reading! I love you more than you know! You’re here for me when I need you and I hope I’m there for you too! Muah!

Helene in Between

Best or Worst Halloween Memory #TBT | Blogtober '14

So Halloween really hasn’t ever been my thing. I grew up in the country, except for the 4 years I was working on my Bachelor’s degree, otherwise, trick-or-treating wasn’t really a thing. Our town used to have a huge thing for kids to come up and parade around the square and sometimes my parents would take me up there, especially since my mom’s work was up there, but otherwise… nope. I dressed up in grade school because that’s what we all did. You’ll also learn pictures weren’t really taken when I was a kid so I was lucky to find this picture from 4th grade…

Hmmmm can you figure out which one is me??

So then in college one year some friends of mine decided that they were going to dress up. I really didn’t have clothes other than normal every day clothes so they ransacked my roommates closet and dressed me as a “slut”. I always thought that was ironic… her every day clothes and they said I looked like a slut. hmmm…. The shirt, although you can’t tell from this picture is one of those that has the 2 crisscross straps in the back holding it together, otherwise it’s backless… Oh and randomly we thought it would be fun in the dorm halls to masking tape our bodies all through the halls.

And finally, the last time I dressed up was a few years ago, circa 2009. My PEO chapter got together for an after Halloween party and we were all to dress up. At work I used to get called Secretary Barbie (which actually does exist) and so I thought I’d dress the part as a joke.

So definitely not very exciting memories… non are good or bad. I just really have never had any fun on Halloween I guess… I dunno. I’m ready to change that this year though with da baby!

Helene in Between

Letter To Yourself in 10 Years | Blogtober '14

Dear 10 year older me,

Wow where do I even begin? Right now life is absolutely crazy! You’re in Grad school working on your Master’s in English. Obviously different than your bachelor’s but Dr. Carlson made you feel very good about that fact last week after class. Baby girl was born this summer. That has been quite the learning curve. It’s been a lot of lost sleep which you really enjoy but you wouldn’t change it for anything, although you might have told her if she didn’t go back to sleep you’d take her to grandma or memaw that one night. Hey they let her sleep all day… Monday night she spent her first night away from mommy and daddy. Yup, you cried as you drove out the driveway. And if all of this isn’t enough, let’s add packing up your house because you might have “accidentally” sold it. It’s so much fun to tell people accidentally; the looks on their faces are priceless.

Right now you’re still working on losing that baby weight. Some days it gets you down because you have very few clothes that really fit and you kind of refuse to buy bigger clothes because you don’t want this to be where you stay weight wise. You keep reading that it took you almost 10 months to put the weight on so don’t be so hard on yourself, but that is very difficult!

So today you should be writing a paper… and you will but you really don’t want to so you are procrastinating. Shame on you. It would be nice if you didn’t do things like that! It stresses you out and I think adds to those gray hairs that your nice husband (I’m talking to you Mark) keeps pointing out to you. Referring to your hair, you keep wanting to get highlights but you’re finally back to your natural hair color and you really want to chop it off. Again… it’s one of those things you’re afraid to do so you’re not real sure what to think or do so we just sit on it.

Currently you absolute love photos. You’re loving your Nikon D7100 and your Kelly Moore 2Sues Bag. What can you say, best taste you have. haha! You’re MacBook Pro is your favorite computer… thanks to your husband. You love an iPhone (6). Apparently Mac’s are your thing and Nikon is your gig. Your point and shoot is a Nikon as well. ha!

I just wanted to give you a very small glimpse of what the year 2014 looks like for you… oh and btw, don’t forget to tell your daddy Happy Birthday tomorrow! I know you won’t though… just a reminder :).

10 year younger me

And obviously you can be serious when you have your picture taken…

Helene in Between

Best/Worst Vacation | Blogtober ’14

Not going to lie… this particular prompt really stumped me. Why you might ask… well because I can tell you the BEST vacation but the worst vacation was a bit harder. I went through all vacations trying to decide if I even had a worst vacation… yeah some aren’t nearly as good as others but a worst… then I finally came up with this one…

Now I absolutely LOVED this vacation! Why would it be the worst? Well, because… let me explain.
The trip: 1995 – Charleston, South Carolina.

This was the summer I turned 12. I begged and begged my parents to let me go with my grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousin and my grandma’s cousin to South Carolina. They usually went every other year and this just happened to be the year. My parents weren’t ever able to go and I really wanted to go to the ocean. They finally decided they’d allow me to go. This was the first trip I had ever been on without my parents and I was many states and miles away from my parents for a whole week. Now granted I was with family but not my parents. Home sickness kicked in big time. Cell phones really weren’t a thing back then so I had to use the house phone to call my parents. I called home every. single. day. There were nights I went to bed crying because I missed my parents. In the end I’m sooooo glad I went and I had an absolute blast when we kept the home sickness at bay… but… because I was home sick, I would say this was probably my worst trip to date.

Now the Best trip…
That is absolutely EASY!
The absolute best trip would be to Hawaii for our 1 year anniversary in 2011!

Post 1 – Friday night
Post 2 – Saturday
Post 3 – Saturday
Post 4 – Sunday Post 5 – Sunday   Post 6 – Sunday  Post 7 – Monday  Post 8 – Pineapple Selection Post 9 – Tuesday (Vow Renewal)  Post 10 – Tuesday Post 11 – Wednesday Post 12 – Thursday 
Post 13 – Friday

Yes I broke that trip down into 13 posts… sorry! But… I took over 2,500 photos. I went there with at least 6 cameras… I had my Nikon D5000, my Kodak underwater camera, My Nikon Point and Shoot, my iPhone, Hubby’s iPhone and my Mom’s iPhone… yeah I figured I’d only be in Hawaii potentially once in my life so I took a crap load of pictures. I was absolutely ready to move here after a week there but realized that wasn’t an option. Someday though I will go back :).


Helene in Between