Quilting Lessons
Earlier this year a friend of mine shared a quilting website where the lady gives quilt patterns every Wednesday. Abug and I have been working our way through all the patterns. Tbug, being on spring break got to spend one extra day with us and I thought it would be fun to have her making a quilt top also.
So Abug has been “helping” me work on hers. We go down to grandma’s one day a week and work on a couple of patterns at a time. When we showed up to grandma’s, I thought it would be fun for Tbug to work with her great-grandma also, but grandma wasn’t there. She was at voting school (she runs the local polls). We went ahead and went up to grandma’s sewing room and I had Tbug working on the first 2 patterns. I’d already done them so I knew they should be fairly easy for me to teach her.
She told me she didn’t know how to sew. While I can’t sew a button on a shirt or fix a pocket in a pair of pants, I have made 2 quilts and a few blankets so I can sew with a machine. She did the first 2 patterns and then got tired of it I guess. I think it’ll take a while, but she’ll get to make her own quilt and hopefully spend some time with her great-grandma in the process.
And… the cool thing… She did an excellent job! And I’m the only one who walked away with an accident. Abug accidentally cut me with a pair of scissors… Another story for another day, I guess….