Clothes Nazi
I have become the clothes nazi at our house… kind of like the soup nazi… (think Seinfeld…)
I don’t ask much of Tbug because she isn’t here. I’d like her to spend her time with us versus cleaning her room, etc. The one thing I ask is for her to put her dirty clothes in the laundry so that I can wash them. That way I’m not going around trying to figure out where all she put her dirty clothes… I’ve found them under toys, behind the bed, under the bed, in the bathroom, yada yada yada.
So the one thing I ask of her is to put her clothes in the laundry. 1 thing. That’s pretty much it. Recently (like a couple months ago) I just happened to stumble in to her room and realized there was a wet towel on the floor along with night clothes and whatever she wore that day. I was pretty upset and took them all away. Eventually I gave them back but made hubby tell her how upset I was because me telling her doesn’t seem to do much…
We wound up with her here 3 weekends in a row. Last weekend she got some new clothes. Wore them on Monday. I reminded her to put her clothes in the laundry as she was changing back into her mom’s clothes only to find all the clothes she had worn on her bedroom floor. This was after I reminded her to put them in the laundry. I took them all away.
When we picked her up on Friday I told her she lost one of her new shirts and I’m not really sure when she’ll get it back. I was pretty upset. Saturday she got another new shirt. When she was getting ready to leave on Sunday I told her to put her laundry in the dirty clothes as well as had Abug remind her. I went in to her room after she left and found the above picture. <sigh>
So I have a bunch of brand new once worn clothes sitting in my room. I don’t know how to get it through her head to put her clothes in the laundry. I’m beating my head against the wall. She’s only here every other week, she doesn’t solely rely on just those few clothes. Hubby told me to take away all her clothes except 1 outfit that was hideous and didn’t match.
He told her she’d get them back in a month and she’d have to do the laundry. Nothing seems to be working. I sent her the above picture and her response was there are no words. There are no words? No clothes for you…. ack!
Wow 2 posts in a row talking about poor Tbug. I love the kid, don’t get me wrong! I really do. This is just one of those things I have to record because it really isn’t worth getting upset about but it’s frustrating all in the same. Now I just have to figure out how to get it through her head to put her dirty clothes in the laundry. I even gave her her own laundry basket and that didn’t work either. HELP!